世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/10/22 13:32
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  • Are there any tickets left for. . . tonight?

  • Are there any tickets still available for. . . tonight?

  • Can I still buy tickets for. . . tonight?

If you are looking to watch a specific movie, it would be good to mention the movie's title.
"Are there any tickets left for Spider Man tonight?"
"Are there any tickets still available for Spider Man tonight?"
"Can I still buy tickets for Spider Man tonight?"

"Are there any tickets left for Spider Man tonight?"

"Are there any tickets still available for Spider Man tonight?"

"Can I still buy tickets for Spider Man tonight?"

Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any tickets left for the late showing of the movie?

  • Are there any more tickets for the late night movie tonight?

"Are there any tickets left for the late showing of the movie?" can be asked when you are wanting to know if there are any more tickets left to a late night movie at the cinema.

Are there any tickets left for the late showing of the movie?は、映画館のレイトショーのチケットが残っているか聞きたい時に使うことができます。

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get a ticket for tonight?

  • Can I buy a ticket for tonight?

  • Can I purchase a ticket for tonight?



最初のが一番カジュアルで、下に行くほど丁寧なニュアンスです。get は「手に入れる」、buy は「買う」、purchase は「購入」といった感じです。


Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Do you have any tickets left for the late-night movie?

  • Are there any tickets still available for that movie?

Do you have any tickets left for the late-night movie?
You are not sure if there are any tickets available, so you need to ask. You can ask using any of the above questions.
1. I'd like to see Tomb Raider, do you have any tickets left?
2. I'm here to see the late night movie, are there any tickets available?

Do you have any tickets left for the late-night movie?


1.I'd like to see Tomb Raider, do you have any tickets left?

  1. I'm here to see the late night movie, are there any tickets available?
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any tickets for tonight's late show?

"Are there any tickets for tonight's late show?"

"Are there" asking if they have any
"Tonight" you are specifically asking for that evening
"Late Show" that is referring to the last show for that day

"Are there any tickets for tonight's late show?"

"Are there"は、相手が持っているかどうかを尋ねるフレーズです。
"late show"は、1日の遅い時間のショーのことを言っています。

Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any tickets left for tonight's show?

  • Are there any tickets still available for tonight?

  • Can i still buy a ticket for tonight?

If you are asking if there are tickets left it is always good to add when you would want them for so by saying "are there any tickets left for tonight?" it explains you are looking for a ticket and when for (tonight)
Available means you can still get hold of or there are still some left

Are there any tickets left for tonight?

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any tickets left for the late showing of the movie?

  • Can I still buy tickets for the movie tonight?

  • Are there still tickets available for tonight?

The word "showing" is very common in the US to explain when a movie or show will be presented.
The term "late showing" describes the time when the last movie will be playing.
If you want to know if any tickets are still available, you can ask if there are any tickets available or left for purchase.
For example:
Can I still buy tickets for the late showing of (title of movie)?
Are there any tickets left for the late showing of (title of movie)?

"late showing"は、最後の映画が上映される時間を表します。


Can I still buy tickets for the late showing of (title of movie)?

Are there any tickets left for the late showing of (title of movie)?

Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have tickets left for tonight's late movie?

  • Do you have any tickets left for tonight?

When you want to watch a late-night movie and want to ask if there are any tickets left, then you can ask in the following ways:
-Do you have tickets left for tonight's late movie?
-Do you have any tickets left for tonight?
-I'd like a ticket for that late-night movie.


Do you have tickets left for tonight's late movie?
Do you have any tickets left for tonight?
I'd like a ticket for that late-night movie.

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any tickets left for tonight's showing?

  • Are there any tickets left (for ~ tonight)?

映画チケットの販売状態を確認する時、この二つを使ったら問題ないです。直接に訳すと「今晩のチケットを購入できますか」は「Can I purchase tickets for tonight?」になり、このニュアンスは「チケットを買う才能は私にありますか」みたいな変なニュアンスでご注意ください。

Do you have any tickets for Spider-Man left for tonight?

  • Do you still have tickets for the late show

  • Are there still tickets for the late show

日本語でしたら「購入できますか」と言いますが、英語でしたら Do you still have tickets for the late show(レートショーのチケットまだありますか?)と言います。もう一つの言い方は Are there still tickets for the late show です。


  • "Are there any tickets left for the late night movie showing tonight?"

  • "Please can I get a ticket for the late night movie if their are any left?"

If you want to watch a late night movie at the theatre and you want to ask if they have any tickets left for this showing tonight, you could ask either of these questions: "Are there any tickets left for the late night movie showing tonight?" or "Please can I get a ticket for the late night movie if their are any left?",


"Are there any tickets left for the late night movie showing tonight?"(今晩のレイトショーのチケットはまだ購入できますか)
"Please can I get a ticket for the late night movie if their are any left?"(レイトショーのチケットはまだありますか。あれば、買いたいです)

Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Are there any tickets left for tonight?

  • Are there any tickets still available for tonight?

There are not a lot of options to ask this question but feel free to use any of the given examples. I would personally prefer the second option but they both have close meaning.



Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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