Hey there Ono!
A bald man
A bald guy
He's baldと言います。
より丁寧な言い方はhe has not hairです。
The three words you see provided above are words we use to describe someone who does not have hair. Below are some examples to help you better understand how to use these words.
Barney- How old were you when you started going bald?
Marshall- I was 45.
Ted- I think I'd like to shave my head.
Lily- I'm not sure being bald-headed is your look.
Robin- I'm going to that gym you recommended, what does your trainer look like?
Steve- He's tall and hairless, you can't miss him!
Barney- How old were you when you started going bald?(髪が薄くなり始めたのは何歳の時でしたか?)
Marshall- I was 45.(45歳でした。)
Ted- I think I'd like to shave my head.(髪を刈りたいと思います。)
Lily- I'm not sure being bald-headed is your look.(はげ頭は似合わないないんじゃないかな)
Robin- I'm going to that gym you recommended, what does your trainer look like?
Steve- He's tall and hairless, you can't miss him!
When you say someone has no hair on there head then the general term to use is 'Bald' so you would say 'the bald man' this would explain they have no hair
A nicer or more joking/informal way of saying this is 'folically challneged'
Folicals are a word for hairs
'the bald man'は「頭のはげた男性」という意味です。
もう少し優しい/冗談っぽい/インフォーマルな言い方に、'follicly challenged'(頭のはげた)があります。
Someone who has no hair can be described in any of the follwing ways:-
1. Bald.
2. Bald head
3. Shiny bald head
Question: What kind of hairstyle does your father have?
A1 "He is bald"
A2 "He has a bald head"
A3 "He has a shiny bald head".
1. Bald(はげ)
2. Bald head(はげ頭)
3. Shiny bald head(ぴかぴかのはげ頭)
質問:What kind of hairstyle does your father have?(あなたのお父さんの髪型はどんな風ですか)
A1 "He is bald"(はげています)
A2 "He has a bald head"(はげています)
A3 "He has a shiny bald head"(そり頭です)
Situations where this word/phrase is used: social, business, formal, informal
Type of word/phrase: bald, hairless - standard language
baldy (noun) - insult, slang
Example of this word/phrase:
"Henry's mate is a complete baldy!"
Bald は普通です。BaldyとChrome Domeはスラングでからかう単語です。
他のスラング:Cue ball (ビリヤードの手球、ほとんど頭が白い人に向いているスラング)
Slap top, melon head
Check out guy flirting with the waitress.ウエートレスをナンパしている男を見て。
Which one? どっち?
Chrome dome standing near DJ. DJ近くに立ているはげ男だ。
Uh-oh. Cue ball coming our way to ask more boring questions.
It is fashionable in America for men to shave their heads and become bald.
Some young men are afraid to have a bald head.
Some men use hair plugs or a toupee to hide being bald.
はげ bald, baldness
It is fashionable in America for men to shave
their heads and become bald.
Some young men are afraid to have a bald head.
Some men use hair plugs or a toupee to hide being bald.
When someone doesn't have hair, they are called bald.
For example.
I shaved all of my hair off today.
Why? You are bald now.
I know. That is what I wanted.
You look good actually.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
「はげ」は英語で「bald」と言います。人を「はげ」と呼んでいる時は「baldy」(バルディー)と言いますがあまりよくないのですね。「はげる」は「go balding」で「はげている」は「to be bald」と言います。
My friend started balding in his 20s; it's a little sad.
Hey, baldy. Don't speak ill of me.