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2016/10/30 14:44
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  • When do you close the outdoor swimming pool?

  • How long are you gonna open the outdoor swimming pool?

それぞれ 何月何日まで営業しているかの答えが返ってくる質問です。 いつまで営業していますか? の代わりに、いつ閉めるんですか? というように、意味を裏返して聞くと尋ね方が簡単になったりします。 また、下のような言い方もしますね。 最後にオープンする日はいつですか?のように聞くこともできます。 例 When is the last day that the outdoor swimming pool is open? 屋外プールの最後の営業日はいつですか?
  • What are the opening times of the swimming pool?

  • When does the swimming pool close?

You can ask the owners: What are the opening times of the swimming pool? This way they can inform you of the dates that the swimming pool is open. You can also ask the closing times of the swimming pool by asking: When does the swimming pool close? I hope that helps!
プールのオーナーさんにこう聞こことができます。 What are the opening times of the swimming pool? こう聞くと、相手はプールがオープンする日を教えてくれるでしょう。 また、このようにプールが閉まる時間を聞くこともできます。 When does the swimming pool close? 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • When do you close for the season?

  • What is the last day you are open this year?

In tourist areas especially, many facilities, shops, cafes or shows only operate during the holiday season, or the summer season. If you go on holiday towards the end of the season, it may be quite important to check the last day that a place is open as you may otherwise arrive and be disappointed if it is already closed: "When do you close for the season?" "Tomorrow is our last day." "OK thanks, we'll be back tomorrow!"
観光地で、特に施設やショップ、カフェやショーは、ホリデーシーズンでしかやっていないところも多いですね。シーズンの終わりころにホリデーにでるのなら、先にどこが空いているかどうかを調べておかないと、閉まってて後悔することになるよ。 "When do you close for the season?" 今期はいつまでやっているんですか? "Tomorrow is our last day." 明日が最後です。 "OK thanks, we'll be back tomorrow!" 了解。明日またくるね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are the opening and closing dates for the summer outdoor pool?

  • Until when will the outdoor pool be open?

>What are the opening and closing dates for the summer outdoor pool? This is a good way of asking. This is asking the open date and the closing date at the same time. In this way you will find out when they will open and close again. >Until when will the outdoor pool be open? *Until=Up to This only asking when it will be closing again.
>What are the opening and closing dates for the summer outdoor pool? プール開きの日とプール納めの日の両方を同時を尋ねる時の良い表現です。 いつプールが始まって終わるかを知る事ができます。 >Until when will the outdoor pool be open? *Until=までという意味です。 いつ終わるかということだけを尋ねる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • When does the outdoor pool close for the season

  • Until what month is the outdoor pool open

If you want to ask what month the outdoor pool closes then you can say 'When does the outdoor pool close for the season'. the season is usually what you call when something is only open a certain amount of months in the year (seasonal) - usually due to the weather
屋外プールが何月に閉まるのか尋ねたいなら、以下のように聞けます。 When does the outdoor pool close for the season? (屋外プールはいつまで営業ですか?) 「season」は、たいてい天候が理由で、何かが1年の内数ヶ月だけ(季節限定)オープンしている場合に使われます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • When does the season end?

  • What date are you open until?

  • When does the pool close for winter?

The season = the period of time, in this case the summer. A 'When does the summer season end?' B 'It's coming to an end next month.' A 'What is the exact date the pool closes please? I don't want to be caught out' B 'The pool closes on the 30th September. That will be the last open day until Spring' A 'Thankyou. I'll enjoy the pool for the next few weeks then.' Caught out = taken by surprise
The season = 時期、この場合は夏 例文 A 'When does the summer season end?' (夏のシーズンはいつ終わりますか?) B 'It's coming to an end next month.' (来月で終わります) A 'What is the exact date the pool closes please? I don't want to be caught out' (プールが閉まる正確な日付はいつですか?突然終わっていたら嫌なので) B 'The pool closes on the 30th September. That will be the last open day until Spring' (プールは9月30日に閉まります。その次にオープンするのは春です) A 'Thank you. I'll enjoy the pool for the next few weeks then.' (ありがとう。ではもう数週間プールを楽しみます。) Caught out = 不意を突かれる
Andrea Jane DMM英会話講師
  • Close for the season...

  • This pool is so lovely in summer...I will be sad when it closes for the season...

Places that are connected to the weather are said to be " seasonal" like some foods you will only find in summer/fall/spring etc ... In this case the outdoor pool is only "viable" when the summer season allows... "This pool is so lovely in summer...I will be sad when it closes for the season..."
季節に関係している場所の事を "seasonal"(ある季節に限った/旬の)と言います。 例えば、夏/秋/春だけにしか食べられない食べ物がありますよね。 この場合、屋外プールは夏の季節だけに "viable" (実行可能)なことですよね。 【例】 "This pool is so lovely in summer...I will be sad when it closes for the season..." (このプールは夏にはとても最高!季節が終わってここが閉まってしまうと悲しいです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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