世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/24 19:57
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  • Is bullying a problem in your county?

いじめ=bullying いじめっ子=bully なのでお間違えなく
  • Are there incidents of bullying in your country?

Are there incidents of bullying in your country?=あなたの国にもいじめ問題はありますか? Bullying=いじめ Bully=いじめっ子 Incidentとは「出来事」と言う意味で、事件などのネガティブな場合に使われる事が多いです。
  • Is bullying a problem in your country as well?

  • Does this happen often in your country as well?

Does this happen often in your country as well? - this is a general way to ask if a certain phenomenon occurs frequently in someone's country. e.g. In Japan, we have a lot of typhoons. Does this happen often in your country as well?
Does this happen often in your country as well? - 特定の減少が誰かの国でも頻繁に起こるかどうかを尋ねる一般的な聞き方です。 【例文】 In Japan, we have a lot of typhoons. Does this happen often in your country as well?(日本にはたくさんの台風が来ます。あなたの国でもよく来ますか?)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Is bullying a problem in your country?

  • Are there many cases of bullying in your country?

*Is bullying a problem in your country? This a direct way of asking. *Are there many cases of bullying in your country? cases means instances of a certain problem. In this case bullying. For example: You: Are there many cases of bullying in your country? Friend: Yes but they seem to have reduced when the government intervened because it was now getting out of hand.
*(英文)Is bullying a problem in your country? (訳)あなたの国でいじめは問題ですか? これはストレートな質問です。 *(英文)Are there many cases of bullying in your country? (訳)あなたの国ではいろんな状況でいじめがありますか? cases は状況という意味です。この場合はいじめについて指しています。 例: (英文)You: Are there many cases of bullying in your country? Friend: Yes but they seem to have reduced when the government intervened because it was now getting out of hand. (訳)You: あなたの国ではいろんな状況でいじめがありますか? Friend: はい。しかし最近は政府がいじめを減らそうとしているので落ち着いてきています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Is bullying a problem in your country?

  • Are there many cases of bullying in your country?

  • Is bullying an epidemic in your country?

1. Is bullying a problem in your country? You can simply ask this question directly. A "problem" means a person or situation that needs to be dealt with or solved. Another way you can ask this is "Is bullying a cause for concern in your country?" 2. Are there many cases of bullying in your country? The expression 'many cases of bullying' means that this event occurs often. 3. Is bullying an epidemic in your country? An epidemic describes some situation that is rampant or widespread. This means that it occurs many times and in many places in your country.
1. Is bullying a problem in your country? "problem" は解決されるべき問題です。 "Is bullying a cause for concern in your country?"ともいえます。 2. Are there many cases of bullying in your country? 'many cases of bullying' は頻繁におこるという意味です。 3. Is bullying an epidemic in your country? ”epidemic” は流行していたり、広まっているという意味です。これはある国で頻繁におこるということです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Is bullying also an issue in your country?

  • Is there a bullying problem in your country, like Japan?

Bullying is a problem in Japan, and you wish to ask someone if bullying is a problem in their country as well. One of the above suggestions may suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Does bullying also occur in your country?

  • Is bullying an issue in your country?

1. "Does bullying also occur in your country?" is a great way of asking someone if bullying is a problem in their country as well. Using the words "also occur" implies that bullying is an issue in your own country. 2. The word "issue" implies that bullying is an important topic.
1. "Does bullying also occur in your country?"(あなたの国にもいじめはありますか)は、相手の国にもいじめがあるかどうか尋ねるすごく良い言い方です。"also occur" を使うことで、自分の国にはいじめがあるというニュアンスになります。 2. "issue" は、いじめが重要なテーマであるというニュアンスです。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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