As a consequent of the rising American stock market, more and more people are buying US dollars.
As a result of the rising American stock market, more and more people are buying US dollars
Along with the rising American stock mark, more and more people are buying US dollars.
「伴う」は、 in accompaniment, as a result of, as a consequence of, along with という言い方がたくさんあります。
「~に伴い…」といいたい場合には、どれでも使えます。但し along with というフレーズは、必ず句の最初にして使いましょう。
例: Along with the rising American stock market....
Dollars are being bought as US interest rates rise
米国金利の上昇に伴い、ドルが買われています ー Dollars are being bought as US interest rates rise
米国金利の ー US interest rates / American interest rates
上昇 ー rise
に伴い、 ー as
ドル ー Dollars / American dollars
が買われています ー are being bought