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長時間フライトの際、通路側の席と変わってほしいとき、となりになった人になんと声をかければいいでしょうか? また、特に教えていただきたいのが、下記の部分です。 [すみません、お手洗いが近くて何度も出入りしてしまうと思うので、何回も起こしてしまうのも申し訳ないので…] といった理由と申し訳なさを伝えたい場合。
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2016/12/12 20:43
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  • Would you please change seats with me?

I need to go to the washroom frequently and I do not want to disturb you so many times. Would you mind changing seats with me?
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Can we please change seats?

  • Is it possible for us to change seats?

A: Excuse me! B: Yes A: Can we please change seats? I go to the bathroom frequently and I do not wish to disturb you while you are sleeping.
A: Excuse me! (すみません!) B: Yes (はい) A: Can we please change seats? I go to the bathroom frequently and I do not wish to disturb you while you are sleeping. (席を変わっていただけますか?私はトイレによく行くので、あなたが寝ているのを邪魔したくないので)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Would your mind exchanging seats with me ?

  • Do you mind moving to my seat,I tend to frequent the bathroom and I wou;d hate to disturb your rest.

  • Could we please swap seats?

Would your mind exchanging seats with me ? This is a polite way of asking to swap seats without offering any explanation.If they ask why your would then say " I frequent the bathroom and I don't want to disturb you," Do you mind moving to my seat,I tend to frequent the bathroom and I woul;d hate to disturb your rest. Do you mind is another way of asking if someone has a problem with doing something. Could we please swap seats? To swap is to exhange a favor/object for another one.
Would your mind exchanging seats with me ? This is a polite way of asking to swap seats without offering any explanation.If they ask why your would then say " I frequent the bathroom and I don't want to disturb you," 「席を替えて頂いても良いでしょうか?」 何故席を替えて欲しいのか説明せずに、相手に席を替わってもらえるかどうか丁寧に聞く方法です。理由を聞かれたら、「お手洗いに頻繁に行くので、あなたの邪魔になりたくないんです。」と答えれば良いでしょう。 Do you mind moving to my seat,I tend to frequent the bathroom and I woul;d hate to disturb your rest. Do you mind is another way of asking if someone has a problem with doing something. 「私の席に移動して頂いても良いでしょうか?お手洗いによく行くので、お休みのところ邪魔したくないので。」Do you mindは、相手にそれで問題がないかどうか、確認する聞き方です。 Could we please swap seats? To swap is to exhange a favor/object for another one. Swap=交換すること。 「席を交換して頂けませんか?」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind switching seats?

  • Excuse me, do you mind switching seats with me?

"Would you" or "Excuse me" are polite ways to ask someone a question "Switch" to change places with someone
"誰かに丁寧にお願いする時は、 ""Would you〜?"" ""Excuse me,"" と言いましょう。 ""switch""は誰かと席を替わるという意味です。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, would you mind changing seats - I need to use the bathroom regularly?

  • Would it be possible to change seats as I need to get up frequently>

Would you mind....? We use this expression when we want someone to do something. "Would you mind moving forward a little so some people can get onto the bus?" Would it be possible to + verb = we use this construction when asking someone if we may do something. "Would it be possible for me to go first in the queue as I only want to buy a jar of coffee?"
Would you mind....? これは誰かに何かをして欲しいと頼む時に使います。 "Would you mind moving forward a little so some people can get onto the bus?" 人が入りますので、奥に詰めてください。 Would it be possible to + verb = 相手に許可を求める時に使います。 "Would it be possible for me to go first in the queue as I only want to buy a jar of coffee?" コーヒー一杯買うだけなので、先に行っても良いですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to change seats?

  • I need to go the the restroom often, would you like to change seats, so that I do not bother you?

In such a situation, it would be helpful if you let the person sitting beside you know that you need to go to the bathroom often, and you do not want to constantly bother them. The person may be more willing to change seats, if you give him/her this information.
その状況では、隣に座っている人にあなたが頻繁にトイレに行く必要があることを知らせ、 何度も席を立つために邪魔する事を気にしたくない場合に役に立ちます。 この事を座席の隣の人(彼/彼女)に伝えたら、もしかしたらその人も座席を変えたがるかもしれません。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, do you mind swapping seats with me? I might use the bathroom many times and I would not want to disturb you.

  • Hi, could we please swap seats? I would not want to disturb you with my frequent bathroom visits.

When you need to ask a stranger for something, ALWAYS greet them first. It is very polite. Also suggest you swap seats, do not demand it or they might say 'no'. A polite way to suggest something like this is to say 'do you mind..?' because you need to keep in mind that they might be sitting on that isle seat for a reason, maybe the don't like the window seat or maybe they also use the bathroom frequently(many times). Also when speaking to strangers remember to always say please and thank you because that is very polite and they are more likely to be nice to you if you are polite. You do not always need to explain why you would like to swap seats, but if the person seems reluctant to swap, then you can add the explanation. Also keep in mind most people who travel by airplane prefer the window seat to the isle seat, so it's a lot easier to ask someone to switch seats with you if you have a window seat.
知らない人に何かを頼む時は、常に最初に挨拶をして下さい。そうすればとても礼儀正しく思ってもらえます。又席を変わって欲しいと提案して下さい。決して要求しないで下さい、そうでなければその人が”いいえ”と言うかもしれません。物事を頼む丁寧な言い方は 'do you mind..?'と言うことです。というのもその人も、何らかの理由があって通路側の席に座っているかもしれないということを頭に入れておく必要があります。その理由は、もしかしたら窓側席が好きではないとか、その人もトイレを頻繁に(何回も)使うのかもしれないということです。 知らない人に話しかける時はpleaseとthank youを必ず言うことを忘れないで下さい。というのもそうするととても礼儀正しくなりますし、丁寧な態度をとったほうが、相手もあなたに親切に対応してくれるかもしれないからです。 いつも席を変わりたい理由を説明する必要があるわけではありませんが、もし相手が席を変わるのが気が進まないようであれば、説明を付け加えることが出来ます。 旅行している人の大半は通路席より窓側席の方が好きだということも覚えておいて下さい。ですからあなたが窓側席であれば、席を変わってくれるように頼むことはずっと容易です。
Lesang DMM英語講師
  • Would it be possible to switch seats?

  • I go to the restroom a lot and I don't want to wake you up.

Would it be possible to switch seats? 席を変わることは可能ですか? I go to the restroom a lot and I don't want to wake you up. よくトイレに行くので、あなたのことを起こしたくありません。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 switch seats で「席を交換する」を表すことができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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