世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/16 21:58
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  • Where are you planning to stay for tonight?

今夜はどこに泊まる予定ですか?という意味です。 Which hotel or inn are you going to stay tonight?という言い方もできます。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Which hotel or ryokan are you staying at tonight?

TAKASHIさんへ 以前のご質問への解答となり恐縮ですが 少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 >今日はどこのホテルか旅館に泊まる予定ですか ということでしたので、以下のように表現致しました。 Which hotel or ryokan are you staying at tonight? 「今晩は、どのホテルか旅館に泊まる予定ですか?」 *ryokan は日本語ですので、そのまま使えます。 (敢えて英語にするなら、a Japanese style inn とか a Japanese style hotel のようになります) ・・・少しでも参考として頂けますと幸いです。 LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
Michio Maekawa アスリート・イングリッシュ・マイスター
  • Where are you staying tonight?

  • Where have you booked to stay tonight?

  • Where are you planning to stay tonight?

Where, is to ask about the place or location the person is staying it. Stay or staying, is to describe the act of being in one place for an amount of time of considerable length. Planning or booked can be used to confirm with the person that they have arranged their accommodation in advance.
Where(どこ)は、その人が泊っている場所を聞く言葉です。   Stayまたはstayingは、ある期間、ある場所にいるという行動を表す言葉です。   Planningまたはbookedは、前もってその人が宿泊場所を予約したのか確かめるために使う言葉です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Where are you staying tonight?

  • What accommodation have you booked?

  • Where have you arranged to stay tonight?

With so many different types of accommodation available on the internet, different people may have different preferences and criteria for selection of their ideal place to stay. "Where are you staying tonight?" "I've got an Airbnb room." "What accommodation have you booked?" "I'm staying in a hostel." "Where have you arranged to stay tonight?" "I'm staying in a ryokan."
インターネットでいろんな宿泊施設を確認することができます。 人によって様々な好みがあり、ホテルを選ぶ条件があるものですよね。 会話例 "Where are you staying tonight?" どこに今日泊まるおつもりですか? "I've got an Airbnb room." AirBnBの部屋だよ。 "What accommodation have you booked?" どんなアコモデーションを予約したの? "I'm staying in a hostel." ホステルに泊まるんだ。 "Where have you arranged to stay tonight?" どんなところを手配したんだい? "I'm staying in a ryokan." 旅館に泊まるんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which hotel are you booked into?

  • Where do you plan on staying for tonight?

  • Have you made any hotel reservations?Where?

"Which hotel are you booked into?" To " book into" a hotel is to reserve a place. "Where do you plan on staying for tonight?" This is a good way to ask where someone plans to sleep without assuming they have booked into a hotel or a ryokan,Remember there are other accommodation options such as backpackers and motels. "Have you made any hotel reservations?Where?" These are appropriate questions to ask someone where you are trying to find out if they have made sleeping arrangements.
"Which hotel are you booked into?" 「どこのホテルを予約しているの?」 " book into" で場所を予約する。 "Where do you plan on staying for tonight?" 「今日はどこに泊まる予定ですか?」 これは、ホテルや宿を予約したかに言及せずに、どこに寝る予定なのか尋ねる方法です。 バックパッカーズやモーテルなど、いろんな選択肢があるわけですからね。 "Have you made any hotel reservations?Where?" 「ホテルの予約はしたの?どこ?」 これは、泊まる場所は手配したのかどうかを相手に尋ねたいときに使える文です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • where are you staying?

  • have you booked accommodation for tonight?

  • do you have a hotel booked for this evening?

examples "Where in town are you staying, have you booked accommodation?" or "Have you booked a hotel for tonight" or "Do you have a hotel room booked for this evening?" or "Where are you planning to stay during your visit?"
"Where in town are you staying, have you booked accommodation?"  街のどこに泊まるのですか?もう泊るところは予約しましたか? "Have you booked a hotel for tonight?" 今晩のホテルは予約しましたか?   "Do you have a hotel room booked for this evening?"  今晩のホテルは予約しましたか? "Where are you planning to stay during your visit?" 訪問中は、どこに泊まる予定ですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Where are you staying tonight?

  • Have you made a reservation for tonight?

Where are you staying tonight is the simplest form. Basic ‘W’ question. It can also be substituted with Have you booked anywhere for tonight Do you have accommodation for tonight Which hotel are you staying at Have you made a reservation for tonight. These all ask the same question
「Where are you staying tonight(今夜どこに泊りますか)」、最もシンプルな形です。基本的な「Wh」クエスチョン。 他の言い方としては: Have you booked anywhere for tonight? 〔訳〕今夜どこか予約しましたか? Do you have accommodation for tonight? 〔訳〕今夜の宿はありますか? Which hotel are you staying at? 〔訳〕どのホテルに泊まりますか? Have you made a reservation for tonight? 〔訳〕今夜の予約はとりましたか?
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Where do you plan on staying?

  • Which hotel or ryokan do you plan on staying at?

「今日はどこのホテルか旅館に泊まる予定ですか」は英語に直訳しますと Which hotel or ryokan do you plan staying at と言えます。 しかし、Which hotel or ryokan を抜いて、単に Where do you plan on staying? とも言えます。逆にこの方がナチュラルだと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Which hotel or ryokan are you staying at tonight?

  • Which hotel or ryokan are you putting up tonight?

  • Where are you planning to put up tonight?

「Hotel」は「ホテル」に相当します。 「旅館」は「ryokan」のままで良いです分からない場合は 「traditional Japanese inn」に訳しても良いです。 「Putting up」と「staying at」 は「宿泊する」に相当します。両方とも未来形になります。 「Where are you planning to put up」は「どこに泊まろうと思っている」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • What hotel do you plan on staying at tonight?

  • Where are you planning to stay tonight?

"What hotel do you plan on staying at tonight?" "Where are you planning to stay tonight?" Plan and Planning, both used to describe what you are going or looking at doing, To plan is a proposal of something you want to do.
"What hotel do you plan on staying at tonight?"(今夜はどこのホテルに泊まる予定ですか) "Where are you planning to stay tonight?"(今夜はどこに泊まる予定ですか) 'Plan' と 'Planning' はどちらも、これからするつもりである事を表します。'To plan' は「計画/案」をいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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