世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/22 16:29
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  • I would like to focus on improving speaking skills with authentic materials.

少し意訳になります。 authentic materialsというのは、日常の生活で使っている物、たとえば、新聞、ラジオ放送、ニュース動画、パンフレット、申込書などを教材として使うことです。「簡単な教材」=「実用的な教材」を使って、スピーキング力を伸ばしたい、という表現です。 I hope it helps.
Yuki Ebihara TESOL Professional
  • I really want to improve my speaking skill so can we use the easy materials.

*I really want to improve my speaking skill so can we use the easy materials. This means you would like the teacher to use easy materials so that you can speak more and gain confidence in speaking. It also helps if you try to speak more during the lesson so you practice speaking to someone else who speaks English.
*I really want to improve my speaking skill so can we use the easy materials. これは、もっとたくさん話したり、話すことに自信を持つことができるように、先生には簡単な教材を使用してほしいという意味です。レッスン中にもっと話してみるのも、他の英語話者と話すのに役立ちます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer to use easy materials to help me improve my speaking abilities.

I prefer to use easy materials to help me improve my speaking abilities. To "prefer" means to like (one thing or person) better than another or others; tend to choose. Example :-"I prefer Venice to Rome" synonyms: like better, would rather (have), would sooner (have), favour, be more partial to, lean/incline towards, think preferable; So therefore, other ways of saying this are :- 1. I would rather do easy materials to help me improve my speaking abilities. 2. I am in favour of doing easy materials so that I can improve my speaking abilities. 3. I think its preferable to do easy materials so that I can focus on improving my speaking abilities.
I prefer to use easy materials to help me improve my speaking abilities. "prefer"とは、(一つの物や人を)他のものより好む、選びがちだという意味です。 【例文】 "I prefer Venice to Rome"(私はローマよりベニスが好きです) 同義語: like better, would rather (have), would sooner (have), favour, be more partial to, lean/incline towards, think preferable; つまり、「簡単な教材を使ってしゃべる事にフォーカスしたい」は、以下のような言い方もできるということです。 1. I would rather do easy materials to help me improve my speaking abilities. 2. I am in favour of doing easy materials so that I can improve my speaking abilities. 3. I think its preferable to do easy materials so that I can focus on improving my speaking abilities.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to focus on my speaking, so is it ok if we use the easier material?

Is it ok if...? - you can use this phrase to offer a recommendation or suggestion, and it is more polite than asserting your wish directly, for example saying "I would like" or "I want to" to focus on (something) - this means to pay attention to or only do that one thing
Is it ok if...? - このフレーズは推奨や提案をするのに使うことができ、例えば"I would like"または"I want to"のように希望を直接的に主張するよりも丁寧です。 to focus on (something) - これは一つのことに集中したり、そのことだけをするという意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Please can we focus on my speaking skills with some easy material?

The material you may be using with your teacher may be a little complicated with some technical vocabulary and phrasal expressions - so you suggest that some easier material may help your fluency a little. That seems like a reasonable suggestion. It may promote a more relaxed atmosphere and encourage the raising of some interesting discussion points.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to please use easier material for our lessons.

  • This material is too advanced, please can we use simpler materials.

  • I would like to improve my speaking skills, please can we use lighter material.

Improving our English speaking skills can be fun with the right attitude, teacher and material. If you would like to use easier material so that you can have an easier understanding as you learn, use the sentences above to help you. Your teacher will appreciate that you have great initiative and that you are speaking out about your preferences. "Can we please use different materials? This one is too advanced, I'd like to better my speaking skills." Lighter: less heavy, easier, less advanced Preference: what you like over something else Initiative: taking charge
スピーキングの練習は、良い教材と良い先生、そして正しい姿勢で臨めば、すごく楽しいものになります。 より簡単な教材を使いたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 先生はこの自発性と、好みについてはっきり伝えてくれたことについて評価してくれると思います。 "Can we please use different materials? This one is too advanced, I'd like to better my speaking skills." (違う教材を使ってもいいですか。これは少しレベルが高すぎます。スピーキングを上達させたいです) Lighter: より軽い、より簡単な、よりレベルの低い Preference: 好きなもの Initiative: 責任を負う
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I want to use easier material so I am able to focus on improving my speaking skills

"I want to use easier material so I am able to focus on improving my speaking skills" This sentence is implying that one would like to use a simpler material, this way this can build up your confidence with the material, by building this confidence this can help improve your skills. To 'focus' is to to all of your attention towards something.
"I want to use easier material so I am able to focus on improving my speaking skills" (スピーキング力に重点を置くため簡単な教材を使いたい) 「より簡単な教材を使いたい」と伝えています。これにより自信を深め、自信を深めることによりスキルを伸ばしたいということです。 'focus' は「注意を集中させる」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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