世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/01/12 21:57
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  • I have nothing to do except for my work-at-home job today,

  • I think I will stay at home.


Stay home でも可です。

  • I'll be stuck at home.

  • I'm trapped at home.

  • I can't leave my home.

Not leaving the house is something people normally find to be a negative thing. As people enjoy going out to do things, but if you have a lot of work to do at home, or a family to take care of you can use phrases like these.

Future/ Present tense.
I'll be stuck at home/ I'm stuck at home.
I'll be trapped at home/ I'm trapped at home.
I won't be able to leave/ I can't leave my home.


未来形 / 現在形
I'll be stuck at home/ I'm stuck at home.(家を離れられない)

I'll be trapped at home/ I'm trapped at home.(家を離れられない)

I won't be able to leave/ I can't leave my home.(家を離れられない)

Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be at home today with nothing but work to do.

  • I should be at home all day as I have nothing else to do except work.

  • I won't be going anywhere, so I will be working from home all day.

"I'll be at home today with nothing but work to do." means that I will be at home working and not going anywhere else.

"I'll be at home today with nothing but work to do."(今日は仕事以外にすることがないからずっと家にいます)は「家で仕事をするつもりで、他にはどこにも行かない」という意味です。

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I don't have any plans for the day, I'm just going to stay home.

  • I'm going to stay home, as I don't have any plans.

I don't have any plans for the day, I'm just going to stay home. - this simply expresses that you are free for the day, and have chosen to stay home.
I'm going to stay home, as I don't have any plans. - this is just another way of of saying the first response. Both can be used interchangeably.

I don't have any plans for the day, I'm just going to stay home.(今日は何も予定がありません、家にいるつもりです)
- ここでは、「今日は何も予定がなくて、家にいるつもりだ」と伝えています。

I'm going to stay home, as I don't have any plans.(今日は予定がないので、家にいます)
- これは一つ目の例の別の言い方です。どちらも同じように使えます。

Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I will be home all day working.

  • My only plans for the day is work and I work at home.

You can explain that you are working for the day and that you work from home so therefore you will be home all day.

-I will be home all day working.
-My only plans for the day is work and I work at home.


-I will be home all day working.(一日家で仕事をします)

-My only plans for the day is work and I work at home.(今日は仕事以外の予定はなく、私は在宅で勤務しています)

Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Because I work from home and have no plans to go anywhere, I will be here all day.

  • Due to the fact that I work from home and have no other plans away from home, I will be home all day.

  • I am absolutely certain that I will be home all day because I work from here and I have no plans to go anywhere.

You may start with the reason why you will home all day. Also, if you are giving this reason to somebody while you are at home, you can end with 'I will be here all day'. Your reason for being home all day can start with the conjunction 'because', or the expression 'due to the fact that'.
So, you may say:
Because I work from home and have no plans to go anywhere, I will be here all day.
Due to the fact that I work from home and have no other plans away from home, I will be home all day.
I am absolutely certain that I will be home all day because I work from here and I have no plans to go anywhere.

一日家にいる理由から始めることができます。また、家にいながら誰かにこの理由を伝えるなら、'I will be here all day'(一日中ここにいる)と言えます。

一日家にいる理由は、接続詞の 'because' や 'due to the fact that' というフレーズに続けることができます。


Because I work from home and have no plans to go anywhere, I will be here all day.(在宅で仕事をしていてどこに行く予定もないので、一日中家にいます)

Due to the fact that I work from home and have no other plans away from home, I will be home all day.(在宅で仕事をしていてどこに行く予定もないので、一日中家にいます)

I am absolutely certain that I will be home all day because I work from here and I have no plans to go anywhere.(在宅で仕事をしていてどこに行く予定もないので間違いなく一日家にいると思う)

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I don't have any plans today so I think that I'll chill at home.

In American English, "chill" is slang for the word "relax." It is very commonly used among people of all ages. I hope that this helps. :)

アメリカ英語では、"chill" は "relax"(リラックスする)のスラングです。これはあらゆる年齢の人たちに使われます。


Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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