I don't think the rain is going to let up at all today.
ーLooks like it's going to rain all day today.
to rain で「雨が降る」
ーI don't think the rain is going to let up at all today.
to let up で「雨が止む」
・It looks like it's going to rain all day. 「今日はずっと雨が降るみたいだね。」
・I don't think it's going to stop raining. 「止まないと思うよ。」
・It seems like the rain won't stop. 「雨、止まなさそうだね。」
・Yeah, it looks like it's going to rain the whole day. 「いや、今日はずっと雨っぽいよね。」
・I think it's going to keep raining all day. 「今日はずっと降っていそうだね。」