世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/15 08:02
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  • The people at the back, can you hear me?

私の言っていることが聞こえますか?  Can you hear me? Can you hear what I'm saying? などの言い方を参考にしてください。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • Can you hear me in the back?

こんにちは。 Can you hear me in the back? 後ろの人聞こえますか? 学校の授業とかで先生がよく言ってました。 in the back が「後ろの方(の人)」ですね。 例: Teacher: Now let's start. Can you hear me in the back? じゃあ始めましょう。後ろの方聞こえますか? Student: What? What did you say? え?なんだって? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • People at the back, Can you hear me?

  • Can everyone hear me?

  • Can you hear me at the back?

"People at the back, Can you hear me?" This indicates you are asking the people at the back if they can hear you. "Can everyone hear me?" This asks all of the people if they can hear you. "Can you hear me at the back?" This is another way of asking the people at the back if they can hear you.
"People at the back, Can you hear me?" これは、後ろの人が聞こえているかどうか尋ねる言い方になります。 "Can everyone hear me?" これは全員に対して、聞こえているかどうか尋ねる言い方です。 "Can you hear me at the back?" これは後ろの人が聞こえているかどうかを尋ねる他の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can everyone in the back hear my voice?

  • For those seated in the back if you can't hear my voice can you please raise your hand?

There are different scenarios where these situations can occur. My answer is based on a possible casual setting with a group of people seated in different areas having a conversation and speaker asking if he or she can be heard from the back. The other would be a seminar type of setting where the speaker is speaking to a crowd of people and wants to make sure he or she can be heard in the back so he asks for feedback from the crowd.
こういったシチュエーションが起こり得る様々なシナリオで使えます。 私の答えは、基本的に人々がいろんなところに座っているカジュアルな場面で、後ろから聞こえるかどうかを尋ねる文です。 その他のシチュエーションとしては、セミナーなどで群衆に喋りかける際に、群衆の後ろの方の人は聞こえているかどうかを尋ねるなどがあります。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • Can you hear me at the back?

  • people at the back, can you please put up your hands if you can't hear me! (Joke)

If you are addressing a large group and want to know if the people at the rear are receiving you, then the first example sentence asks the question. The second sentence is a joke, of course.
大勢の人に向かって話している時、後方にいる人まで声が届いているか確認したいなら、最初の例文でバッチリです。 二つ目の例は、もちろんジョークです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can everyone at the back hear what I'm saying?

  • Can you all hear me loud and clear?

  • People at the back, is my voice reaching you?

When calling for "people at the back" you are targeting this specific group to make sure that they can hear you and would not include the people that are in close vicinity to you. When you said "Can you all hear me loud and clear?", you are asking everyone if your voice can be heard. "Is my voice reaching you?" is another way to ask if they can hear you. Loud and clear: are adjectives to be used in this situation to affirm that your voice is strong and can be heard. Hope this helps!
「people at the back(後ろの人)」と言って、このグループの人たちに声が聞こえるかどうか確認しています。近くにいる人は対象にしていません。 "Can you all hear me loud and clear?" (みなさん、大きくはっきり聞こえてますか) - 全員に声が聞こえるか確認しています。 "Is my voice reaching you?" (私の声届いてますか) - これも自分の声が聞こえるかどうか確認する言い方です。 Loud and clear(はっきりと): この状況では、自分の声がはっきり聞こえるか確認するために使っています。どちらも形容詞です。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • How about in the back, Can you hear me?

  • Can the people in the back hear me?

"How about in the back, Can you hear me?" "Can the people in the back hear me?" Both of these expressions can be used to ask this question. The first one is used when you are conducting a sound check or making sure you can be heard, you ask in the front and then the back. The other expression is more precise since you are concerned that only the people in the back can't hear you.
"How about in the back, Can you hear me?" 後ろはどうですか?聞こえますか? "Can the people in the back hear me?" 後ろの人聞こえますか? どちらの表現も使うことができます。1つ目は、音のチェックをしていたり、聞こえるか前から後ろに聞いて確認しているときに使われます。 もう1つは、後ろの人が聞こえないことを心配してるのでより詳しい表現です。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
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