「〜する人が多い」は「Many people〜」で表現します。同様に、下記表現も覚えておくと役立ちます。
「〜する人がいる」:Some people〜
一方、「ジムに通う」は、「ジム(gym)」を抽象名詞として使って「go to gym」と表現することが多いです。こては、「学校に通う」という意味になる「go to school」と類似の用法です。もちろん、特定の場所を指す時には冠詞を付けて構いません。
In the US, many people go to the gym to work out.
「ジム」は gym、「通う」は go to で OK です。
work out は「運動する」「筋トレする」のような意味があります。
In America, people get around mainly by car, so many people often go to the gym to work out.
1. Americans love to go to the gym.
This statement is saying that Americans go to the gym often because they enjoy doing so.
2. Americans frequently visit the gym to work out.
The word "frequently" means sone is done on a regular basis. The expression "work out" describes physical exercise.
1. Americans love to go to the gym.
2. Americans frequently visit the gym to work out.
「work out」という表現は、体の運動を意味します。
A lot of Americans enjoy working out and going to the gym.
>Most Americans go to the gym.
*Most Americans=more than 50% of the people.
>A lot of Americans enjoy working out and going to the gym.
Americans often go to the gym to go workout and they enjoy it.
Most Americans go to the gym.
*Most Americans=50%以上の人々を意味します。
A lot of Americans enjoy working out and going to the gym.
People of all ages love to 'work out' in the gym - especially in America where the standard of living is higher than many less fortunate countries and there are incredible facilities in most areas for public use.However increasing levels of obesity in the US means that many people also choose not to go to the gym!
"in the US, many people go to the gym".
"many Americans go to the gym every week".
"It's quite common to use the gym in the US".
"going to the gym is a way of life for many Americans".
"In the US, many people go to the gym".
"Many Americans go to the gym every week".
"It's quite common to use the gym in the US".
"Going to the gym is a way of life for many Americans".
Due to being so popular, the cost of the gym is quite low.
Americans tend to work out regularly.
It's common for people here to go to the gym.
Gym memberships are not expensive therefore a lot of people go to the gym.
Americans tend to work out regularly.
It's common for people here to go to the gym.
Gym memberships are not expensive therefore a lot of people go to the gym.