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2017/04/01 18:12
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  • Could I have less rice?

Could I have less rice? 『ご飯を少なめにしてもらえますか。』 "less rice"と言うことで、通常より少ないライスの量を表現できます! 他には、大盛りにしてもらいたかったら more rice のように言えますよ。 Could I have more rice?『ご飯を大盛りにしてもらえますか。』
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • Can you give me a smaller portion/serving of rice?

「少なめ」はa small portion/servingという言い方もあります。 Can you give me a smaller portion of rice? 「ご飯少なめでもらえますか?」 ただ、少なめがどれくらいの量なのか分かりにくいので、たとえば Can you give me just a half portion of rice, please? 「ご飯半分だけもらえますか?」 のように言ってあげると相手にとっては分かり易いかもしれません。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Give me less than normal

  • Can you give me a half portion

Can you please give me half the portion or less than normal serving of rice you serve.
Can you please give me half the portion or less than normal serving of rice you serve. 半分かもしくは通常よりちょっと少ないくらいの量を貰えますか?
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • Please can I have less rice.

  • Please can I have half a serving of rice.

  • Please can I have a smaller portion of rice.

"less rice" means less than normal. "Half a serving" Means half of what they normally serve. "Smaller portion" also means less than normal.
less riceは、通常より少ない分量を表します。Half a serving とは、通常の半分の量、smaller portionは通常より少ない量を表します。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Could you cut back on the rice, please?

cut back は抑える、削減、縮小という意味です。cut back は決まり文句で、その表現の後にはほぼかならずon+何を抑えたいのかがきます。そのためこの場合はthe rice (ご飯) になります。最後にあるpleaseは最初が命令文になっているので、文の最後に付けることによって注文を丁寧な形にしています。全て訳すと、 cut back (抑えて) on the rice (ご飯を) please (お願いします). ex. The factory had to cut back on its production. (工場は生産量を削減しなくてはなりませんでした。) If you want to become thin, you should cut back on the between meal snacks. (もし細くなりたいならば、あなたは間食を抑えるべきです。) The government has said it will have to cut back on certain programs to make up for lost revenues due to the recession. (政府は不況によって生じた収入源の低下を取り戻すためにいくつかのプログラムを縮小すると公言しました。) という活用方法になります。
  • 1. Just a small portion of rice please.

  • 2. Just a child's portion of rice please.

1. You want less, so you ask for 'small' rather than the normal size portion. If you really were not hungry you could moderate this phrase by requesting 'a very small portion please.' 2. Some places offer an alternative children's menu at reduced prces. If possible you may save money by ordering a child's portion as opposed to a small adult's portion.
1.少ないものを望むので、普通のサイズの部分ではなく 'small' を求めます。本当に空腹ではない場合は、'a very small portion please.'ということができます。 2.安い値段で代替の子供用メニューを提供しているレストランもあります。可能であれば、大人分の小さめではなく、子供用を注文することでお金を節約することができますね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a smaller portion of rice than normal?

  • Can I have a very small portion of rice please?

1. Can I have a smaller portion of rice than normal? The word "portion" means piece or bit. This sentence means that the customer is asking for less rice than is normally served. 2. Can I have a very small portion of rice please? A "small portion" of rice means that you want a very little rice.
1. Can I have a smaller portion of rice than normal? "portion"という単語は、分け前という意味です。この例文では、通常出されるご飯よりも少ない量のご飯をお客さんがお願いしています。 2. Can I have a very small portion of rice please? "small portion"(少な目)のご飯とは、非常に少ない量のご飯が欲しいという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Small portion

  • A small portion of rice for me please... the usual amount is too much for me

We dispense food in portions...A small portion or a child's portio, can often be enough for anyone who is wishing to lose a few pounds. We can ask for a smaller or larger portion in an eatery...the customer is king!
"We dispense food in portions" (料理を取り分けます). 体重を減らしたい人にとっては"A small portion"(少量)または "a child's portion"(子供用の量)で充分です。レストランでは少なめあるいは多めに頼むことができます。お客は王様なのです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • could i please have that with less rice

  • can i please have a smaller portion of rice

a casual way to ask this is to say "could i please have that with less rice" a more descriptive or formal way to ask this is to say "can i please have a smaller portion of rice"
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please only give me a small amount of rice.

  • Please don't give me a lot of rice.

  • Not a lot of rice, please.

"Could" is used in questions when making a polite request. Always use "please" when making a request of this nature. Another example of a request would be to say, "Could / Can you please not give me a lot of rice. Thank you."
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
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