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お腹すいているんですか? 何か食べますか? をなんと言いますか^^
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2017/04/24 19:44
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  • Do you want something to eat?

Do you want something to eat? 何か食べたいですか? Are you hungry? お腹空いていますか? と先に聞いてあげるといいですね♪
  • Would you like to eat something?

  • Wanna eat something?

Would you like to eat something? は丁寧な言い方です。 Wanna eat something? は子供に聞いたり、仲良い人に聞く言い方です。 何か食べる??という感じです。
  • Do you like something to eat?

  • Would you like something to eat?

Do you like something to eat? - This is a direct question. Would you like something to eat? -This is a more polite way to ask if someone would like something to eat. This shows that you care and you concerned about them.
Do you like something to eat? - 直接的な尋ね方となります。 Would you like something to eat? -これはもっと丁寧に、何か食べたいものはないか尋ねる言い方です。 相手に、気を使ってもらってるという印象を与えることができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like something to eat?

  • Do you need to eat?

  • It there anything I can get you?

"Would you like something to eat?" "Do you need to eat?" The first two sentences are more casual ways of asking the question. "Would you like" is asking if this is something you want to do. "Do you need" is asking it eating is necessary right now. If someone has health issues they might need to eat more often than other people. It there anything I can get you? This is a more polite way of asking the question. It can also be used to ask if anyone wants something to drink.
"Would you like something to eat?" "Do you need to eat?" 最初の二つの文は、カジュアルな質問の仕方になります。 "Would you like" は相手がやりたいこと、したいことかどうかを尋ねる言い方。. "Do you need" は、今食べる必要があるのか尋ねる言い方です。 もし健康上問題があれば、ほかの人より多くの頻度で食べる必要があるでしょう。 It there anything I can get you? これはより丁寧に尋ねる言い方です。 何か飲み物を尋ねるときにも用いられます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Have you eaten yet?

  • Hungry yet?

"Have you eaten yet?" this expression is a polite way of asking someone if they are hungry. "Hungry yet?" this expression is usually used more with someone you are close with a relative, significant other and such because it's a direct way of asking.
"Have you eaten yet?" 〔訳〕もう食べた? お腹がすいているかを丁寧に尋ねる言い方です。 "Hungry yet?" 〔訳〕お腹すいた? これはダイレクトな言い方なので、普通は身内、恋人など近い関係の人に使います。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Hungry?

  • He said he wasn't hungry but he ate the whole plate clean!

Asking if some want to eat can be as simple as ONE word..." Hungry?" and in terms of efficient language... this "takes the biscuit"-)) PS "Would you like a snack?" imples a small meal or something to "Tide you over" until its supper time...:-) Hungry? ( I am always able to eat ;-))
だれかに食べたいか聞くときにもっとも簡単に聞く方法は、" Hungry?"(お腹が空きましたか。) 効率的に伝える言葉ですと、これが一番良いでしょう。 補足:"Would you like a snack?" (おつまみをいりますか)は少しの食事や夕食までの時間を "Tide you over"(乗り切る)ためのものを意味します。 Hungry?(お腹が空きましたか?) 私はいつも食べられますが、、。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Are you hungry?

  • Would you like something to eat

  • Do you fancy something to eat

If you are hungry you want to eat. Would you like is a polite way to ask a question.  Expect to hear a very polite answer,usually asking in return if you are going to eat . eg would you like something to eat? Maybe. Are you having anything? Do you fancy is a very casual way of asking if someone wants something
お腹がすいたときは食べたいですよね。 「Would you like」は丁寧に質問する言い方です。 返事も丁寧になるでしょう。たいていは: Would you like something to eat? 〔訳〕何か食べますか? ↓ Maybe. Are you having anything? 〔訳〕そうですね。あなたは何か食べるのですか? のように聞かれると思います。 「Do you fancy」はとてもカジュアルな表現です。何かがほしいかどうか尋ねるときに使います。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • Do fancy something to eat?

  • Are you peckish?

  • Would you like something to eat?

The first two examples above are quite informal, but are fine in most situations. 'Would you like....' is a more traditional and polite form of asking. If you are together of course, a friendly way to ask a question would be 'Shall we...?' 'Shall we get something eat?'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you hungry?

  • Would you like something to eat?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Are you hungry?」 =お腹空いていますか? (例文)Are you hungry?// Yeah. (訳)お腹空いていますか?うん。 ・「Would you like something to eat?」 = 何か食べますか? (例文)Would you like something to eat?// Yes, please. (訳)何か食べますか?//はい、お願いします。 便利な単語: hungry お腹は空く eat 食べる お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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