ネイティブが一番よく使うフレーズが「How long will it take?」です。
「大体でいいよ」というニュアンスを入れるのであれば、「about(大体)」をはじめに入れるといいです→ About how long will it take?
ちなみに、「結構時間かかりますか?」は→「Will it take long?」
佐伯玲奈さんがお答えになっている”How long will it take?”と言う言い方が
When should I come back?(いつ戻ってくればいい?)という言い方も
What time should I come back? (何時に戻ってくればいい?)と言ってもOKです。
Both of these sentences would be fine to ask how long it would to wrap up a present although 'will it take long to wrap?' might only give you a short answer and not tell you a time
ただし、'Will it take long to wrap?'(ラッピングには時間がかかりますか)だと、具体的な時間は答えてくれないかもしれません。
If it is not going to take a long time then you would be prepared to wait.
If it is going to be a long time - maybe they are busy then you will leave the shop and return later to collect it.
Jane :)
"How long will it take to wrap?"
This asks them to tell you how long it will take to wrap the present.
"How long does gift wrapping take? "
This asks them to tell you how long it takes for them to wrap items.
"How long will it take to wrap?"
"How long does gift wrapping take? "