I got attacked by a group of dogs and had 10 stitches in my foot.
get attacked=「襲われる」get + 過去分詞=(受け身形の意味になる)
a group of dogs=「イヌの群れ」
have 10 stitches=「10針を縫う」
in my 〜=「私の〜に」
I was surrounded and attacked by a pack of dogs and had to get ten stitches
I was surrounded and attacked by a pack of dogs and had to get ten stitches =大勢の犬に囲まれ襲われて10針縫わなきゃいけなかった
pack of dogs = 犬の群れ
surround =囲む
surrounded =囲まれる
針を縫う = get stitches
怖い体験でしたね!I hope you're okay!