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2017/05/02 21:46
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  • School year starts in April (and ends in March) in Japan.

  • Fiscal year starts in April (and ends in March) in Japan.

School year: 学校の年間カレンダー、(学校の)年度 Fiscal year: 会社などの会計年度 学校も会社も日本では全てが4月始まりですので、その双方を使って英訳をしました。 You would be in the same grade with me in Japan as you and I were born in the same school year. 訳)あなたと私は同じ年度内に生まれているので、あなたが日本にいたとしたら同じ学年ということになります。 would は現実とは異なる『仮定』における結果を述べる際に使います。
  • The school year begins on April 1st, and ends on March 31st of the following year.

■キーワード 学年 = school year The school year begins on April 1st, and ends on March 31st of the following year. →4月1日から翌年の3月31日までで学年を区切る
  • In Japan, April 1st is the start of the school year and it will end March 30th

  • The Japanese school year will consist between the months April 1st and March 30th

When writing dates such as 'April 1' we often write '1st' depending on the day it will be different ex. 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th etc. "Consist" is a term used when something is made up of something or stating something, ex. "This drink consists of orange juice and pineapple juice"
「4月1日」など日付の「1日」はしばしば '1st' と書かれます。これは日によって異なります。 例えば: 1st 2nd(2日) 3rd(3日) 4th(4日) 5th(5日) "Consist" は「~で構成されている」という意味です。 例えば: "This drink consists of orange juice and pineapple juice" (この飲み物はオレンジジュースとパイナップルジュースでできています)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, the school year runs from April 1st - March 30th of the following year.

"In Japan, the school year runs from April 1st - March 30th of the following year." The school year - the time or the length that kids are in school. runs - This refers to the length of the school calender. It extends from April until March. FOllowing year - If a student begins 1st grade on April first 2019, they will finish 1st grade on March 30th, 2020. The following year, or the next calender year.
"In Japan, the school year runs from April 1st - March 30th of the following year."(日本の学校は4月1日から翌年の3月30日までです) The school year - 子どもが学校にいる期間(学年) runs - これは学年の長さを表します。4月から3月まで続きます。 Following year - 2019年の4月1日に1年生になった子は、2020年の3月30日にそれを終業します。「次の年」です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan the school year starts on 1st April and ends on 30th March

  • The 1st April to the 30th March the following year is the school year in Japan

  • Term time is 1st April to 30th March in Japan

Every country has different times the school runs from this is also called term time so by saying 'Term time is 1st April to 30th March in Japan' this explains what Japan's school term time is you can add 'the following year to explain that it's different years although as you have said April and it is after March most people would understand what you mean
国によって学校の始まる時期は異なります。これは 'term time'(学年)といいます。 'Term time is 1st April to 30th March in Japan'(日本の学年は4月1日から3月30日までです) これは日本の学年について説明しています。 'the following year'(翌年)を加えて別の年であることを明示することもできます。ただ、'April'(4月)は 'March'(3月)の後の月なので、ほとんどの場合なくても伝わります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The academic year in Japan starts April 1st and ends March 31st

You want to state that the first term of each year in the world of Education in Japan starts on April 1st and ends March 31st. In that case you can use the above example statement.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan, the first day of school is on April 1st and then closes on March 30

  • In Japan school commences on April 1st then closes on March 30

To commence is to carry on. ''the first day'' describes the fact that it is the beginning. Schools around the world have different opening and closing dates. It is good to know the important dates at school.
"to commence" は続行することをいいます。 "the first day" は「始まり」を表します。 新学年が始まる時期というのは国によって異なります。 学校の大切な日を知るのはいいことですね。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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