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2017/05/15 19:37
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  • This meat is cooked rare. Is that okay?

  • Can you eat rare meat?

  • This meat is served rare. Is that okay?

"Rare" meat is meat with a mostly red center. "Medium-rare" meat is meat with a partially red center. "Cooked rare" and "served rare" are common expressions. In restaurants where customers can choose how their meat is cooked, waiters commonly ask, "How would you like your meat cooked?" or "How do you like your meat?"
Rare なお肉は、真ん中がほとんど赤いお肉のことです。 Medium-rare なお肉は、真ん中がところどころ赤いお肉のことです。 Cooked rare や served rare はよく使われる表現です。 お客さんがお肉をどれくらい焼いてほしいかが選べるレストランでは、ウェイターがHow would you like your meat cooked?(どのようにお肉を焼きましょうか?)またはHow do you like your meat?(どのように料理されたお肉がよろしいですか?)と聞くことが一般的です。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • The meat is served only lightly seared.

Seared means put on intense heat and lightly cooked or raw.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • We (only) serve/cook this meat rare. Is this okay/alright/fine with you?

"We (only) serve/cook this meat rare. Is this okay with you?" ✰ I think it could be good to use the words "we" and "you" to make this interaction more personal and friendly. ✰ "Serve" and "cook" would have the same effect in this case. ✰ "Okay" and "alright" and "fine" have the same meaning. ✰ Use "only" if you only serve the meat cooked rare. If you offer other kinds of cooked meat such as "medium rare" or "well done", you can follow up with the question "How would you like it (the meat) cooked?" Example: GUEST: I'd like to order this item. SERVER: We serve this meat rare. Is this fine with you? GUEST: Actually, I don't want it rare. SERVER: How would you like it cooked? I hope this helps! Good luck! ✰✰
We (only) serve/cook this meat rare. Is this okay with you? ✰「We」や「you」という言葉を使うのはやりとりをより個人的で友好的にするために使われるよい言葉です。 ✰ ""Serve"" と ""cook""はこの場合では、同じ効果があります。 ✰ ""Okay"" と ""alright""と ""fine"" は同じ意味です。 ✰ もし、肉をレアに調理してほしいときは、""only""を使うとよいでしょう。 もし、""medium rare(ミディアムレア)"" や""well done(ウェルダン)""に調理することを希望する場合には、「How would you like it (the meat) cooked?(どのように料理をしたいですか?)」という質問を追加することができます。 例文 GUEST: I'd like to order this item. この商品を注文したいのですが。 SERVER: We serve this meat rare. Is this fine with you? この肉をレアで提供しますが、大丈夫ですか? GUEST: Actually, I don't want it rare. 実際、レアは好きじゃないです。 SERVER: How would you like it cooked? どのように料理して欲しいですか? お役に立てれば幸いです。頑張ってください。
Juno DMM英会話講師
  • We only serve this meat rare

  • The meat will be bloody

Both these phrases clearly communicate how the meat will be cooked and both phrases make it clear you are not offering a choice of how the meat will be served. The meat will be bloody is another way of indicating that it will not be well cooked.
これらどちらのフレーズもどのように肉を料理するかを明確に伝えています。 そして、どちらのフレーズもまだ、肉をどのように提供してほしいかという注文をしていないとうことを明確にしています。 「The meat will be bloody」とは、あまり料理しないことを示す他の言い方です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • This dish is served with rare meat. Are you okay with that/Is that okay for you?

  • This meat in this dish is served rare. Is that okay?

"This dish is served with rare meat" means that this dish comes with meat that is cooked rare. "Are you okay with that?/Is that okay for you? " are both ways of asking the customer if that is okay. "This meat in this dish is served rare." tells them how the meat is cooked.
「This dish is served with rare meat」とは生で料理された肉がさらに皿に運ばれたことを意味します。 「Are you okay with that?/Is that okay for you? 」は大丈夫かどうかお客様に尋ねる言い方です。 「This meat in this dish is served rare.」は肉が料理されたということを伝えます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • The meat in this dish is served rare. Are you sure you want to order this?

  • This meat is only served rare. Would you like a small piece to taste before you order it?

The meat in this dish is served rare. Are you sure you want to order this? - This is clearly indicating that the meat is served rare and you are making sure that they want to order this and will be happy to eat it. This meat is only served rare. Would you like a small piece to taste before you order it? - This is clearly indicating that the meat is served rare. You are also offering a small piece of the rare meat for them to taste to see if they would like it before they order this meal.
The meat in this dish is served rare. Are you sure you want to order this?- これは、肉がレアで出されることをしめしており、これを注文したいか確認することができます。 This meat is only served rare. Would you like a small piece to taste before you order it?- これは、肉がレアでしか提供されていないことをはっきりと示しています。 この食事を注文する前に、彼らが好きかどうかを確認するためにその肉を少し頼むことができます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Are you OK with this meat being served rare?

  • 2. Are you happy if this meat is brought to the table rare?

1. Are you OK with...? = This question form is checking that something is alright. 2. Are you happy if...? = This question form does not ask if the customer is literally happy, but is checking that the customer accepts this option. A "Are you happy with travelling by train every day?" B "Yes, I've got used to it now."
1. Are you OK with...? = =この質問フォームは、何かが問題ないかどうかをチェックする時に使います。。 2. Are you happy if...? =この質問フォームは、顧客が文字通り満足しているかどうかを尋ねるのではなく、顧客がこのオプションや提案を受け入れてくれるかどうかの提案に近いです。 A「毎日電車での移動は大丈夫ですか?」 B 「はい、もう慣れました。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This meat is served rare.

  • Would you like to try it?

This meat is served rare! Would you like to try it? --------------------------------- Rare: A rare piece of meat will have a bright red center, and its outside will be brownish-gray. The center will be warm, but not hot. --------------------------------- Medium-rare: The center of a medium-rare piece of meat will be slightly warmer and reddish-pink instead of red. --------------------------------- A medium piece of meat will have a large band of pink through the middle, but will be primarily grayish-brown throughout. ---------------------------------- Medium-well: A medium-well piece of meat will just have a slight hint of pink in the middle. Otherwise, it will be primarily cooked through and will feel quite firm. ---------------------------------- Well-done: A well-done steak should show no hint of pink whatsoever. Its center will be grayish-brown throughout and the outside will be nicely charred.
This meat is served rare!(これはレア肉です) Would you like to try it?(お試しになりますか) --------------------------------- Rare:「レア(rare)」の肉は、中心は真っ赤で、外は茶色がかった灰色。中心は温かいが、熱くはない。 --------------------------------- Medium-rare:「ミディアムレア(medium-rare)」の肉は、中心は「レア(rare)」の肉よりも少し温かく、「赤」ではなく「赤みがかったピンク」。 --------------------------------- Medium:「ミディアム(medium)」の肉は、中心部に大きなピンクの帯があるが、大部分は灰色がかった茶色。 ---------------------------------- Medium-well:「ミディアムウェル(medium-well)」の肉は、中心部がうっすらとピンクがかっている。それ以外は、大部分に火がしっかりと通っていて、かなり堅く感じる。 ---------------------------------- Well-done:「ウェルダン(well-done)」のステーキは、ピンク色の部分がどこにもない。中心はどこも灰色がかった茶色で、外には焦げ目が付いている。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The meat in this dish is rare, is that okay for you?

  • This meat is served rare. Is that okay?

  • Are you okay with this meat being rare?

'Is that okay for you / Are you okay with'' - are both ways of asking the customer if they are happy with something. If it is alright with them. Are you happy with rare meat? That is how it is typically served. - ''Typically served'' means that it is usually served this way.
'Is that okay for you / Are you okay with'' - どちらも、お客さんにそれでいいかどうか尋ねる言い方です。 Are you happy with rare meat? That is how it is typically served. (レア肉は大丈夫ですか?普通はレアで出されるのですが) -「typically served」、普通はそのように(レアで)出されることを表します。
Niabh DMM英語講師
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