世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




銀行やレストラン、お店などで、係員から、「どういったご用件ですか?」、「May I help you?」などと声を掛けてもらい、自分の要望を伝え、その係員が私の要件の確認をするため等で、その場にいません。私は、その係員を待っている状況です。それで、他の係員に声掛けをされた時「他のスタッフ?係員から案内を受けて待っているんです」と伝えたいです。←結構、頻繁にあります。
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2017/05/16 08:26
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  • No, its fine. I've been helped already.

  • Don't worry about it, some one is already taking care of me.

  • No thank you, I have been helped, I am just waiting for my order.

If someone asks if they can help you, you usually say yes or no in a polite manner. Followed by a reason why not.
誰かがあなたを助けることができるかどうか尋ねたら、「yes」か「no」と丁寧に言えます。 そのあと、理由やを付け加えます。
Cheri B DMM英会話講師
  • Somebody already caught the worm.

A fun way answering. Means you are the bait and have been caught by a salesperson already.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I'm already being served, thanks

  • Someone is already attending to me, thanks

  • It's OK, someone else is already looking after me.

This is quite a common scenario in the UK. You could also say, of course that you don't need any help. It is not really necessary to explain everything. You could just say, "No thanks."
これは英国では非常に一般的にあるシチュエーションです。もちろん、何の助けも必要ありませんよ、と言うこともできますね。全部を説明する必要はありません。"No thanks."で充分です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm being attended to, thank you.

  • Someone is assisting me, thank you.

  • My request is being dealt with, thank you

If someone is already helping you, you can say: I'm being attended to - That means someone is already dealing with your request. This is the same as saying: Someone is assisting me My request is being dealt with - Someone is helping me. I hope that helps!
もし誰かがもうあなたの対応をしてくれているのなら I'm being attended to ,,, ということができます。これは誰かがあなたのお願いを既に聞いて、対応していくれていることを表します。Someone is assisting me という表現と同じです。 My request is being dealt with. これもSome is helping meと同じ表現です。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I am being dealt with - thank you

  • Someone is already dealing with me - thank you

  • Thank you but I am being seen to

We always say thank you - the English like manners. All of the above phrases mean you are already being seen to by another member of staff and are waiting for them to return to you. Hope this helps Jane :)
Thank you というのはいつも言います。 イギリス人はマナーを守ることが好きなんです。 これらのフレーズはすべて、あなたが他のスタッフメンバーに案内を受けていて、その人が戻ってくるのを待っているという意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Someone is already assisting me. Thank you.

  • I am already been helped.

This is a polite way to tell them. Assisting also means helping.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Already being attended to...

  • Thank you, however...I am already being attended to!

We may find people "are doubling up" when trying to service a customer... An example of good service no doubt! If in fact our needs are already being served by another memebr of staff... We might simply say: "Thank you, however...I am already being attended to!"
私たちは "are doubling up"(二重)に お客さんをサービスしようとしている事を見かけることがあります。 間違いなく、良いサービスのいい例ですね! もしすでに他のスタッフによりサービスを受けていたら、 次のように伝えることが出来ます。 【例】 "Thank you, however...I am already being attended to!" (ありがとうございます、ですが、すでに案内されています)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I've already been helped, thank you.

  • Someone is already helping, me thank you.

We can use the perfect tense, "to have been helped," to say this phrase from the first person singular tense using, "I." The other option would be to talk from the third person perspective with, "someone is helping me," to express the same thing.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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