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2017/05/18 09:53
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  • The colour runs

"James, you know that white shirt you asked me to wash?" "Yes." "Well I'm very sorry, but I have some bad news." "Really? Why, what happened?" "Unfortunately, I put my grey socks in with the shirt and the colour ran. Your white shirt is now more of a grey shirt, I'm afraid." "Oh no! That's terrible! That cost me $80 and now it's ruined!"
"James, you know that white shirt you asked me to wash?" 洗うよう頼まれていた白シャツあるじゃん。 "Yes." うん。 "Well I'm very sorry, but I have some bad news." ごめん、悪い知らせなんだけど。 "Really? Why, what happened?" え、なにどうした? "Unfortunately, I put my grey socks in with the shirt and the colour ran. Your white shirt is now more of a grey shirt, I'm afraid." 残念だけど、灰色のソックスと一緒にいれて、色落ちしちゃってさ。白シャツが灰色になっちゃった。 "Oh no! That's terrible! That cost me $80 and now it's ruined!" ええ、それはひどい。80ドルもしたんだよ。 ーー "You need to be careful when you wash that new red sweatshirt. It hasn't been washed before, so the colour runs." 「その新しい赤いスウェットシャツを洗うときは注意が必要だよ。まだ洗ったことがないから、色落ちするよ。」 "I washed my new blue jeans with my white shirts, and the colour ran. Now all my shirts are light blue." 「新しい青いジーンズを白いシャツと一緒に洗ってしまったら、色が落ちちゃった。今、シャツはすべてライトブルーだよ。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • lose color

  • color faded

  • ran

色。color 落ち。lose, fade, ran 色落ちする。losing color, color fading fade は何回も洗っているうちに色が薄くなる感じです。 例、 新しく買ったシャツの色が落ちちゃった。The color of my new shirt ran in the wash. /My new shirt's color faded away. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • The shirt has lost color.

「シャツの色が落ちてしまった」の意味です。 前のアンカーの方も挙げてらっしゃいますが、「色落ちする」は「色を失う」と表現するのですね。
  • fade

  • discolor

  • vanish

>fade >discolor >vanish=disappear Example sentences a.The color fades every time I wash it. b.When it comes out of the washing machine it is discolored. c.The color is started to vanish after the 3rd wash.
fade discolor vanish=消えることを意味します。 以下のような表現をすることも可能です。 a.The color fades every time I wash it. b.When it comes out of the washing machine it is discolored. c.The color is started to vanish after the 3rd wash.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • fade

  • dull

examples "I have washed these jeans so often the colour has faded" or "The sun has faded the colour of the curtains" or "The colour is so dull now" or "The t-shirt has lost its colour, it's really dull now" dull means non-vibrant, to lose vibrancy.
例文 "I have washed these jeans so often the colour has faded" これらのジーンズをよく洗うので、色が落ちている "The sun has faded the colour of the curtains" 太陽にあたってカーテンの色があせている "The colour is so dull now" 今色が本当にあせている "The t-shirt has lost its colour, it's really dull now" Tシャツの色が落ちて、今本当に色あせている dullは、色が薄く、輝きがないということです。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • the color faded

  • lost color

"the color faded", basically says that a color has lighted or be lost due to washing or the sun.
「the color faded」は、洗濯や日差しで色があせたり、落ちることを表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • faded

  • pale

The most common words to use are : faded pale dull Examples : My jeans is faded because it has been washed to much. My dress is faded after I washed it in the washing machine. I threw away my shirt because the color is dull.
「faded」や「pale」「dull」が一般的です。 例: My jeans is faded because it has been washed too much. (洗いすぎてジーンズの色が落ちた) My dress is faded after I washed it in the washing machine. (洗濯機で洗ったらドレスの色が落ちた) I threw away my shirt because the color is dull. (色が落ちたシャツを捨てた)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • discoloration.

  • the color has faded.

These two words can be used to describe when a color becomes lighter after washing it in a washing machine for example. Examples After washing my shirts, they have a slight discoloration. After washing my shirts, its colors have faded a little bit.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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