If you have your child with you then you could say 'Do you have this in my child's size?' as the shop assistant can see what size you need. You can also ask 'Do you have this in size......?' if you know what size you need. If you like an item and want to know what sizes they have in stock then you could say
'What sizes do you have this.... in please?'
お子さんと一緒にいるなら、店員は必要なサイズが分かるので「Do you have this in my child's size?(この子のサイズはありますか)」と聞けます。
サイズが分かっているなら「Do you have this in size......?(これの~サイズはありますか)」と聞くこともできます。
気に入った品物があって、在庫にどのサイズがあるのか聞きたいときは、「What sizes do you have this.... in please?(どのサイズがありますか)」と言えます。
1. Here you are asking the assistant if the shop has an item to fit your child.
2. Here you express that you want one of these items that will fit your child. you are asking indirectly if there is one available somewhere in the shop.
A: ". I'm looking for one of these pairs of jeans to fit my child."
B: " Certainly madam, I'll just check the stock room."
A: ". I'm looking for one of these pairs of jeans to fit my child." "私の子供に合うようにジーンズを探しているんですが。"
B: " Certainly madam, I'll just check the stock room."「かしこまりました。倉庫をチェックしますね。」
If you want to ask the staff at a clothing store if they have the size for your child, you can say:
"Do you have clothes in his/her size?"
"Do you have size ~ for kids?"
"Do you have clothes in his/her size?"(彼/彼女のサイズの服はありますか)
"Do you have size ~ for kids?"(~ サイズはありますか)
You can ask if they "stock" in a childs/kids size.
Do you stock clothing in his/her size. asks if they keep clothes in your childs size.
Do you have clothes for a 8 year old. You can replace the age with how old your child is.
"if they stock in a childs/kids size(子供のサイズの服の在庫があるかどうか)
Do you stock clothing in his/her size.
Do you have clothes for a 8 year old.
So the best ways to ask a staff member at a clothing store would be to say "Do you have this in a size ..?" You would add the size in as well . You could also ask them to go and look in the back where the clothes are stored to see if they have your child's size.
服屋のスタッフに、 "Do you have this in a size ..?"(~のサイズの服はありますか?)と聞くのがベストでしょう。 また、バックルームに行って自分の子供のサイズがあるかを確認してもらうようにお願いすることもできます。