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お湯余ったら くれる?って英語でなんて言うの?

ドミトリーに宿泊をしていて、キッチンでお湯を沸かしている宿泊者がいました、私もコーヒーを入れたかったので お湯が余ったらほしいのだけど。。という 場面での英語です。 If you will have enough hot water,please pour my cup? で、適当に 言ってみたんですが・・・
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2017/06/06 14:15
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  • If you have more hot water than necessary, give the extra to me.

than necessary=「必要以上に」 extra=「余分」 give me the extra=give the extra to me 例文=「もしあなたが、必要以上にお湯があるなら、余った分を私に下さい。」 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • Please let me use any hot water that is left.

  • May I use the remaining hot water please?

  • Could I use what's left when you're finished please?

Any one of these expressions will suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If there's some (hot) water left, could I use it?

  • Could I use the rest of that (hot) water?

「お湯が余ったらくれる?」という日本語は If there's some (hot) water left, could I use it? という英文で表現できます。 直訳は「もしお湯が余ったら、使ってもいい?」という意味です。 また、この状況であれば Could I use the rest of that (hot) water? 「余ったお湯を使ってもいい?」という聞き方もいいと思います。 hotを括弧にしましたが、 お湯について話していることが明らかな場合は わざわざhotをつけなくても構いません。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Can I use the rest of the hot water after you have finished?

  • Can I use the remainder of the hot water?

You can politely ask someone to use the rest/remainder of their hot water. The rest - The remainder (What is left over) I hope that helps!
丁寧にお願いする場合は、rest やremainder という表現を使うといいでしょう。 the rest/the remainderは残り物という意味です。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Is there enough hot water for me?

  • Could I please have some hot water?

"Is there enough hot water for me?" Politely asks them if they will have some left over for you to use. "Could I lease have some hot water?" politely asks them if you could have some as well.
"Is there enough hot water for me?" 彼らがあなたのために何か残っているかどうか尋ねる。 "Could I lease have some hot water?"あなたも同様にいくつかそれを持っているかどうか丁寧に質問しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can you spare some of your hot water.

  • Can I use some of your remaining water, please.

*Can you spare some of your hot water. To spare something means give something of which one has enough to someone. This means that you would like to know if they have enough to give away. For example: "She asked if I could spare her a bob or two" *Can I use some of your remaining water, please. This is a polite way of asking.
*Can you spare some of your hot water. (お湯を少し分けてもらえますか?) "spare"とは少し分けるという意味になります。 これは分けられるくらい十分にお湯があるのなら少し分けてほしい、と言う意味になります。 例: "She asked if I could spare her a bob or two" (彼女はお金を分けてくれないかと聞いた) *Can I use some of your remaining water, please. (あなたの残ったお湯を使ってもいいですか?) これは丁寧な尋ね方になります。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, would it be possible for me to have some of your hot water if you have any extra?

Often, in American English, when we want to get someone's attention in an informal situation, we start off by saying "hey." By asking with the phrase "would it be possible" you are noting that they might not have enough water so it is a polite way to ask. I hope that this helps. :)
アメリカ英語では、相手の注意を引くとき、カジュアルな場面ですが、"hey" という呼び掛けがよく使われます。 "would it be possible" は、水が足りないかどうかを尋ねていて、丁寧な言い方です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, do you have any leftover hot water?

  • Can I use some of your hot water?

leftover (something) - you can use this to refer to the remaining share of anything A. I donated my clothes to the shelter. B. Oh, I love your fashion! If you have any leftover clothes that you didn't want, let me know.
"leftover (something)" -これは何かが残っている時の"残り物"と言う意味です。 【例文】 A. I donated my clothes to the shelter. (シェルターに洋服を寄付したのよ) B. Oh, I love your fashion! If you have any leftover clothes that you didn't want, let me know. (あら、私あなたのファッション好きよ!他にも着ない洋服あったら私に教えてね)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Could "I trouble you" for some of your hot water...?

  • When your done... can I have the water that is left"

In a Dorm situation people are quite used to the idea of; "share and share alike". (idiom) Its normal to ask if you can "trouble someone for a drop of water" or" have what is left over when they are done with the kettle"... "Could I trouble you for a drop of your water? ...should do the trick!
ドミトリーでは、"みんなで平等にシェアする”という考えがあるので、”Can I trouble you for a drop of water(水を分けてもらう)"または、"Can I have what is left over when you are done with the kettle(ケトルに残ったお水をもらう)”と頼むのは普通でしょう。 ”Could I trouble you for a drop of your water?(お水を少し分けてもらえませんか?)"と聞けば大丈夫でしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • If there's any hot water left over, could I please have it?

  • If you don't mind, can I have any extra hot water?

  • I'll take any left over hot water, if that's alright.

Each of these are clear ways to request the extra hot water, but they each have different levels of formality. If you are asking a stranger, you want to make sure to say please, and use "could" instead of "can" as it is more formal. If it is an acquaintance, or student you have met before, you can use "can" and instead of "please" you could use "If you don't mind" which is still polite, but less formal. Finally, if it is a friend, you could just let them know, instead of asking as a question by saying, "I'll take any left over hot water, if that's alright." The last part makes it kind, and not rude because you are making sure it is alright with them.
すべて、分かりやすい言い方です。ただ、丁寧さに違いがあります。 相手が「知らない人」なら、"please" 、それから "can" の代わりに "could" を、使った方がいいです。より丁寧になります。 相手が「知り合い」なら、"can" と、それから "please" の代わりに "if you don't mind" が使えます。"if you don't mind" も丁寧ですが、"please" ほどではありません。 最後に、相手が「友達」なら、質問の代わりに "I'll take any left over hot water, if that's alright."(もしよければ、残ったお湯をもらいたい)のように「伝える」ことができます。 最後の "if that's alright"(もしよければ)、これがあるので失礼な響きにはなりません。これは相手の気持ちを確認します。
Perri DMM英会話講師
  • Could you leave me some boiling water please?

  • I would like to use some boiling water so please could you save some for me?

There are so many ways to say this. These are just two examples. In the first sentence you are stating that you would like them to make sure there is some water left in the kettle for you. In the second sentence you are adding a bit more detail, telling them you would like to use the boiling water which saves them asking you 'why'?
これはいろいろな言い方ができます。そのうちの二つをご紹介します。 一つ目の文では、やかんにお湯を残しておいてほしいと頼んでいます。 二つ目の文はより具体的です。ここでは「お湯を使いたいから」と理由も伝えています。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
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