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2017/06/07 05:31
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  • I read part of it

  • I read about half/a quarter

  • I started reading it but...

「[途中](まで[読んだ](」=「I read part of it」、「I read about half/a quarter」、「I started reading it but」 「途中でやめた」=「I gave up half-way」「I gave up after ~pages」 「話題の本を読んで見たけど、難しかったので途中でやめた」 I read part of that book but it was too difficult so I gave up. I started reading that book but it was too difficult so I gave up half-way. I read about half of that book but it was so difficult that I gave up.
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • 1. That style of writing didn't appeal to me.

  • 2. I found that book a bit heavy.

  • 3. That book was simply too difficult for my simple mind! (Humorous)

Usually people in the UK would not say that a book was 'too difficult'. That would be admitting your ability was inadequate in this case. They would use a euphemism to soften this depressing fact! Expression 1 is stating that the writing style did not suit your taste. Expression 2 is a little vague: 'Heavy' could mean the subject of the book was boring, or it could also mean the language used was quite difficult or too tedious to read. Expression 3 just makes a joke of the fact that the book was hard going.
UKの人は普通は本に対してtoo difficultという表現を使いません。この場合、自分の能力がその本を読むにあたって不十分だと言っているようなものだからです。そういう嬉しくない事実に対して婉曲表現を使います。1の例では、自分のテイストに文章のスタイルがあわない、という表現です。2の例は、少し曖昧ですが、本のテーマが[つまらない](という意味か、または文章が[難しかったり](、真面目すぎるときに使います。3の例は、本がなかなか読み進めないときに使うユーモアな表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was a bit heavy going

  • I couldn't get into it

  • It didn't hold my attention

You start by saying; I didn't finish the book because.......and then any of the three phrases above. Heavy going - means it was boring and not interesting Couldn't get into it - it did not hold your attention and you didn't find it interestingly - similar to the third answer. I hope this helps Jane :)
I didn't finish the book because ... と始め、そして上記の3つのフレーズのどれかを言うといいですよ。 heavy going - これはイマイチで面白くないことを意味します。 couldn't get into it - これはあなたの感心を引かず、あなたはそれを面白いと思わなかったことを意味します。 3つ目のフレーズと同じような意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I wasn't able to finish my book because it was too difficult

  • 2. I stopped reading my book because it was too difficult.

  • 3. This book was too hard for me to finish

1. Wasn't able- this means that you did not have the skill or proficiency to read it. 2. This sentence can be used to say that you started the book but did not finish it because it was too difficult. 3. Too hard- hard is the opposite of easy. Too hard means it was too difficult for you to finish reading the book. I hope this helps :)
"1. “Wasn't able”とはあなたにそれを読むための技術や技量が足りなかったことを意味します。 2. この文はその本を読み始めたけれど難しすぎたため最後まで読み終えなかったと言うために使うことができます。 3. “Too hard”とは難しすぎると言うことです。その本を読み終えることはあなたにとって難しすぎたという意味です。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • i read half of it

  • I didn't finish it

  • I only read part of it

example "the text was really difficult, i only managed to get halfway through". or "i read part of it" or "i didn't finish it because it was just too difficult for me".
例 "The text was really difficult, I only managed to get halfway through". (文章がとても難しく、私は途中までしか読めませんでした。) あるいは "I read part of it". (私は途中まで読みました。) あるいは "I didn't finish it because it was just too difficult for me". (私にはとても難しくて最後まで読めませんでした。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I only read part of the book.

  • I read some but not all.

  • The book was too difficult so I only got to read part of it.

"I read some but not all." says that you did read the book in question just not all of it.
I read some but not all. (全部ではなく少し読んだ) これは、話題の本は読んでみたけど少しだけ読んで全部は読んでいない、という意味になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't finish the book because it was to hard for me.

  • I could finish the book because it was too difficult for me.

You can use any of these
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • The difficult was too to finish.

  • I started but didn't finish it.

  • I have read part of it.

We can refer to the book's difficulty when talking about how we didn't finish it. We can talk about how we started it but didn't finish it without having to describe that it was difficult. Lastly we can simply say that we have read, "a part of it," to say that only a certain bit of the story has been read.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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