世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/08 19:29
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  • There is consumption tax on this item.

  • This product is subject to consumption tax.

英語では「〇〇税がかかります」という表現の代わりに「There is 〇〇 tax on this item」といいます。さらに丁寧にしたい時(例えば、お客様との会話では)「This product is subject to 〇〇 tax」の方がいいです。 この場合の「subject to」は「影響下にある」という意味で、お客様に対してよく使われています。
  • This price does not include tax.

  • Tax will be added to this price.

Both these explain that an amount will need to be added to the price to cover tax.
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Consumption tax will be added to this item's price at checkout.

  • There is an additional charge for consumption tax when you pay.

  • Consumption tax is not included in the advertised price (so it will be added).

In the UK, a government tax added to certain products is know as, "VAT". This means: 'Vale Added Tax'. It only applies to certain products and consumables. A "Is VAT included with this item?" B "No, these prices exclude VAT. A "What does that mean?" B "It means that 20% will be added to the price shown when you pay."
英国では、特定の商品に付加されている税金は「付加価値税(VAT)」として知られています。これは「Vale Added Tax」を意味します。特定の製品および消耗品にのみ適用されます。 A "VATはこのアイテムに含まれていますか?" B "いいえ、これらの価格はVAT(付加価値税)がはいってません。 A "どういう意味ですか?" B "支払うときに表示価格に20%が追加されるということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This price doesn't include consumption tax

  • This price is exclusive of tax

The first way to say this is 'the price doesn't include tax. This simply means tax will be added later. The opposite of include is exclude. These are both verbs. We can use the adjective 'exclusive' to say the price of the product is without tax. So a simple way of understanding it is as follows... Tax is excluded in the price. Tax is included in the price.
the price doesn't include tax.'(価格は税別です) 税金が後から足されるということですね。 「include」の反意語は「exclude」です。どちらも動詞です。 「exclusive(形容詞)」でも「税別」を表せます。 わかりやすい言い方は: Tax is excluded in the price. (価格は税別です) Tax is included in the price. (価格は税込みです)
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • Consumption tax will added on top of the advertised price.

In some countries it also called value added tax.
国によってはvalue added taxとも呼ばれます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • We charge a consumption tax for this particular kind of item.

  • There is an additional charge /tax for consumption of this item.

"There is an additional charge /tax for consumption of this item." and "We charge a consumption tax for this particular kind of item."to alert a customer of the additional cost they will incur when buying a product/an item. You may also want to clarify whether the consumption tax is a sales tax or a value-added tax .
"There is an additional charge /tax for consumption of this item." "We charge a consumption tax for this particular kind of item." はどちらも何かを購入した時に追加料金がかかることを顧客に注意するときに使います。 消費税が、売上に対してかかるのか、それともVATなのかも尋ねておくと良いでしょうね。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • The price is subject to a compulsory 10% consumption charge

  • The price shown is the net amount before tax

"The price is subject to a compulsory 10% consumption charge." The word compulsory is used here to mean it is absolutely necessary and cannot be excluded or avoided and that the customer must pay it. Explaining the percentage amount of tax will help make it easy for the customer to work out his exact bill. "The price shown is the net amount before tax." Here you are explaining to the customer that the amount does not include tax and that the figure shown is the net amount or final amount before tax is added.
"The price is subject to a compulsory 10% consumption charge."(価格には、10%の消費税がかかります) 「compulsory」はここでは、絶対に必要、除くこと(避ける)ことはできない、必ず支払わなければならないことを表します。パーセンテージを教えてあげると、金額を計算しやすくなると思います。 "The price shown is the net amount before tax."(表示価格は税別です) 税が含まれていない、税別の価格だと伝えています。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Consumption tax will be added to the price.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 Consumption tax will be added to the price. のように英語で表現することができます。 consumption tax は「消費税」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: This is before tax. Consumption tax will be added to the price. これは税抜きです。この値段に消費税がかかります。 お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
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