ゴミは 曜日や 出す方法が違うのだと伝えたかったのですが、わからず
We put out burnable trash every Mondays in our region.といったら、
? biodegradable ?ともかえされて??
✳︎ 曜日により 出すゴミの種類が違うことを、説明したいのと、
✳︎ Biodegradable は 可燃ゴミとは似て非なるものですか?
We separate our garbage into
burnable, (燃えるゴミ)
non-burnable, (不燃)
PET bottles,
aluminum cans, (アルミ)
steel cans, (スチール)
and hazardous materials (危険物).
"...hazardous materials, such as batteries(乾電池), machinery (機械), electronics (家電製品) or large items (デカい物).
On [曜日], we put out [種類].
On Friday, we put out hazardous materials.
On Tuesday, we put out burnables.
We put aluminum cans out on Wednesday.
We put glass out on Sunday.
Different types of rubbish is collected on different days.
Different types of rubbish is collected on different days.
British English normally uses the word rubbish while American English says garbage.
There can be different types of rubbish - Recyclables, plastics, paper, burnables etc.
Rubbish is normally 'collected' by dustbin men in the UK.
Different days - Recyclables are collected on Mondays, plastics on Tuesdays etc.
I hope that helps!
Different types of rubbish is collected on different days.
ゴミのことを、アメリカ英語では garbage と言いますが、イギリス英語では rubbish という言葉を使います。
イギリスではゴミはごみ収集作業員の方に 収集されます(collected)。
different days というのは、例えば資源ごみは月曜日、プラスチックは火曜日という風に曜日ごとに回収されます。
Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific type of garbage.
There is a schedule for rubbish collections for the week.
>Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific type of garbage.
*Dedicated=devoted to a task or purpose
*specific type=clearly defined or identified.
Eg. Mondays is just for glass. Tuesday is just for burnables.
>There is a schedule for rubbish collections for the week.
*Schedule=giving lists of intended events and times
Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific type of garbage.
*specific type=はっきりと定義されて区別されたという意味です。
There is a schedule for rubbish collections for the week.
You need to take out specific types of rubbish for collect on specific days
People from the USA say, 'trash,' but in the UK we say, 'rubbish.'
In these days of cost saving and local councils impressing upon householders the importance of seperating rubbish so that it may be recycled, there may be two or mnore different collections for the various types of rubbish the average family produces.
Eg. "What are you doing with the brown bin?"
"Taking out the general rubbish."
"No, that's tomorrow. Today's the plastic and paper collection!"
"What are you doing with the brown bin?"
"Taking out the general rubbish."
"No, that's tomorrow. Today's the plastic and paper collection!"
Different types of rubbish, goes out on different days
We have different rubbish collection days
different' means not the same as anything so you would call different rubbish like -Paper, plastic, cans etc
If you said ' we have different rubbish collection days' this means there are different days to collect rubbish to explain it more then you would say
'Different rubbish (types of rubbish), goes out on different days' this means it better to the person you are talking to
「different」は「同じでない、違う」という意味です。ですから、紙、プラスティック、缶などは「different rubbish(異なるゴミ)」と言えます。
「We have different rubbish collection days.」は、それぞれのゴミを集める日が異なることを表します。さらに説明するなら、以下のように言えます。
Different rubbish (types of rubbish), goes out on different days.
Different types of rubbish need to be taken out on different days.
Rubbish = British word for waste
Garbage / Trash - American word for waste
Different types = different sorts, different varieties
'This garbage goes out today, but check the schedule for different types'
Schedule = diary, agenda
'Burnable trash is collected on Mondays, but other varieties go out on other days''
Rubbish =「ゴミ」という意味のイギリス英語。
Garbage / Trash =「ゴミ」という意味のアメリカ英語。
Different types = いろいろな種類の
'This garbage goes out today, but check the schedule for different types'
Schedule = 予定、スケジュール
'Burnable trash is collected on Mondays, but other varieties go out on other days'
"We have different rubbish removal days!"
Monday - rubbish
Tuesday - paper and plastics
Wednesday - biodegradable
Thursday - glass
"Different" not the same as something else
"Rubbish" we have a few different words to describe this - garbage, refuse, waste
"Removal" this is the action when something is being taken away
"We have different rubbish removal days!"
Monday - rubbish(月曜日- ゴミ)
Tuesday - paper and plastics (火曜日-紙やプラスチック)
Wednesday - biodegradable (水曜日- 資源ごみ)
Thursday - glass(木曜日- ガラス)
"different" は、他のものと同じでないという意味です。
"rubbish"はいろいろな意味がありますが、garbage, refuse, waste (ごみ)のことです。