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音楽なのでhearではなくてlistenを使うと思ったのですが、Have you ever listened this music?ですか?例文とかだとHave you ever heared〜しか出てこないのでlistenだとおかしいですか?
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pi kanaさん
2017/07/27 16:19
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  • Do you know this song?

  • Have you heard this track before?

  • Have you come across this track before

The usual way of asking about prior experience o a musical piece would be: "Do you know this song." You may also ask this person if they have 'come across' this piece of music previously. To come across something or someone - to find something or someone by chance: "He came across some old love letters while cleaning out the attic."
音楽に関する過去の経験について、このように聞くことができます。 Do you know this song? この歌知ってる? 以前にこの歌を聞いたことがあるかどうか、つまり come across(遭遇する)したかどうかを尋ねることもできます。 come across は、偶然なにかやだれかに出会ったり見つけたりすることを意味します。 He came across some old love letters while cleaning out the attic. 彼は部屋を掃除しながら古いラブレターをいくつか見つけました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever listened to this song/piece of music?

  • Have you heard this song/piece of music before?

"Have you ever listened to this song/piece of music?" This asks the person to tell you if they have listened or heard the music before. "Have you heard this song/piece of music before?" This also asks the person if they know the song or piece of music.
"Have you ever listened to this song/piece of music?" これは、もし以前その曲をきいたことがあったかどうか尋ねる表現です。 "Have you heard this song/piece of music before?" これもその曲を知っているかどうか尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Have you heard of this song?

  • Have you ever listened to this song before?

When you want to ask someone if they have listened to a particular song, you can ask: Have you heard of this song? Have you heard - This means has your ears had the experience of listening to something. To hear of - This means to have known about something. You can hear of a new song, as in you know there is a new song but you may not have listened to all of it. You can also say: Have you ever listened to this song before? Have you ever - This means have you done something before. To add ever is to add emphasis. When speaking of songs you can use 'head' or 'listened to.' I hope that helps!
特定の音楽の趣味があるかどうか聞きたいのなら、こう尋ねることができます。 Have you heard of this song? Have you heard - これは、今まで聞いた経験があるかどうかを尋ねることができます。 To hear of - これは、...について知っている、という意味です。 You can hear of a new song, という場合、新曲はわかるけど、まだ全部を聞いたわけじゃない、という時に使います。 こうも言えます。 Have you ever listened to this song before? Have you ever - これは、今までにしたことがあるかを尋ねます。everは強調するために使います。 音楽のことを話すのなら、 'head' または 'listened to.'を使うことができます。 I hope that helps!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Do you know (this music / song) ?

  • I thought I knew the song ...but I was mistaken!

In English we usually refer to "the recogntion of a song" or piece of music by simply saying "I know that song!" We can also ask .. "are you familiar with this piece? " Or use one of many other " Have you heard this before?"
英語では大抵、 “the recognition of a song/ piece of music”(曲の認知)と言います。 “I know that song!” (この曲を知っています!) とシンプルに言うことができます。 また、 “Are you familiar with this piece?” (この曲に親しみがありますか?) や “Have you heard this before?” (これを以前聴いたことがありますか?) と聞くことができます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Have you heard this song before?

  • Have you listened to this type of music?

Both phrases are asking the person if they have ever heard a certain song specifically or a certain type of music. You wouldn't necessarily say "piece of music" since that's not really a common term used in English. But you can use "song", "type of music", or "genre of music". Since what you want to know relates to the past, you would ask this in terms of past tense. Both "heard" and "listened" are past tense.
どちらのフレーズも、その曲のジャンルや曲そのものをきいたことがあるか尋ねる表現です。 piece of musicとわざわざ言う必要はないです。 なぜならあまり英語で一般的な表現ではないからです。 その代わり、songであったり、type of music、genre of musicとはよく使われます。 知りたいことが過去と関係しているために、過去形でheard, listenedなどと尋ねると良いでしょう。
Jese DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever heard this song before?

  • Do you ever listen to this type of music?

  • Have you ever heard of this singer/band before?

"Have you ever heard this song before?"questions if a person who you are talking with, has heard of or listened to a certain song before.
"Have you ever heard this song before?"(この曲聴いたことありますか?) ↑相手がその曲(=this song)を聴いたことがあるかどうか尋ねています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Have you heard this song before?

  • Do you know this tune?

Before, means something that happened before the present time. Do you know this tune is a more informal and casual way of asking the same question, tune means song.
beforeは、現在より前という意味です。 「Do you know this tune ?」は、最初の例文より砕けたカジュアルな表現ですが同じ質問をしています。tuneは、歌という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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