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2019/02/08 14:47
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  • Phonograph record

  • Vinyl album

  • Vinyl record

The most technical name for this in English is a phonograph record because a phonograph was the type of machine that was used to play the record originally. The name that is most used for this is a record, but you may also hear it referred to as vinyl or vinyl album since vinyl is the material used to make these.
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Records

  • LP

  • Black disc

Records ・I love going to the record store「レコード屋に行くのが大好きなんだ」 to get me some records「レコードを買うために」 LP ・The LP is really making a comeback recently,「あの昔のレコードが生き変えてきた」 but others would say「 that it never went away.「ずっと生きてたじゃんって言う人はいるんだ」 Black disc ・I'm just here in my room,「部屋にいる」 spinning some black discs「レコードを聴いているんだ」
  • Record

  • Vinyl disc

A record/vinyl disc is a disc that is used in a record player that plays music. It has been a popular way to play music since the 1900s, however the popularity of records dipped with the introduction of other ways to play music like tape players, cd players, radio, playing music from mobile phones, etc.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Vinyl

The old-school way to listen to music was through vinyl. Get a record player, get the new LP or vinyl and crack it on and your evening was good to go. People say they sound better, what do you think? I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • LP

  • Long-playing record

  • Long-player

An LP is the casual term for a long-playing record or long-player as it is also called. This is a round, vinyl disc on which music was recorded between the 1940's and the late 1980's. Some people still have their LP's because it seems to hold very fond memories for them. Example: My grandfather refuses to part with his LP collection.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • record

  • vinyl

Large, black disks that were used to play music are commonly referred to in English as 'vinyls' or 'records.' 'A record' is a more common, general description but 'a vinyl' is also commonly used by native speakers. EX) This is my parents' record player. This is from the 1970s, it plays vinyls.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • a record

  • a vinyl

A round, black disk that has small lines on it (called 'grooves') is called a 'record' in English. We pronounce it R'EH KORD (with the accent on the first syllable. You might know that the word 'record' can mean different things besides this object. Record used in an example: I found a record of Elvis at a second hand store. My friend likes collecting old records/ Another name for a record is a vinyl. For example, He has an expensive vinyl music collection.
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • A record

  • A 33 rpm record

  • A 45 rpm record

Yes, to be specific, you would usually refer to a a vinyl record as either 'a (vinyl) single' or 'a (vinyl) LP. You could also differentiate between a single and an LP by referring to the RPM (revolutions per minute). A single plays at 45 RPM and an album or LP record plays at 33 RPM. Eg " I just bought the latest 33 RPM record of the Wombats."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Record

  • Vinyl

We can call those circular disks that were used to play music a long time ago are called either a, "record," or, "vinyl," as they are two different names for the same thing. Example sentences : - My grandfather has a massive record collection. - My mom still listens to vinyl albums sometimes.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Record

  • Vinyl

You could use any of the above two words to describe the picture shown. Examples; - In the olden days people used to listen to records on a record machine. - My uncle has many old vinyls at his house.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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