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2017/09/05 03:34
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  • I brought something my son/daughter forgot.

I brought a lunchbox my son/daughter forgot it. 「私の息子/娘が弁当箱を忘れたので持ってきました」 something my son forgot で、「息子が忘れた何か→忘れ物」という意味を出せます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • My son/daughter forgot this, can you give it to him/her, please.

  • I’m here to drop off this (book) my son/daughter forgot.

My son/daughter forgot this, can you give it to him/her, please. As you are already there, you can start the sentence with “my son/daughter forgot this”, it is direct, simple and gives a clear instruction. I’m here to drop off this (book) my son/daughter forgot. I’m here because… You can follow this with your reason if needed at a school situation. Drop off – another way to say deliver/give/return. “I will drop it off later”. You finish the sentence with whose item you have.
"My son/daughter forgot this, can you give it to him/her, please. 私の息子/娘がこれを忘れたので、これを渡してもらえますか? I’m here to drop off this (book) my son/daughter forgot. I’m here because…学校の状況に応じて、理由を記入してください。 Drop off - 納品/譲渡/返品という意味合いあります。“I will drop it off later”= ""私は後でこれを渡します""。 誰のものなのかを追加して文章を完成させます。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please give this to my son "Yuri" in Grade 4A. He forgot this at home.

>Can you please give this to my son "Yuri" in Grade 4A. He forgot this at home. This sentence is telling the person what your son's name is and in which class room he can be found in order to give him the "thing" Other sentence: a.I can I leave my son's lunch by you to give it to him later please? He forgot it at home.
Can you please give this to my son ""Yuri"" in Grade 4A. He forgot this at home. 「thing(忘れ物)」を渡すために自分の息子の名前とクラスを伝えるときの表現です。 他には以下のような例文をつくることができます。 a.I can I leave my son's lunch by you to give it to him later please? He forgot it at home.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I came to deliver my son/daughter's lunchbox. They forgot it at home.

  • My son forgot this at home,could you please give them.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1.I came to deliver my son/daughter's lunchbox. They forgot it at home. 2.My son forgot this at home,could you please give them.
表現するのに以下の文を使うことが出来ます。 1.I came to deliver my son/daughter's lunchbox. They forgot it at home. 息子/娘のお弁当を届けに来ました。家に忘れていたんです。 2.My son forgot this at home,could you please give them. 息子がこれを家に忘れたので、渡して頂けますか。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am here to bring my child something they left for school.

  • I have brought something my child left at home.

  • I need to give my son/daughter something they forgot at home.

"I need to give my son/daughter something they forgot at home." is a simple way that says you have an object, forgotten by your child, that you must give them.
"I need to give my son/daughter something they forgot at home." 息子(娘)が家に忘れたものを渡す必要があります。 これは子供が何か忘れ物をしてそれを届けなければいけないということを表す簡潔な言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I came to deliver my son's/daughter's pencil case which she forgot in the car.

  • I am here to deliver my son's lunch box which she forgot at home.

Children are prone to forgetting things in their parent's cars when they deliver them to school or may forget them at home when leaving for school. Parents may be too preoccupied in their minds to remind their children to remember to carry everything they need to carry with them to school. As a result, children often forget the things they need to carry with them. So, you may say: I came to deliver my son's/daughter's pencil case which she forgot in the car. or I am here to deliver my son's lunch box which she forgot at home.
子供を学校に連れて行くときや家を出るときに、車や家に忘れ物をすることはよくありますね。 親が忙しすぎて、子供に忘れ物をしないように伝えることを怠ってしまうこともあります。 このような状況ですと、結果として子供が忘れ物をしてしまうこともあります。 I came to deliver my son's/daughter's pencil case which she forgot in the car. (息子/娘が車に忘れた筆箱を持ってきました。) I am here to deliver my son's lunch box which she forgot at home. (息子が家に忘れたお弁当箱をもってきました。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My daughter forgot this

  • I'm just bringing in my daughter's lunch - she forgot it

Well, it depends on the way you want to say this. You could claim that it is your fault and you forgot to put your child's lunch in her bag. Or, perhaps you gave it to your daughter and she left it on the sofa? But blame is not really so important - just nice of you to take the time and drop off your daughter's packed lunch!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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