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2017/09/19 11:30
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  • Membership fee

  • Admission fee

  • Sign up fee

The money paid to become a member of an association can be called: Membership fee - This is typically the money paid to become a member of a club or society. She had to pay a monthly membership fee to join the gym. Admission fee This is normally the money paid to gain entry to somewhere. Sometimes it has to be paid every time you enter a facility. The admission fee for the gym was $5. Sign up fee This is the money paid to join something. Sometimes it is a one time payment. The sign up fee for the language school was reasonable. I hope that helps!
メンバーになるための費用のことを、以下のように言います Membership fee - これは、一般的な入会費を表します。 例 She had to pay a monthly membership fee to join the gym. 彼女は月一の入会費をジムに払わなければならなかった。 Admission fee これはどこかに入るために払うお金です。 そこに入るときは毎度払う必要があることあります。 例 The admission fee for the gym was $5. ジムへの入館料は$5だった。 Sign up fee これは、何かに入会する時に支払うお金です。 一回だけのところが多いです。 例 The sign up fee for the language school was reasonable. 語学学校の入会費は妥当であった。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • membership fee

  • admission fee

Membership fee is a fee payable in order to become a member of an organization, club, etc. This is the name for gym fees. Admission fee is the fee that you pay to be admitted into something.In this case to an English school.
"Membership fee"とは、クラブや団体などの会費の事です。 ここでは"gym fees"(ジム費)ですね。 "Admission fee"とは、入会金の事です。 この場合、英会話スクールの事ですね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The gym membership charge

  • The enrollment fee

  • Sign up fee.joining fee

Charges for gyms usually come in two ways. There may be an intitial sign up fee which is a one-off charge at the beginning. And usually members then keep their membership by making monthly payments thereafter. "My gym membership charge is $30 a month." "Wow, that's so expensive! At the university gym, my sign up fee was just $5 and then the monthly payments are $10." "Oh, I forgot, my enrollment fee was $50!" If it's an academic course, the enrollment fee is the payment required to be included in that course. Again, there may well be monthly or quarterly or termly payments to follow - or it may indeed be the full payment.
ジムのチャージにはふた通りあります。 最初に一度きりかかる登録費用と、あとはメンバーシップの維持費です。 "My gym membership charge is $30 a month." うちのジムの会員費は一月30ドルです。 "Wow, that's so expensive! At the university gym, my sign up fee was just $5 and then the monthly payments are $10." おお、それは高いね。大学のジムなら登録費用5ドルで、月々の支払いが10ドルだよ。 "Oh, I forgot, my enrollment fee was $50!" ああ、忘れてた、会員費50ドルだった。 大学のコースなどであれば、the enrollment feeが、支払いに含まれている場合が多いです。 もう一度言いますが、月々、または3ヶ月に一回の支払いなど定期での支払いがあるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • enrollment fee

enrollment  登録、入会、加入 fee 料金 あわせて「入会金」です。ここハワイでは、ジムや学校、習い事を始める際に、enrollment feeやdepositを支払うことが多くありますが、どちらなのかよくチェックします。depositはいわゆる「保証金」です。100%出席する、最終テストに合格するなどの、「一定の条件」をクリアすれば、最後に返金してくれるシステムです。depositの場合の習い事だと、その条件を見てさらにやる気になります。お金が返ってきますからね。 従ってdepositには「入会金」という意味はないのですが、個人的には enrollment fee  返ってこない入会金 deposit 返ってくる入会金 と覚えています。ご参考まで。
Tomomi T 英語講師
  • membership costs

  • membership fee

  • group fee

examples "It costs me only a few pounds to join the local knitting group". or "The membership fee is due". or "The cost of membership is very high."
 "It costs me only a few pounds to join the local knitting group."  地元の編み物グループに参加するのに数百円しかかからない。 "The membership fee is due."  会費が締め切りです。 "The cost of membership is very high." 会費がとても高い。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Membership fee

  • Joining fee

  • School fees

A fee payed to be a member of a facility such as a golf club is called a membership fee and is often paid on a monthly or yearly basis. For example: "My golf club charges an annual membership fee". It could also be termed a "joining fee" which is more likely to be a one-off payment paid to join an organisation for which you may then pay a more regular membership fee. For example: "My gym charges a 20 dollar joining fee." For money paid to attend school is called "school fees". For example: "My children attend a private school so we pay school fees".
例えばゴルフクラブなどの会員費を"membership fee"と呼び月毎や年毎に支払います。 【例】 "My golf club charges an annual membership fee." (私のゴルフクラブは年間会員費を支払わなければなりません) また"joining fee"(入会費)とは"membership fee"(会員費)とは別に、その組織に入会する時に一回だけ支払う料金のことをいいます。 【例】 "My gym charges a 20 dollar joining fee" (私のジムは20ドルの入会費が必要です) 学校へ行くために支払う費用を"school fees"(学費)といいます。 【例】 "My children attend a private school so we pay school fees" (うちの子は私立の学校へ通っているので学費を支払わなくてはいけません)
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • membership fee

  • enrollment fee

  • School fee

The membership fee is very high. The enrollment fees are due by the end of the month. The school fees are paid each semester.
【例】 The membership fee is very high. (この会員費はとても高い) The enrollment fees are due by the end of the month. (入会金の支払期限は今月末です) The school fees are paid each semester. (学費は学期ごとに支払われます)
Angela Jane DMM英会話講師
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