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2017/09/19 21:33
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  • A retired athlete

  • An ex-track star

When someone stops a previous job or activity, they effectively 'retire' from doing that. So, for example: "He's a retired postman;" "She's a retired ice skater." Alternatively you may simply use the word 'ex' to describe someone who stopped doing something or ceased a role of some kind. For example: "Ex-wife;" ex-footballer."
誰かが以前の仕事や活動を止めるとき、retire:引退する、という表現が使われます。 したがって、例えば: "He's a retired postman;" 「彼はもと郵便配達員です;」 "She's a retired ice skater."「彼女はもとアイススケーターだ」 代わりに、単に「ex」という言葉を使って、何かをやめたり、何らかの役割を停止した人を表すことができます。例:ex-wife元妻 Ex-ootballer."元サッカー選手。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A former track and field athlete.

  • He was a track and field athlete previously.

1. A former track and field athlete. The word "former" means having previously been a particular thing. Therefore a former track and field athlete is one who was so in the past. 2. He was a track and field athlete previously. The word "previously" means before or in the past. This sentence is therefore saying that the person was a track and field athlete in the past.
1. A former track and field athlete. かつての陸上選手 formerはかつて何か特定のことをやっていたという意味です。 a former track and field athleteはかつて陸上をやっていた人のことです。 2. He was a track and field athlete previously. 彼は以前陸上の選手でした。 previouslyは以前に、過去にという意味です。 ですからこの文章はその人が かつて陸上の選手だったということを言っています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • A retired track and field athlete

Someone who is retired is no longer in the role.
Mel R DMM英会話講師
  • A retired field and track athlete

  • An ex field and track athlete

  • A former field and track athlete

If you want to say that someone who used to be an athlete but doesn't compete anymore then you could say, 'a retired', 'an ex' or ' a former' they mean mean that the person no longer does that thing. To let the person know what they did you would add 'track and field athlete'
今は競技をしていない昔スポーツ選手だった人のことは「retired」「ex」「former」を使って表現できます。これらは、あることを今はしていないことを表します。 「track and field athlete(陸上競技の選手)」を加えて、その人が何をしていたかを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • He is a former track and field athlete.

  • At one- time he was a track and field athlete.

The two sentences you see above are excellent ways to express to your listener that a particular person used to be a track and field athlete. In the first sentence you will see the word former and in the second sentence you will see the word one-time. Both of these words mean previously. These are words that are common in our everyday conversation and they would make great additions to your vocabulary.
これら2つの文は、昔陸上競技の選手だった人を表す言い方です。 はじめの文にはformerという言葉があり、2つ目にはone-timeという言葉があります。どちらも「元、前の」という意味です。これらは日常会話でよく使われる言葉なので、語彙に付け加えておくといいでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Former athlete

  • Retired athlete

When a person is not an athlete anymore, then you can use the following terms: "former athlete" or "retired athlete". For example, you can use these above terms in a sentence in the following ways: -Sam, a former athlete, is now the coach of the national team. -Sam is a retired athlete. He won a few gold medals in his athletic career.
引退したアスリートのことは、"former athlete"や"retired athlete"を使って表せます。 例えば、以下のように文で使うことができます。 -Sam, a former athlete, is now the coach of the national team. 元アスリートのサムは今はナショナルチームのコーチです。 -Sam is a retired athlete. He won a few gold medals in his athletic career. サムは元アスリートです。彼は現役時代にいくつか金メダルを獲得しました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Former Track and field athlete

  • Retired athlete.

"Former track and field athlete." This explains they are no longer an athlete. "Retired athlete." This explains that the person used to be an athlete but no longer participates in the sport anymore.
Former track and field athlete. 元陸上選手 今は現役選手ではないということです。 Retired athlete. 引退したアスリート かつてはアスリートだったが、今は競技に参加していない ということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
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