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2016/01/18 20:27
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  • camouflage

  • camo pattern

camouflage といいます。Do you have camouflage pants? あるいは camo pattern pants とかですね。
  • Do you have any camo stuff?

Stuffは大雑把な感じで物のことを指します。 ちなみにcamouflageはパターンや柄のことをさしますので、色味のことではないですね!
  • Camouflage

  • Army print

  • Military print

All these words mean the same type of pattern, the common word for English speaking nationals may differ from country to country. Do you have anything in camouflage/army/military print? I’m looking for camouflage/army/military print.
"これらの言葉はすべて同じタイプの柄を意味し、一般的に使われる語彙は英語を話す国によって異なる場合があります。 Do you have anything in camouflage/army/military print? 迷彩色の服をもっていますか? I’m looking for camouflage/army/military print.私は迷彩柄を探しています。"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any camouflage coloured clothing?

  • Do you have any camo trousers or tops?

  • Combat fatigues

Camouflage is these days popularly shortened to 'camo' for ease of pronunciation - and possibly spelling. Over the years, this style has maintained a level of popularity albeit by just a minority, although it has influenced mainstream design at different periods. This style is also sometimes referred to as 'battledress or combat fatigues 'Military fatigues worn in combat, a form of battle dress.' "May I help you sir?" "Yes, Do you have any camouflage coloured clothing?" "Certainly, the military fatigues are in the corner."
Camouflage とは、最近では発音のしやすさからcamoと短縮されることが多いですね。 何年もの間、こファッションは少数派にしか使われなかった割には色んな世代の多くの人のデザインに影響を与えてきた。battledressと言われることもあります。 例 :'Military fatigues worn in combat, a form of battle dress.' "May I help you sir?"  "Yes, Do you have any camouflage coloured clothing?" "Certainly, the military fatigues are in the corner."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • camouflage

  • camo print

  • army style

The standard camouflage design was made popular through the use of the military as it was the standard style of print for anyone in the military . Nowadays it has become a very popular style for non-army or non-military people. We shorten the name and call it camo print clothing. We use the word print after the word because its not just a design its like the pattern of the style on the fabric like leopard print fabric . There are other expressions we use when describing camouflage clothing style such as: Army clothing or attire , hunting clothing or camo print clothes . You could say: "Do you have any camo print skirts or pants" "I'm really crazy about camo print clothes do you have any type or style here? " I am wearing my army skirt today"
"camouflage design"迷彩柄は軍隊ではみんなにとっての普通のスタイルであり、 軍隊での使用によって人気になりました。 最近では、軍隊に関係ない人の間でもとても人気です。 名前を省略して、”camo print clothing”と言います。 “print”という言葉を、最後につけます。 なぜなら、普通のデザインではなくて、ヒョウ柄のように生地の柄のようになっているからです。 迷彩柄を表す他の表現もあります。 “army clothing/attire”, “hunting clothing”, “camo print clothes” と言うことができます。 “Do you have any camo print skirts or pants?” (迷彩柄のスカートかズボンはありますか?) “I am really crazy about camo print clothes, do you have any type or style here?” (私はとても迷彩柄にはまっていますが、そのようなスタイルはここには置いていますか?) “I am wearing my army skirt today.” (私は今日迷彩柄のスカートをはいています。)
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • Do you have anything with a camouflage pattern?

  • Do you have anything with a camouflage design?

Both of these phrases can be used to ask for clothing, in a store, with a specific pattern. You can also use the same structure but change the adjective to help find other types of clothing. For example Do you have anything with a lion on the front? Do you have anything in Green?
これらの表現はどちらもお店で特定の柄の洋服について尋ねる時に使います。 形容詞を代えることによってこの同じ文章を使って洋服の種類などを探すときに使うことが出来ます。 【例】 Do you have anything with a lion on the front? (ライオンが前にプリントされたものがありますか?) Do you have anything in Green? (緑色の物がありますか?)
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have any clothes with camouflage patterns?

  • Do you sell anything in camouflage design?

  • Are there any clothes here that have camouflage colors?

While shopping in a clothes shop and you want to check if they have clothes with a camouflage design/ color/ pattern, you could ask like this: "Do you have any clothes with camouflage patterns?"
衣料品店で買い物をしていて、迷彩柄(色)の服があるか確認したい時は、このように尋ねることが出来ます: "Do you have any clothes with camouflage patterns?" (迷彩柄の服はありますか?)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, do you have any clothes with a camouflage print?

  • Pardon me, do you carry any clothes with a camo pattern?

When speaking with someone you do not know well, using polite phrases such as "Excuse me" and "Pardon me" is a kind way to get somebody's attention. Also, you can substitute out the word "design" with synonyms such as "print" or "pattern." All three of these words are interchangeable and possess the same meaning. In the second sentence, "do you carry any clothes" does not mean to "support, transport, or bear the burden of a thing's weight, but instead is asking if the store itself holds or contains the item you are looking for.
よく知らない人と話すときは、すみませんという意味の "Excuse me" や "Pardon me" のような丁寧な言葉を使うことが、相手の注意を引く親切な方法です。 また、 "design" (デザイン)という言葉を、類義語の "print" (プリント)または "pattern." (模様)と置き換えることもできます。これら3つの言葉は、置き換え可能で、同じ意味を持っています。 2つ目の、"do you carry any clothes" は、あるものを支えたり、運んだり、重さに耐えたりするという意味ではありません。そのお店が、あなたの探している商品を持っているかという意味になります。
Lindsay Marie DMM英会話講師
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