小学生:elementary school student(米)/ primary school student(英)
[小学校](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36103/):elementary school(米)/ primary school(英)
1年:first grade
2年:second grade
3年:third grade
4年:fourth grade
5年:fifth grade
6年:sixth grade
上記は in (number) grade のような使い方をします。他には first grader のように grader を使う表現もあります。first grade =「小学1年(学年)」、first grader =「1年生(人)」です。
I'm in first grade.
I want to make 100 friends when I go to (elementary) school.
もちろん、I'm an elementary school student のように言うこともできます。
In a lot of countries, the education system is different
in England, children can attend "preschool" or "Kindergarten" or "Nursery" or "Reception" from the age of 3
From 7 years old to 10 years old, children go to "Primary School"
From 10/11 years old to 16 years old, they go to "High School" or "Secondary School"
some will go on to college and university but not all.
Here, if you are in elementary school, you would say "I'm in primary school" or "I'm in Year One" or " I'm in Year Two" or simply "I'm in Elementary School"
多くの国で、教育システムは異なります。イギリスでは、子供は3歳から「Preschool([保育園](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36535/))」「Kindergarten([幼稚園](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/32001/))」「Nursery(保育園)」または「Reception(幼児学校の第1学年の学級)」に通うことが出来ます。7歳から10歳の子供は、「Primary School(小学校)」に通います。10/11歳から16歳までは、「High School([高校](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/42187/))」又は「Secondary School(中等学校)」に通います。
"I'm in primary school"(小学生です)
"I'm in Year One"(小学一年生です)
"I'm in Year Two"(小学二年生です)
"I'm in Elementary School"(小学生です)
小学生のことは grade school student, また小学校のことを
Grade school と呼ぶ人もいます。(ちょっと前の世代の人たちはそう呼びます。)
When I enter grade school, I want to make 100 friends.
When I enter grade school, I want to make a ton of friends.
*マイケルジャクソンの70年代の曲 the love you save の歌詞ですが、
When we played tag in grade school
You wanted to be It.
But chasing boys was just a fad
You crossed your heart you'd quit.〜
ここで “When we played tag in grade school“ (小学校で追いかけっこした時〜♪” とあります。)
kindergartener, first grader, second grader, etcetera
Saying that a child is in elementary or grade school is just a general term for the grades preschool through fifth or sixth grade. To specify more clearly, you can say which grade, such as kindergartener, first grader, etc.
"to be in elementary school (grade school)"(小学校に通っている)は、"preschool"(幼稚園)から5、6年生までを表す漠然とした言い方です。より具体的に言うなら:
first grader(一年生)
小学生は elementary school student ですね
A: What grade are you in?
B: I am in the 3rd grade.
A: 何年生?
B: 小学三年生です
A: What grade are your children in?
B: I have a 4th grader, and a 1st grader.
A: お子さんは何年生なんですか
B: 四年生と一年生です
日本の小学校は(アメリカ)英語で「elementary school」になります。「小学生」は「elementary school student」と言います。イギリス英語では「primary school」や「lower school」という二つの言い方が使われています。そして「小学生」は「primary school pupil」か「lower school pupil」といいます。
My daughter is an elementary school student.
My son is a first year primary school pupil.
"Primary school student".
"Grade school student".
"Grammar school student".
"Primary school students" or "elementary school students" attend school to receive primary or elementary education. Primary school students start school from the age of five to twelve. Grade school students are graded and classified into grades at elementary school. Grammar school is another term that can be used for elementary school.
"Primary school student".(小学生)
"Grade school student".(小学生)
"Grammar school student".(小学生)
「primary school student(小学生)」又は「elementary school student(小学生)」は「(初等教育を受ける)小学生」のことです。「primary school」には、5歳から12歳の学生が通います。
「grade school」は「elementary school(小学校)」のことです。
「grammar school」も「elementary school(小学校)」を表します。
Student in kindergarten, first grade, second grade etc.
Elementary school student
This is a student who are in their early years of study. They learn the basics of their language, science, math, art and other subjects. Elementary school typically covers kindergarten and first grade to fifth grade. This is different from a student who is in secondary or junior high school. This type of school covers grades six to eight. Also, high schools are considered secondary schools which cover grades nine to twelve. It isn't until college or university where the school is considered at tertiary level.
「小学生」は英語で「elementary school student」と言います。
When I become an elementary student, I want to make 100 friends.
When I was an elementary school student, I played baseball.
My son is an elementary school student.
小学生はelementary schoolかprimary schoo studentといいます
アメリカ - elementary school student
イギリス - primary school student
日本語で”小学生の時〜〜“を言うけれど英語だと”when I WAS IN elementary school”
When I go to elementary school, I want to make 100 friends.
この先みたい”elementary school student“じゃなくて”when I go to elementary school”を言います。
一般的に、elementary school student (kid / child)、もしくはprimary school student (kid /child)と表現します。Pupilという表現もありますが、これはアメリカでは小学生を指し、イギリスでは高校生までの年齢を指しますので、国別で使い分けが必要になります。またアメリカでは、小学生をgrade school studentと表現する場合もあります。英語圏でも国によって表現も色々ですね。
I want to make 100 friends when I go to elementary school. はいかがでしょうか。
「小学校」は英語でelementary schoolやprimary schoolと言います。「小学生」ですから、student「学生」という言葉をその後ろにつけます。
I want to make 100 friends when I enter elementary school. 「小学校に行ったら友だちを100人作りたい」
'elementary school'と'primary school'両方とも「小学校」ですが、
'elementary school'はアメリカでよく使われ
'primary school'はイギリスでよく使われています。
My daughter is a primary school student.
Elementary school studentと言います。Primary school studentは言わなくはないですが elementary school studentの方が普通です。
例えば「娘は今小学生」と言いたい My daughter is an elementary school studentと言えます。もう一つの言い方は My daughter is in elementary schoolです。
「娘は今小一」と言いたいなら My daughter is in her first year of elementary schoolと言えます。少し堅めに言いたいなら My daughter is in her first year of primary schoolと言えます。
In the UK we call the first stage of school education Primary School. School aged children are referred to as pupils. In the UK, university or college aged children and adults are called students.
小学生はアメリカではelementary school student、イギリスで primary school studentと言います。
Her son is an elementary school student.(彼女の息子は小学生だ)
また何年生かは in +「序数(1st,2nd等)」+「grade(学年)」を使って答えることが出来ます。
「I am in second grade(私は二年生です)」などと表します。
In the UK, we usually refer to 'primary' and 'secondary' education. So a student under 11 would be a primary school student. The phrase 'elementary school' is far more of an American expression.
"John is a primary school student in his 3rd year."
「小学生」の一般的な翻訳は “elementary school student”です。つまり、日本の小学校なら、一年生から6年生です。
My daughter is going to be an elementary school student this year.
“Elementary schooler”はスラングですが、よく使われています。
She’s an elementary schooler.
Elementary school is the foundation of all our education. It is the place we learn the basics.
In English, we might call students who attend these schools PRIMARY STUDENTS because it is the first and most important start of education.
You can also call these students GRAMMAR SCHOOL STUDENTS. This is based off the fact that they are learning, mostly, the basic rules of grammar throughout their time on this level.
Sometimes they are also referred to as FOUNDATION STUDENTS as they are attending the level that is considered the FOUNDATION of education.
Here are some examples of these titles being used in context. Ben is an Elementary School Student, this year is his first year at elementary school. When I was a Primary School Student, I represented my school at every sporting event.
1.) elementary school student (小学生) 「小学生」は英語でelementary school studentと訳せます。Elementary school studentはアメリカの言い方なので、イギリスの英語でprimary school studentとも呼べます。
「中学生」はアメリカでmiddle school studentと言えます。「中学生」はイギリスでjunior high school studentと言えます。
When I become an elementary school student I want to make 100 friends. (小学生になったら友達を100人作りたい)
If you would like to know what you can call a student going to elementary school, you can call them an "elementary school student" or "primary school student". The british and the countries they have colonized in the past use the term primary school instead of elementary school for students in grade 1-6. Americans however would refer to it as elementary school.
A student who is attending elementary school would be, is, called an elementary school student.
For example.
Which school do you go to?
Elementary school.
So, you are an elementary school student? How do you find it?
It is okay.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
「小学生」は英語で elementary school student と言えます。
My little brother is still an elementary school student.
He is in elementary school.
「小学校」はelementary schoolやprimary schoolと言います。
She is an elementary school student.