世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/24 21:42
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  • Is there a wall outlet (that) I can use to charge my phone?

  • Do you have wall outlets here so that I can charge my phone?

コンセントは、単に”outlet”でも大丈夫でしょうが、ご質問の趣旨としては「壁付きコンセント」のことだと思うので、”wall outlet”の方が良いですね。
Hiroshi Motai アハ!モーメンツ代表   「なるほど!」にこだわる ビジネス英語トレーナー
  • Is there a place close by where I can charge my phone?

  • Do you have an outlet so I can charge my phone?

  • Could I charge my phone here?

If you would like to know if there are any outlets or anywhere to change your mobile phones, you can ask like this... "Is there a place close by where I can charge my phone?" This can be used in a general way rather than speaking just about an outlet.
携帯を充電するコンセントや場所があるか知りたいとき、以下のように聞くことができます。 "Is there a place close by where I can charge my phone?" 携帯を充電できる場所は近くにありますか? コンセントだけのことをいうよりも、一般的に広く使うことができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me. Is there a phone charging point anywhere in the terminal?

  • Am I allowed to use the power outlets in the terminal to charge my phone?

Some airports have wall plugs dotted around that are used for maintenance staff and cleaning staff, however when the terminal is open these points are usually not in use, and so "Am I allowed to use the power outlets in the terminal to charge my phone?' is a polite way of asking the information people if you can use one of these wall outlets. Alternatively if there are no visible wall outlets the terminal may have a designated charging point and "Excuse me. Is there a phone charging point anywhere in the terminal?" is a polite way of asking about this.
空港の壁には、メンテナンススタッフや清掃員が使うコンセントがあることがあります。ただ、ターミナルが開いている間は普通使われていません。ですから: "Am I allowed to use the power outlets in the terminal to charge my phone?" (ターミナルのコンセントは電話を充電するのに使ってもいいですか) ↑コンセントが使えるか尋ねる丁寧な言い方です。 もし、壁にコンセントが見当たらないなら、指定された充電場所があるかもしれませんので: "Excuse me. Is there a phone charging point anywhere in the terminal?" (すみません、ターミナルには電話を充電する場所はありませすか) ↑と聞けます。丁寧な言い方です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Does this establishment offer facilities for charging my phone?

  • Could you please tell me where I might find a place that allows me to charge my phone?.

  • I am sorry to impose, but am I allowed to charge my phone here please?

The first answer is a very formal way to ask if you can charge your phone in a particular place. *'Establishment' = organization / premises. 'Facilities' = specific place or features to allow a particular thing to occur. The second answer is a more informal but polite way to request this. The third answer is very polite, and suggests that you are sorry if you are somehow being difficult by asking this question *'Impose' = to ask for or be involved in something where you perhaps might not be welcome.
最初の例は、充電できる場所があるか尋ねるすごくフォーマルな言い方です。 *'Establishment' = organization(組織)/ premises(敷地) 'Facilities' = (ある目的のための)施設、設備 二つ目の例の方がインフォーマルですが、これも丁寧です。 三つ目の例は、とても丁寧で、面倒を掛けて申し訳ないというニュアンスになります。 *'Impose' = 嫌がられるようなことをする、頼む
Alisdair DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have anywhere that I can charge my phone?

  • Are there any outlets where I can charge my phone?

With the increase in the use of technology, more places have adapted to this by including public Wi-Fi and outlets for charging. You may simply ask the person that works there or security if there is somewhere where you can charge.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Would it be possible for me to charge my phone here?

  • Is there anywhere I can charge my phone here?

  • Do you by any chance have a charging portal I could use to charge my phone?

"Would it be possible for me to charge my phone here?" You can use this if you are asking if there is any way they can allow you to charge your phone or if they could assist with charging your phone. "Is there anywhere I can charge my phone here?" Used to ask for a portal, an outlet or an establishment (shop) where your phone could be charged. "Do you by any chance have a charging portal I could use to charge my phone?"In this case, you are asking specifically for a portal to use in that specific place.
Would it be possible for me to charge my phone here? (ここで携帯の充電をしてもいいですか?) - 携帯の充電が許可されているか、尋ねる言い方です。 Is there anywhere I can charge my phone here? (どこかで携帯の充電をすることができますか?) - 携帯の充電ができるポータルやアウトレット、お店を尋ねるのに使います。 Do you by any chance have a charging portal I could use to charge my phone? (携帯を充電するのに使えるポータルがありますか?) - この場合、その場所で使えるポータルがあるかどうか尋ねています。
Essa DMM英会話講師
  • Is there a charging point anywhere?

  • Is there an electrical socket anywhere?

  • Where is the phone charge point?

An electrical socket in the wall is - 'an electrical socket'. What you do with it is another question. If there is one or more such socket and it has been placed in a specific position to enable people to charge their phones, then it may be described as a 'charging point' or possibly a 'phone charge point'. In the UK, we do not call electric sockets 'outlets' as it seems is the the case in the USA.
「socket(コンセント)」が一つ以上ある、電話を充電するための場所であれば、「charging point」または「phone charge point」と表せます。 アメリカでは「electric socket(コンセント)」のことを「outlet」と言うようですが、イギリスでは言いません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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