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人混みをすり抜ける って英語でなんて言うの?

目的地まで、人混みをすり抜けて急ぎました 人混みをすり抜けて忍者のように急ぎました 上記のような、状況についてお願いします。
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2017/11/04 16:27
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  • make my way through the crowd

  • slip through the crowd

  • I threaded my way through the hordes of people like a ninja.

「人混みをすり抜ける」= make my way through the crowd/slip through the crowd/pass through the crowd 「人混みをすり抜けて忍者のように急ぎました」= I slipped through the crowd like a ninja/I threaded my way through the crowd like a ninja 「人混み」は「crowd」になりますが、もっと面白くて文学的に書きたいなら、こういう単語が使えます: mass of people sea of people throng hordes of people そして、こういう文章を作れます: I threaded my way through the hordes of people like a ninja. ※これはかなりカッコいい言い方だと思います^^
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • I pushed my way through the crowd

  • I forced my way through the crowd

  • I squeezed through the thronging crowd

Thronging' is an adjective often associated with crowds. It means busy and bustling, when a group of people fill one space. You may 'force' 'push' or 'squeeze' your way through a crowd depending on the urgency of your journey and your size and strength. Eg: "James forced his way through the thronging crowd and picked up his crying son."
Thronging' はcrowdsと関連付けられた形容詞です。 たくさんの人々がひとつの場所をいっぱいにしているときに、混んでいるとか賑やかだという意味で使われます。 あなたの急ぎ具合や、あなたのサイズと強さによっては人混みを'force' 'push' または 'squeeze' するかもしれません。 例文 "James forced his way through the thronging crowd and picked up his crying son."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I found my way through the crowd.

  • I waded through the crowd.

  • I pushed my way through the crowd

Explanation: Find my way = to get to a place you are trying to reach. wade through = To spend time and effort doing something difficult, in this case moving through a crowd Push one's way through = is to move through with determination.
説明: Find my way = たどり着こうとしている場所に着くこと。 wade through = なにか難しいことをするために時間を費やして努力をすること。この場合では人混みをすり抜けること。 Push one's way through = 決意して動くこと。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Make your way through the crowd

  • To squeeze through the crowd

  • To push through the crowd

If somewhere is 'crowded' then this means there is alot of people in a certain place so you might find it difficult to get through and might have toreally try hard and get between people we call this to 'push through' or to 'squeeze through' the crowd
crowded' は、混雑した場所を表します。こうした場所を通り抜けるのは大変かもしれません、英語ではこれを、'To squeeze through the crowd'(人混みを押し分けて進む)や 'To push through the crowd'(同)と表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I was in a hurry (to the place) going through the crowd.

  • I was hustling though a huge crowd going to the place.

「急ぐ」を”be in a hurry” 以外で表現したいなら、"hustle"がオススメです。”to the place” は "to my parents' place" など、具体的な場所の名前を入れてもOKです。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • I forced my way through the crowd

  • I maneuvered my way through the crowd with such speed and skill

to maneuver your way through (something) - this means to skillfully and strategically get through something force my way (through) - this means to get through but with much less skill and slyness, and with much more force
"to maneuver your way through (something)" (うまい具合に道をすり抜けて) - これは巧みに、戦略的に何かをすり抜けていく、という様な意味になります。 "force my way (through)" (道を強行に進む) - これはすり抜けるという意味ですが、未熟にずる賢く強行に進むという様な意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I squeezed my way through the crowd because I was in a big hurry.

  • Because I was in such a big hurry, I had to squeeze my way through the crowd.

When one is in a big hurry, and there are obstacles on his/her way such as dense crowds, one turns to desperate measures. The idiom 'desperate measures' means extreme and drastic actions taken to solve difficult situations that would otherwise not be solved by normal courses of action. For example, you might have been late for an examination and between you and the door to the examination room, there was a dense crowd blocking you. You might have had to barge through the crowd. So, you might say: I squeezed my way through the crowd because I was in a big hurry. or Because I was in such a big hurry, I had to squeeze my way through the crowd.
ものすごく急いでいる時に目の前に人混みなど障害物があると、人は "desperate measures" に走りますね。"desperate measures" は「普通のやり方が通用しない時に取る極端で過激な行動」という意味です。例えば、試験に遅れて、自分と試験会場の扉との間に人混みが。強引に通り抜けるかもしれません。 以下のように言うことができます: I squeezed my way through the crowd because I was in a big hurry. 〔訳〕すごく急いでいたから、人混みを強引に通り抜けた または、 Because I was in such a big hurry, I had to squeeze my way through the crowd. 〔訳〕すごく急いでいたから、人混みをすり抜けないといけなかった
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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