世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/07 11:06
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  • Can I submit my assignment before the deadline?

  • Can I submit my assignment earlier that the submission date?

*Can I submit my assignment before the deadline? To submit means to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others. Deadline means the latest time or date by which something should be completed. In this case it means you would like to submit your assignment before the submission date.
*Can I submit my assignment before the deadline? To submitは他者に決められた何かを渡したり提供したりすることを意味します。 Deadlineは何かがなされるための最後の時間や日付を意味しています。 この場合、これはあなたの課題を提出期限より前に提出したいということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Is it OK if I hand in my assignment early as I'll be absent next week?

  • Would you accept my assignment a little before its due date as I'm away next week?

Probably your teacher will be delighted that you have the forethought and diligence to suggest handing in your work early due tom your absence. To be absent =not in a certain place at a given time; away, missing (as opposed to present ): absent from class. Due date = the date which has been desgnated as the date for something to happen. "The due date for Mary's pregnancy was April 2nd."
あなたが欠席するので早く課題を提出したいという配慮と勤勉さに先生は喜ぶことでしょう。 To be absent =決められた時間に特定の場所にいないこと。出席の反対。 Due date = 何かのために指定された日付。 例: "The due date for Mary's pregnancy was April 2nd."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind if I submit the homework beforehand because I will be absent from the next class.

  • Would it be alright/ fine/okay if I would submit my homework in advance. I won't be able/can't make it to class next week/our next class.

「出席できない」は他に、”I will miss the next class. ”とシンプルに表現できます。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • As I won't be in class next week, can I hand my assignment in early?

  • Can I hand my assignment in before the deadline?

  • Can I hand in my assignment before the deadline?

As I won't be in class next week, can I hand my assignment in early? Can I hand my assignment in before the deadline?- Hand in is another phrase used for submitting an assignment. Can I hand in my assignment before the deadline? I won't be in class when it is due.
例: As I won't be in class next week, can I hand my assignment in early? Can I hand my assignment in before the deadline? -hand inとは課題を提出することを意味するフレーズです。 他の例: Can I hand in my assignment before the deadline? I won't be in class when it is due.
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Can I submit my assignment before next week because I won't be able to make it to class next week.

  • Can I submit my assignment a few days earlier as I won't be attending class next week.

▪ Can I submit my assignment before next week because I won't be able to make it to class next week. Submit= hand in won't= will not This is saying that you are not going to be in class next week and you want to hand in your assignment earlier. ▪ Can I submit my assignment a few days earlier as I won't be attending class next week. This is saying that you want to give your assignment a few days earlier than the deadline because you not going to class next week.
▪ Can I submit my assignment before next week because I won't be able to make it to class next week. Submit = hand in:提出すること won't = will notの省略形 これはあなたが来週の授業に参加できない予定なので、課題を早く提出したいということを伝えています。 ▪ Can I submit my assignment a few days earlier as I won't be attending class next week. これはあなたが次週の授業に参加できないので課題を期日の前に出したいということを言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not able to attend the class next week, can i hand the project in early?

  • Can i hand the project in early as i can't come to class next week?

If you go to something like a show or a school class then you are said to 'attend' it when giving your work to someone like the teacher this is calld 'handing it in' your assignment or work can also be called a 'project'
ショーや学校の授業などに「行く」ことは、'attend'(参加する)で表せます。 先生などに課題を「提出する」ことは、'hand in' で表せます。 宿題や課題のことは 'project' ともいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please turn my assignment in early as I won't be in when it is due next week.

  • I won't be in next week, please may I hand in my assignment early?

  • Can I please submit my assignment before the assigned due date?

It is a responsible move to make plans to submit assignments or any other work on time, if we know we might not be around when the deadline arrives, we should arrange to hand in before we leave. We can use the following words Submit Hand in Turn in Hand over Deliver
宿題などを期限に間に合うように前もって提出するというのは責任ある行動だと思います。締め切りのタイミングでそこにいないなら、出発する前に提出しておくべきですね。 次の語句が使えます。 Submit Hand in Turn in Hand over Deliver (提出する)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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