世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/23 07:55
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  • It's really hard to get a reservation for your lesson nowadays!

  • You're so popular now, so it's difficult for me to find a spot that's open.

最近人気がでてきてますよね!と言っているのは二つめの文章です。"spot" はレッスンの「コマ」という意味です。 もちろんLessonというだけでも伝わりますが、他の言い回しとしては、spot, slotなどがあります。
  • It's getting harder to book your class now.

直訳で 最近あなたのクラスを予約するのが難しくなったよ 関連 I am happy you became popular but at the same time I feel a little sad. 人気になったのは嬉しいけどちょっと寂しいな ついでにこれも言っちゃいましょう!
  • It's getting harder and harder to reserve your lessons these days.

It's getting harder and harder to reserve your lessons these days. 最近あなたのレッスンを予約するのが段々難しくなってきた。 「段々〜になる」は get/become ○○er and ○○er と表現することができます。 例えば「段々難しくなる」は get harder and harder、「段々良くなる」は get better and better です。 ただ、er や est がつかないような形容詞もあるので、注意です。例えば peaceful は peacefuler にはなりません。more peaceful なので「段々平和になる」は become more and more peaceful とする必要があります。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Your classes have become increasingly limited to book.

Increasingly limited = Is becoming almost impossible to book,
increasingly limited'=ほとんど予約するのが不可能になってきたということ。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • I can hardly find an available slot to book you these days. I was lucky today.

  • I was lucky to reserve a class with you today, you are always fully booked.

  • You are always fully booked. Its so hard to reserve one of your classes.

If a teacher is very popular with some students, that teacher may always be fully booked. Students may rarely find available slots on his/her teacher's website. This means the student has to find another teacher that he/she favors to do the lesson with. The teacher himself/herself has absolutely no control over the bookings and can therefore not help the student in this regard. However, you may inform your teacher as follows: I can hardly find an available slot to book you these days. I was lucky today. or I was lucky to reserve a class with you today, you are always fully booked. or You are always fully booked. Its so hard to reserve one of your classes.
講師が生徒に人気の場合は、いつも予約が埋まっている場合があります。 生徒が講師のページで、たまにしか予約可能の時間帯を探す事ができない時もあります。 そんな時は他の講師を探さなければいけない事を意味しています。 講師は予約状況を調整する事ができないので、この様な状況で生徒を手助けする事は出来ませんが、以下の様に言うといいでしょう。 I can hardly find an available slot to book you these days. I was lucky today. (最近なかなかあなたの予約可能な枠を予約できないです。でも今日はラッキーでした。) I was lucky to reserve a class with you today, you are always fully booked. (今日はあなたのクラスを予約できてラッキーでした、いつもあなたは予約がいっぱいです。) You are always fully booked. Its so hard to reserve one of your classes. (あなたはいつも予約がいっぱいです。あなたのクラスを予約するのが凄く難しいです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • It is really hard to book your classes these days.

  • Its really hard to get an open slot with you these days.

This means it is hard to book classes with teacher since they are always fully booked.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Your popularity seriously affects your accesibility

  • As your popularity increases, my rate of success in booking your lessons diminishes

Here we are talking about the ratios or connection of one thing with another and how we measure or assess the effect of those connections. This is more a scientific or mathematical domain than an English construction one, but these 'directly proportional' comparisons create quite amusing sentences. "As your popularity increases, my rate of success in booking your lessons diminishes."
ここでは、いろいろな比率などについて説明します。 これは英語構成よりも科学的であったり数学的なお話になりますが、これらの「直接比例する」比較は非常に面白い文章になります。   "As your popularity increases, my rate of success in booking your lessons diminishes."「あなたの人気が高まるにつれて、私のレッスン予約率は低下します。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your schedule is booked up so quickly that I can't get to book your lesson.

  • It's really difficult to reserve your lesson because you are all boked up so quickly!

You can use any of the following to express to your teacher that it's hard to book his/hjer lesson because she/he is so popular.:- 1. Your schedule is booked up so quickly that I can't get to book your lesson. 2. It's really difficult to reserve your lesson because you are all boked up so quickly!
「あなたのレッスンはすごく人気があるから予約を取るのが難しい」は、次のように言えます。 1. Your schedule is booked up so quickly that I can't get to book your lesson.(あなたのレッスンは人気があるから、なかなか予約が取れない) 2. It's really difficult to reserve your lesson because you are all boked up so quickly!(あなたのレッスンは人気があるから、予約を取るのが難しい)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like it has gotten a lot harder to book one of your lessons recently.

  • I think you have become super popular as it has been really hard to book a lesson with you recently.

If you would like to tell a teacher that you think booking their lessons has become harder, you can say something like "I feel like it has gotten a lot harder to book one of your lessons recently." or "I think you have become super popular as it has been really hard to book a lesson with you recently.".
「あなたのレッスンを予約するのが段々難しくなってきた」は次のように言えます。 "I feel like it has gotten a lot harder to book one of your lessons recently." (最近あなたのレッスンを予約するのがすごく難しくなった気がする) "I think you have become super popular as it has been really hard to book a lesson with you recently." (最近あなたのレッスンをなかなか予約できないから、すごく人気になっているんだと思う)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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