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2017/11/17 20:20
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  • My cat's eyes are round like the moon.

  • My cat's eyes are moon like.

*My cat's eyes are round like the moon. This means that they are really big and they are round. *My cat's eyes are moon like. This means the eyes resemble the moon and this may include the shape and color.
*My cat's eyes are round like the moon. これはとても大きくて丸いという意味です。 *My cat's eyes are moon like. これは目の形や色が月のようだという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My cat's eyes are as round as the moon

  • The cat had rounded eyes that resembled the moon

  • My cat has moon-like eyes.

My cat's eyes are as round as the moon- When describing something that is not literal we use 'as'. Although your cat has eyes that look like the moon, this is a description. The cat had rounded eyes that resembled the moon- Resembled means that something looks like something else. My cat has moon-like eyes.- When we use like on the end of a noun it is when we want to say that it is like it. For example, she moved across the room in a monkey-like manner meaning she was acting like a monkey.
My cat's eyes are as round as the moon (私の猫の目は、月のようにまん丸です。) 文字通りではないものを描写するときは、'as'(~のように)を使います。(補足:文字通りの描写というと、猫の目が月と全く同じということになってしまいますので、今回のように、「まるで~のように」という描写表現が、文字通りではないということです。) The cat had rounded eyes that resembled the moon (その猫は、月に似た丸い目をしていた。) Resembledは、何かに似ていたという意味です。 My cat has moon-like eyes. (私の猫は、月のような目をしている。) likeを名詞の後に使うと、「 ~のような」という言い方になります。例えば、She moved across the room in a monkey-like mannerというと、彼女は猿のように動いていたという意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Look at my cat's moony eyes!

  • My cat's eyes are as round as the moon!

The usual adjective for 'moon' would be 'lunar' but if we talk about a cat's lunar eyes, there seems little connection with the rotundity of the moon. So 'moony' seems to be a better choice. In its definition, this adjective may also refer to a sickle moon, so interpretation of meaning may depend on the context at the time. Moony - : of or relating to the moon - crescent-shaped, resembling the full moon : round.
普通 'moon(月)'の形容詞は 'lunar(月の)'を使いますが"a cat's lunar eyes"と言うと"moon(月)"の真ん丸さとはあんまり関係ない気がします。 ですので 'moony' がいい選択のようです。 この定義によると、この形容詞は三日月の事も意味します。 ですから、この意味はその時の文脈によって変わります。 Moony : 月の、月のように丸い crescent-shaped:三日月のような形 resembling the full moon : 満月のように丸い
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My cat has eyes that looks almost like the moon.

  • My cats eyes look similar to the moon.

▪ My cat has eyes that looks almost like the moon. This is saying that your cats eyes and the moon looks a like. ▪ My cats eyes look similar to the moon. similar = having a resemblance in appearance Other sentences a. When I look at my cats eyes then its like I am looking at the moon. b. My cats eyes looks so much like the moon.
▪ My cat has eyes that looks almost like the moon. (私の猫は、まるで月のような目をしています。) こちらの文は、あなたの猫の目と月が似ているということを言っています。 ▪ My cats eyes look similar to the moon. (私の猫の目は、月に似ています。) similar = 外見が似ているということです。 その他の例文 a. When I look at my cats eyes then its like I am looking at the moon. (私の猫の目を見ると、月を見ているようだ。) b. My cats eyes looks so much like the moon. (私の猫の目は本当に月のように見える。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The eyes of my cat are as round as the moon.

1. The eyes of my cat are as round as the moon. The expression "as round as the moon" is a figure of speech called simile. A Simile is a figure of speech that compare two different things in an interesting way. In this example we are comparing the cats eyes to the moon. Other examples of similes are:- As cute as a kitten As happy as a clam As light as a feather As blind as a bat
The eyes of my cat are as round as the moon. (私の猫の目は丸くて月のようです) この"as round as the moon"と言う表現は"simile(直喩)"という表現方法です。 "Simile"とは言葉の表現方法のひとつで、二つの異なるものを比較する面白い方法です。 例文では猫の目と月を比較しています。 その他の直喩の例は次の通りです。 As cute as a kitten (子猫のようにかわいい) As happy as a clam (ハマグリの様に幸せ;この上なく幸せ) As light as a feather (羽のように軽い;きわめて軽い) As blind as a bat (こうもりの様に目が見えない;まるで見えない)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My cat has eyes as round as the moon.

  • My cat's eyes are like the moon-- round and circular/globular.

  • My cat has eyes as round as the moon.

My cat has eyes as round as the moon. - This is the example of a simile. When comparing something to something else in a figurative sense. You can say (object 1) is as (something) as (object 2). I.e. Your eyes are as sparkling as the sun. You can also use "just like" or "like" I.e. Your eyes sparkle just like the sun in the sky. You can also use none of these, and say that (object 1) is (object 2) in a figurative sense. I.e. Your eyes are the sun-- oh, look how they sparkle!
My cat has eyes as round as the moon. (私の猫の目は月の様に真ん丸です) -これは"simile"(直喩)の例の一つです。 何か二つの物を比較するときに使う比喩的な表現です。 (物 1) is as (例えるもの) as (物 2). 例 "Your eyes are as sparkling as the sun." (あなたの目は太陽のように輝いています) "just like"や "like"を使って表現することも出来ます。 例 "Your eyes sparkle just like the sun in the sky." (あなたの目は空の太陽の様に輝いています) また、これらを使わず"(物 1) is (物 2)"と比喩的な表現をすることが出来ます。 例 "Your eyes are the sun-- oh, look how they sparkle!" (あなたの目は太陽だ!なんて輝いているんだろう!)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My cats eyes are the same shape as the moon.

  • My cat's eyes look like the moon.

"My cat's eyes are the same shape as the moon." - Here you are saying that you cat's eyes shape as the moon. "My cat's eyes look like the moon." - Like is used to compare things in English, thus here you are saying that they look similar to the moon.
"My cat's eyes are the same shape as the moon."(私の猫の目は月と同じ形です) - ここでは、飼い猫の目が月と同じ形をしていると伝えています。 "My cat's eyes look like the moon."(私の猫は月みたいな目をしています) - "like" は英語では物事を比較するときに使われます。ここでは、月に似ていると伝えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
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