世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/26 00:27
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  • student

  • pupil

  • schoolboy or schoolgirl

A. How are your students this year? B. They're great! Little first grade schoolboys and schoolgirls. A. Oh, much better than kindergarteners. B. Yeah, kindergarteners make terrible pupils because they haven't been exposed to classroom environment before. They're so unruly and hard to manage! I felt like a babysitter when I would teach kindergarteners.
A. How are your students this year? (今年のあなたの生徒はどう?) B. They're great! Little first grade schoolboys and schoolgirls. (彼らは素晴らしいわ。小さな一年生の男の子と女の子) A. Oh, much better than kindergarteners. (あら、幼稚園児よりだいぶいいわね) B. Yeah, kindergarteners make terrible pupils because they haven't been exposed to classroom environment before. They're so unruly and hard to manage! I felt like a babysitter when I would teach kindergarteners. (そうね、幼稚園児は教室環境にさらされたことがないからひどい児童になるわよね。手に負えないわ。幼児園児に教える時はベビーシッターになった気分になるもの)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Freshman

  • Sophomore

  • Junior

The word student is very general and sometimes when people already know the person is enrolled in high school or college, they use more specific terms for students such as: Freshman: This is the first year of high school or college Sophomore: This is the second year of high school or college Junior: This is the third year of high school or college Senior: This is the final year of high school or college You might hear a conversation where someone mentions that their daughter is in their sophomore year or that their son is a freshman at MIT. Many people won't specify that their child is a "student" as they will expect you to know this from the context of the conversation.
単語"student"(生徒)はとても大まかです。誰かが高校または大学に入っていることを知っている場合は生徒を指す以下のようなより詳しい用語を使うことがあります: Freshman: 高校または大学の1年生 Sophomore: 高校または大学の2年生 Junior: 高校または大学の3年生 Senior: 高校または大学の最上級生 誰かが自分の娘が sophomore であるまたは息子がマサチューセッツ工科大学の freshman であるという会話を耳にするかもしれません。 多くの人は話の内容から自分の子供が学生であることをあなたが知っていることを期待するため子供のことを"student"と特定しません。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • A student

  • A pupil

  • A scholar

A scholar is a specialist in a particular branch of study, especially the humanities. "A Hebrew scholar" A pupil is a person who is taught by another, especially a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher. "They are former pupils of the school" A pupil is a person who is taught by another, especially a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher, student, schoolchild, schoolboy, schoolgirl, scholar "The pupils of the school assembled on the playground at the beginning of the day."
A scholarは、特定の学問の分野、特に人文科学の専門家のことです。 "A Hebrew scholar"(ヘブライ語の専門家) A pupilは、特に教師と関連して他の人から教えを受けている、 学童または学生のことです。 例文 "They are former pupils of the school" 彼らは以前の学校の生徒です。 A pupilは、特に教師、学生、学童、男子生徒、女子生徒、学者と関連して 他の人から教えを受けている人のことです。 例文 "The pupils of the school assembled on the playground at the beginning of the day." 学校の生徒は、その日の始まりに運動場に集まった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • student

  • pupil

A person that is still at school can be called a "student" or a "pupil". The school student went to class. The school pupils were very well behaved.
まだ学校に行っている人は、"student"や"pupil"と呼ぶことができます。 【例文】 The school student went to class.(その学生は授業へ行った) The school pupils were very well behaved.(その学生はとても素行がよかった)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Student

  • Pupil

  • Learner

You can use all of these words to describe someone who studies at school. The first two are the most specific but the last, "learner", can be used for anyone who is learning a new skill, but isn't necessarily in school. I hope this helps.
学校に通う人々に表す際にこのようなワードが使われます。始めの二つ(Student/Pupil)は特定の人を指しますが、最後の"Learner"は学校に限らず、新しいスキルを学ぶ人たちの事も表しています。 参考になるといいです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Student

  • Pupil

  • He was a student at St Matthews Academy

The word for a person who studies at school would be a 'student' or 'pupil'. Depending on which level they study at you coudl say... 'She is a univeristy student' or 'He is a college student'. You could also use the word pupil to refer to someone who attends school or college Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
学校で勉強する生徒を"Student"や”Pupil"といいます。 学業のレベルにより、"She is a university student" "He is college student"と言うことも出来ます。 また、学校や大学に通う生徒の事をPupilと表現する事も出来ます。 参考になるといいです。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Scholar

  • Student

  • Learner

There are different ways to call a person who studies at school. For example, you can use the terms "scholar", "student", or "learner". -Sam is an accomplished scholar. He has published a number of research articles. -The student is always late for his lectures. -The learner got suspended at school because he was involved in a fight.
学校で学ぶ生徒を表す言い方はたくさんあります。例えば、scholar、student、またはlearnerという表現が使えます。 -Sam is an accomplished scholar. He has published a number of research articles. サムは、有能な学者です。多くの研究論文を出しています。 -The student is always late for his lectures. その生徒は、いつも講義に遅刻します。 -The learner got suspended at school because he was involved in a fight. その学生は、喧嘩に関わって学校を停学になりました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • student

「学生」は英語では「student」と言います。 「student」は「生徒、学生」という意味の名詞です。 イギリスでは「pupil」という単語も使われますが、アメリカでは一般的ではありません。 【例】 I am a high school student. →私は高校生です。 University students in Japan start looking for a job more than a year before they graduate. →日本の大学生は卒業する一年以上前から就職活動する。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • A student

  • A pupil

  • A scholar

Any of these terms can be used to describe someone who studies at school:- 1. A student 2. A pupil 3. A scholar Example sentences:- 1. My sister is an elementary school student at St. Francis Girls Elementary School. 2.All the pupils are studying hard for their exams. 3. I am currently a scholar at Japan's most prestigious university.
これらは全て、学校で勉強をする人を表す言葉です。 1. A student(学生) 2. A pupil(生徒) 3. A scholar(学生) 例文: 1. My sister is an elementary school student at St. Francis Girls Elementary School. (私の妹はセントフランシス女子小学校の小学生です) 2. All the pupils are studying hard for their exams. (生徒はみな試験に向けて一生懸命勉強しています) 3. I am currently a scholar at Japan's most prestigious university. (私は現在日本で最も権威のある大学で学んでいます)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • student

「学生」は英語で student と言います。学校の種類によって、呼び方が ○○ studentになります。 例) 小学生 elementary school student (米) primary school student (英) 中学生 middle school student junior high school student 高校生 high school student 大学生 university student 学生割引 student discount ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • student

学生 は英語で Student です 以下に、例文を挙げておきます。参考にしてみてください。 1) He is still a student. 彼はまだ学生をやってる。 2) How many students are in your class? クラスに何人生徒がいますか
  • Because I just entered high school, I am a first year student.

  • I am a student at the local karate academy.

学生 student 生徒 pupil 学生とは、特定のまたは多くの異なる科目を学ぶために学校に通う人です。 A student is a person who attends a school to learn a specific or many different subjects. 私は高校に入学したばかりなので、いち年生です。 Because I just entered high school, I am a first year student. 私は地元の空手学院の学生です。 I am a student at the local karate academy. 先生の反対:先生 teacher 教師とは、学生がさまざまな分野の知識を習得するの を助ける人です。 A teacher is a person who helps students gain knowledge in various fields. 個人的体験:私は空手の学生でしたが、今は先生です。 I used to be a student of karate, now I am a teacher.
  • Pupil

  • Scholar

  • Tutee

A person who studies at a school is most typically called a student, you can also use the words above to describe a student. Students are of varying ages, starting from elementary school all the way to university. Tutee: a student or pupil of a tutor. Students have to study given material for a given duration of time and then each student is accessed to see how well they have learned that year. "She is a great student, she always does her best in class." "That pupil is very hardworking, her exam results are wonderful." "I am a psychology student at Tokyo University."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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