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イタリアの友達と英語でメールしてます。 イタリア語もいつか喋りたいなぁ。 私は英語すら少ししか喋れないので、まずは英語の勉強してます。 と英語で言うとどうなりますでしょうか 宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
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shiho さん
2017/11/27 19:44
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  • I'm going to learn English and then Italian!

  • My long term plan is to learn Italian, but for now, it's English

Going to - we use this form when we are talking about a plan we have for the future. In a more spontaneous situation we may say, "I think I'll go to the cinema later," for example. However, if we already made a plan with a friend, you might say: "We're going to see a film at the cinema this evening." A long term plan is a plan that you have for some time in the future, but which you may not yet be devoting time or energy to.
Going to - 将来の計画について話す時にこの形を使います。 もっと自発的な状況では、こう言います。 例文 "I think I'll go to the cinema later," 後で映画を見に行こうと思っています。 しかし既に友達と計画を立てているのであれば、こう言います。 例文 We're going to see a film at the cinema this evening." 今晩映画館に映画を見に行くつもりです。 A long term plan(長期の計画)は、将来のある時のための計画ですが、 まだ現在は時間やエネルギーを 投じてはいません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to learn Italin, but first I need to work on my English.

  • I want to be more fluent in English before I go on to Italian.

"to go on to (something else)" or "to move on to (something else) - this means to change from doing one thing to doing another thing. This can be used in your cases, or generally in other cases as well. A. Why aren't you taking paint class? I thought it was your dream to learn oil paint. B. Yes, but I wanted to finish learning to draw before I go on to painting. A. Why don't you just quit? B. It's fundamental to learn how to draw before you learn how to paint. A. Oh, I see, so you think learning to draw will help you in painting. B. I hope so. I also want to feel accomplished.
"to go on to (something else)" or "to move on to (something else) - 他の事をする事 (英文) A. Why aren't you taking paint class? I thought it was your dream to learn oil paint. B. Yes, but I wanted to finish learning to draw before I go on to painting. A. Why don't you just quit? B. It's fundamental to learn how to draw before you learn how to paint. A. Oh, I see, so you think learning to draw will help you in painting. B. I hope so. I also want to feel accomplished. (訳) A. どうして絵画教室に通っていないの?油彩画を描くのが貴方の夢だったんじゃないの? B. 確かにそうだ。でも、絵画教室に通う前に、絵を描く方法を習いたいんだ。 A. 何で辞めないの? B. 絵画を学ぶ前に絵を描く方法を学んだほうが基礎が身につくんだ。 A. なるほど、つまり君は絵を描く方法を学ぶ事によって絵画を上手く描く方法が身につくと思っているのか。 B. だといいんだが。後、達成感というのも味わいたいんだ。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I want to learn English first then after learn Italian.

*I want to learn English first then after learn Italian. This clearly shows the order in which you want to learn the languages. First you want to learn English and then Italian. My plan is to be fluent in English first then learn Italian. This means this is what you wish to do.
例文 *I want to learn English first then after learn Italian. まず英語でその後イタリア語を習いたいと思っている。 習いたいと思っている言葉の順序をはっきりと伝えています。 まず英語でその後イタリア語を習いたいと思っています。 例文 My plan is to be fluent in English first then learn Italian. 私の計画ではまず英語を流暢に話せるようになってその後イタリア語 を習うことになっている。 このことが、したいと思っていることだということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • One day I hope to speak Italian, but right now I am focusing on English

  • Once I have improved my English, I hope to learn Italian

  • I will start to learn Italian once I have improved my English

When we want to talk about a non-specific point of time in the future we can say "one day". We often use this phrase when we are talking about our hopes and dreams. "One day I will marry a handsome prince." "If I work hard now, one day I will become a millionaire." "One day I will be fluent in English and Italian".
漠然とした未来について言う場合「one day」が使えます。夢・希望について話す時によく使います。 "One day I will marry a handsome prince." (いつかイケメンの王子様と結婚する) "If I work hard now, one day I will become a millionaire." (今頑張れば、いつか大金持ちになれる) "One day I will be fluent in English and Italian". (いつか英語とイタリア語をペラペラに話せるようになる)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • I have many language goals, English first then Italian.

  • I would love to speak Italian in future once I have learned English.

  • I would like to perfect my English then move on to learning Italian.

Learning languages can be fun and daunting, there is a lot to remember and each language comes with a set of its own rules to apply. Use the sentences above to explain that you would like to learn Italian after learning English. "I have many language goals, my first is speaking English well, once I have perfected my use of it I would like to tackle Italian. Goals: things you would like to do/accomplish within a certain time frame Daunting: scary, intimidating
外国語を学ぶことは楽しく、そして時に大変です。覚えないといけないことがたくさんありますよね、どの言語にもそれぞれのルールがあります。 「英語が話せるようになったらイタリア語も学びたい」は上記のように言えます。 "I have many language goals, my first is speaking English well, once I have perfected my use of it I would like to tackle Italian. (外国語に関する目標がたくさんあります。まず英語を完璧にして、それから、イタリア語に取り組みたいです) Goals: ある期間内に成し遂げたいこと Daunting: 怖い、おじけづかせる
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to learn how to speak Italian, but I am still learning English right now.

  • I would like to be able to speak Italian in the future. However, I am still working on my English proficiency.

When you want to tell someone that you would like to learn how to speak to Italian one day but you are still trying to learn English at the moment; then you may express this in the following ways: -I'd love to learn how to speak Italian, but I am still learning English right now. -I would like to be able to speak Italian in the future. However, I am still working on my English proficiency.
「いつかイタリア語も話せるようになりたいけど、今は英語の勉強を頑張っている」は、次のように言えます。 -I'd love to learn how to speak Italian, but I am still learning English right now. (イタリア語も話せるようになりたいけど、今はまだ英語を勉強中なので) -I would like to be able to speak Italian in the future. However, I am still working on my English proficiency. (将来はイタリア語も話せるようになりたいけど、今はまだ英語を勉強中です)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • In the future, I would like to speak Italian. As of now I am learning English because I cannot speak it well.

  • I want to learn Italian in the future but I am learning English now because I can not speak it well.

"In the future, I would like to speak Italian. As of now I am learning English because I cannot speak it well." states that you want to learn Italian in the future but are learning English and tells why you are learning English.
"In the future, I would like to speak Italian. As of now I am learning English because I cannot speak it well."(将来はイタリア語も話せるようになりたいです。今は、英語を勉強しています、まだ英語をうまく話せないので) は、まず「将来はイタリア語を学びたいけど、今は英語を勉強している」と伝えて、それから、なぜ英語を勉強するのか説明しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • After I can speak English I'd like to learn Italian

  • Once I am fluent In English I'm going to learn Italian

"After I can speak English I'd like to learn Italian" This sentence is implying that once one has managed to speak English or become good enough or fluent they would like to learn and study Italian, the language spoken in Italy. To become 'fluent' in something is the expression for when you are able to speak as perfectly in another language as your native language. to become bilingual.
"After I can speak English I'd like to learn Italian"(英語が話せるようになったら、イタリア語を学びたい) これは「英語が話せるようになったら、イタリア語を学びたい」と伝えています。 'become fluent in something' は、自分の母語と同じくらい上手に外国語が話せるようになることを表します。つまり、バイリンガルになることです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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