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2017/12/03 07:45
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  • Cliques had already been formed and it seemed difficult to break into them

Clique -a small close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them; circle, inner circle, crowd, in-crowd, set, group; pack, band, ring, mob, crew; club, society, fraternity, sorority, fellowship; camp; cartel, cabal, junta, caucus, cell, lobby; push; gang, bunch. "His flat became a haven for a clique of young men of similar tastes." To break into something - to start doping something. "Albert broke into acting early age."
Clique (小集団、小さいグループ) -小さなグループ、他の人をあまり入れない団結した小さいグループの事 【例文】 "His flat became a haven for a clique of young men of similar tastes." (彼のアパートは同じような趣味の若い男の子たちのグループの隠れ家のようになっている) To break into something - 何かを始める、何かに参入する 【例】 "Albert broke into acting at an early age." (アルバートは幼少の時から演技を始めた)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was difficult to become apart of the existing friend group.

  • I had a hard time fitting in with the close knit group of friends.

  • I did not fit in with the clique.

Become apart of- Means to fit in and feel comfortable. Close knit group- A group of friends that are very close. Clique- A group that is very close and don't easily accept others.
Become apart of- 一員になること。 Close knit group-仲の良い友達 Clique- 仲の良い小さな友人グループ
Kirst English teacher
  • The clique was already formed and was hard to get into

  • Groups of friends were formed and it was difficult to get into

When you go somewhere new groups of friends might already be together or 'formed' you are then seen as an outsider coming into theor group and it can be hard/diffiuclt to make friends in the group as well a clique is a small close knit of people who do not allow people to join easily
どこか別の場所に行くと、もう既にそこには友達のグループができていて、よそ者扱いされてしまい、友達を作るのが難しいことがあります。 'clique' は排他的な小さな友人グループをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It was difficult for me to fit in

  • I struggled to find new friends

"It was difficult for me to fit in" "To fit in" is used to describe situations when you are able to make friends and be apart of a social circle. "I struggled to find new friends" "Struggled" used when finding something hard and do not find something easy. depending on past, present and future tense, Struggled - past, Struggling - present and to struggle - future tense.
"It was difficult for me to fit in"(なかなかなじめなかった) = "To fit in" は、友達を作って集団に溶け込むことをいいます。 "I struggled to find new friends"(なかなか新しい友達ができなかった) = "Struggled" は、難しいと感じることについて使います。 "Struggled" は過去形です。現在進行形は "Struggling"、未来時制では "To struggle" となります。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a friendship group?

  • Do you have a frienship circle for me to join?

  • Other students belong to established friendship groups.

The sentence you will use depends on the context. If you are asking a person if they are in a friendship group, you can simply ask 'Do you have a friendship group?'. If you are asking somebody to help you find a group, you can ask the following: 'Do you have a friendship group/circle for me to join?'. If you simply want to state your observation, you can say 'Other students already have (or belong to) established friendship groups.'
これらの表現は使う状況によります。 誰かにお友達グループに既に入っているかどうか聞く場合は 'Do you have a friendship group?' (どこかの友達グループに入っている?) と単に尋ねることが出来ます。 誰かに仲間に入れるグループがあるか尋ねる時は、次の表現を使うことが出来ます。 'Do you have a friendship group/circle for me to join?' (どこか仲間に入れる友達グループはありますか?) ただ単に見た事を表現するだけなら、次のように表現することが出来ます。 'Other students already have (or belong to) established friendship groups.' (他の生徒たちは友達グループが既にできているみたい)
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • When I changed schools it was difficult to join the groups of friends that were already there.

  • I found it difficult joining a new group of friends.

"When I changed schools it was difficult to join the groups of friends that were already there." This explains to the person that when you got to the new school it was hard for you to get into a new group of friends as they had been friends for a long time. "I found it difficult joining a new group of friends." This simply explains that it was not easy joining a new group of people who were already good friends with each other.
"When I changed schools it was difficult to join the groups of friends that were already there." この表現では、新しい学校に通ったときには、長い間友人であったように新しいグループに入ることは難しいことを説明しています。 "I found it difficult joining a new group of friends." この表現では、すでに互いに良い友達であった新しいグループに参加することは容易ではなかったことを簡単に説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When I moved to a new school, I found established groups of friends who made it difficult for me to join any of them.

When one moves to a new environment, such as a new school, it often happens that one finds already established groups of friends that may be difficult to join and be friends with. In such a case, one has to look for an individual to try and be friends with. This individual will then be the one to introduce you to the established group. If one can not find somebody to befriend, he/she becomes a loner. If you did find yourself in such a situation, this is what you might have said: When I moved to a new school, I found established groups of friends who made it difficult for me to join any of them.
新しい学校など新しい環境に入ったときすでにグループができあがっていて、グループに入れてもらったり友人を作ることが難しいということがしばしばあります。そんなときは1人でいる人を探して友達になるしかありません。その子が友達を紹介し、グループとなっていきます。友達になれそうな人が見つからないと、1人ぼっちになってしまいます。そんな状況を経験している場合は以下のように言うことができます。 When I moved to a new school, I found established groups of friends who made it difficult for me to join any of them. 新しい学校に貼ったとき、すでに友達のグループが出来上がっており、私はグループに入れてもらうことに苦労しました。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Cliques...

  • Cliques made it very difficult to adjust to my new school environment...

A clique is a close-knit group of people who do not readily allow others to join them. This is of course normal reality when we come into a new social circle... "Bonds have already been forged" and we may be seen as an outsider... There is always a period of adjustment...till we can join the clique
A clique は、他人が容易に参加できない結束の強い人々のグループです。 新しい社会のグループに参加する時には、もちろんこういう現実によく直面します。 絆が既に出来上がっていて、私達はよそ者と見られるかもしれません。 私達がそのグループに参加できるまでには常に調整の期間が必要です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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