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2017/12/04 17:38
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  • During a flight, a crew member usually takes and keeps my jacket for me.

  • Crew members keep passengers' jackets for them during a flight.

You can ask someone to keep your jacket for you by asking the following: "Please keep my jacket until the end of the flight". The word "keep' in this case means 'look after or protect'. You could also use term 'hold on to'. For example, 'I asked the flight attendant to hold on to my jacket for the duration of the flight'.
ジャケットを預かってほしい場合、次の表現を使って言い表すことが出来ます。 "Please keep my jacket until the end of the flight". (到着するまでジャケットを預かってください) ここでの "keep"は 'look after or protect'(世話をするや守る)という様な意味になります。 また'hold on to'(預かる)という言葉を使う事も出来ます。 【例】 'I asked the flight attendant to hold on to my jacket for the duration of the flight'. (飛行中フライトアテンダントにジャケットを預かってくれるようにお願いする)
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • Whilst flying business class the flight attendant usually looks after my jacket

A crew member is anyone working on a plane at a specific moment, so to be precise, the people who looks after the passngers in flight in the cabin are 'cabin crew,' or 'flight attendants.' Traditonally the name was 'air steward' or 'air stewardess.' female cabin crew are som,etimes referred to (jokingly) as 'trolley dollys' as part of their job entails pushing coffee and food trolleys up and down the aisles.
"crew member"とは飛行機の中で決まった時間に働く人の事を言います。 正確に言うと、乗客の世話をする人たちの事を言います。 'cabin crew'や'flight attendants'ですよね。 従来の名前は 'air steward'や 'air stewardess'でした。 (スチュワーデス) 女性の客室乗務員は冗談で 'trolley dollys'(トロリーのお人形)と呼ばれます。 これは彼女たちの仕事の一つにコーヒーや食べ物のカートを押して通路を行ったり来たりすることがあるからです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When I fly business class a flight attendant will usually store my jacket for me.

You could also say that a flight attendant would check your jacket for you. Meaning that they would hang it up for you in a safe place.
また"flight attendant would check my jacket for me" (フライトアテンダントがジャケットをチェックしていてくれる)と言う事も出来ます。 これは彼女たちがジャケットを安全な場所にかけていてくれるという意味になります。
Kirst English teacher
  • When you fly business class the crew stow your jacket neatly for you.

  • If you fly business class the crew will hang up your jacket for you.

"When you fly business class the crew stow your jacket neatly for you." this is a way of explaining that if you fly business class then they take your jacket and hang it up so that it does not get creased or crumpled during the flight. "If you fly business class the crew will hang up your jacket for you." this is another way of explaining they keep you jackets safe and neat during your flight.
"When you fly business class the crew stow your jacket neatly for you." 飛行機のビジネスクラスに乗る場合、ジャケットが折り畳まれたり、くしゃくしゃにならないようにそれを掛けておいてもらえることを説明する表現です。 "If you fly business class the crew will hang up your jacket for you." こちらも、飛行中にジャケットを安全にきちんと保管してもらえることを説明する表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When I fly first class a flight attendant will hang my jacket up for me.

"When I fly first class a flight attendant will hang my jacket up for me." This is a special service that is given to First class customers. The flight attendant can also be called a crew member, flight crew, steward, etc. Hang up - In this case "Hang up" means to put your jacket in a place where it will not get wrinkled during the flight!
"When I fly first class a flight attendant will hang my jacket up for me." (ファーストクラスで旅行するとフライトアテンダントはジャケットを預かってくれます。) ファーストクラスの顧客に対する特別なサービスです。フライトアテンダントは 乗務員と呼ばれ、旅客機クルーやスチュワーデスなどと呼ばれます。 "Hang up" はこの場合、飛行中にしわが寄らないよう、ジャケットをある場所にしまっておくことを指します。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • When I fly on business class, a crew member usually takes and keeps my jacket for me during the flight.

  • When I fly business class, my jacket is usually taken away by a crew member to keep during the fight.

When you want to explain that when you take business class, crew members usually take and keep your jacket, which you get after the flight has landed; then you may explain this in the following ways: -When I fly on business class, a crew member usually takes and keeps my jacket for me during the flight. -When I fly business class, my jacket is usually taken away by a crew member to keep during the fight.
ビジネスクラスに乗ると、搭乗員がジャケットを着陸するまで預かってくれることは、次のように説明できます。 -When I fly on business class, a crew member usually takes and keeps my jacket for me during the flight. (ビジネスクラスに乗ると、普通搭乗員がジャケットを着陸するまで預かってくれます) -When I fly business class, my jacket is usually taken away by a crew member to keep during the fight. (ビジネスクラスに乗ると、普通搭乗員がジャケットを着陸するまで預かってくれます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • In business class a flight attendant will remove and hold my jacket for me while I am aboard the flight

"In business class a flight attendant will remove and hold my jacket for me while I am aboard the flight" 'business class' is the term for the highest class/seating/experience while travelling on an airplane. A 'flight attendant' is also known as crew member, someone who works on the airplane as assistance to the passengers. 'Aboard the flight' is referring to while you are travelling, 'aboard' to be on the plane.
"In business class a flight attendant will remove and hold my jacket for me while I am aboard the flight"(ビジネスクラスでは、客室乗務員が上着を預かってくれます) 'business class' は飛行機の最高クラスの客室のことです。 'flight attendant' は、"crew member"(乗組員)とも呼ばれますが、飛行機で乗客の手助けをする人をいいます。 'aboard the flight' は、飛行機に搭乗しているときをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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