"I am going to quit my job today."
You can say you are going to quit your job. This means you are going to leave your place of work.
"I am resigning today." the term "resigning" means you are going to leave your place of work.
" I am going to retire this week." This means that you will be leaving your place of work because of your age. Normally after 65 people stop working.
"I am going to quit my job today."
"I am resigning today."
" I am going to retire this week."
I'm going to hand in my letter of resignation today.
resign/quit - this means to willingly leave your place of employment
hand in your letter of resignation - a "letter of resignation" is a formal letter that you submit upon leaving the company. One way to say that you are quitting is to say that you are "handing in" this letter to your boss
resign/quit - 自分の意志で退職すること
hand in your letter of resignation - "letter of resignation"は退職届のこと。
To 'call it a day' is an expression used to signify that you will cease to continue this activity or relationship..If you call it a day, you decide to stop what you are doing because you are tired of it or because it is not successful.
"Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable."
Similarly, call it a night means "to stop something for the rest of the night," as in:
"One more hand of poker and then let's call it a night."
call it a day'とは、何かの行為や関係などを続けるのを終わりにすると伝えるのに使われるフレーズです。'call it a day'するということは、もうあきあきしてきたり、うまくいかないために、今していることをやめる決断をするということです。
"Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable."
同様に、'call it a night'は、「今夜はここまで、ここでお開き」というフレーズです。
"One more hand of poker and then let's call it a night."
1)I am quitting my job today!
2)I am going to leave my workplace today.
「今日で辞めるんだよね」決まっている未来の予定(be going to)を使った言い方です。※workplace: 職場。この場合、既に上司や会社には報告済みで辞めることが決まっていて、それを知らない同僚や友人に伝えるような状況で使うことができます。
3)番外編: I have put my resignation.
「今辞表を出してきました」現在完了形(have+過去完了形)の完了用法を使った言い方でフォーマルな表現です。※resignation: 辞職, resignation letter: 辞表。ちなみに欧米では"two weeks notice"(2週間前の通知)という暗黙のルールがあり辞職する時は2週間前までに上司に報告することになっています。その為この場合今日辞表を出した=職場を実際に離れるのは少なくとも2週間以上後になる、と解釈できます。
I've decided it's time to let go of this job as I need a change.
Today I'm giving notice and resigning from my job.
There are many ways to express that you are quitting your job. The simplest way of conveying this would to simply state ''I will quit my job today.'' You may also make use of many other wonderful expressions like;
I've decided it's time to let go of this job as I need a change.
Today I'm giving notice and resigning from my job.
It's time to move on and let go so I quit my job.
I will quit my job today.
I've decided it's time to let go of this job as I need a change.
Today I'm giving notice and resigning from my job.
It's time to move on and let go so I quit my job.
▪ I have decided to resign today.
"decided" is to make a decision of something that you want to do.
"resign" is to leave your job.
This sentence is saying that you have made up your mind and that you are going to leave your job.
▪ I decided to quit my job today.
"quit" is to give up.
This is saying that you are giving up on the current job because you feel it is not the job for you.
I have decided to resign today.
"decided" とは、自分のしたいように何かを決断すること。
"resign" とは、退職すること。
I decided to quit my job today.
"quit" とは、何かをやめること。
1)I've had enough of this job. I'm quitting.
I've had enough of something means that you don't want anymore.
2) I will resign from my job today.
Resign can also mean quit.
3) I'm walking out on this job today.
Walk out on something/someone means to leave.
1)I've had enough of this job. I'm quitting.
I've had enough of something とは、もうしたくないという意味です。
2) I will resign from my job today.
3) I'm walking out on this job today.
Walk out とは、何か、誰かが去るという意味です。