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クリスマスプレゼントの話をした時に 相手の家庭の状況を聞きたいです。
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2017/12/08 15:02
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  • What do your children want for Christmas?

  • What are your children asking Santa for Christmas?

  • What are your children getting for Christmas?

①What do your children want for Christmas? あなたの子供達はクリスマスに何が欲しいの? ②What are your children asking Santa for Christmas? あなたの子供達はサンタさんに何をお願いしているの? ③What are your children getting for Christmas? あなたの子供達はクリスマスに何をもらえるの? 他にはー ●What is Santa getting your children for Christmas? サンタさんはあなたの子供達に何をあげるの? こんな感じに聞くのもOKです。 アメリカでは、サンタクロースのことをサンタと呼ぶのが一般的です。 サンタさん宛にWish List(欲しいものリスト)を手紙形式で書く習慣があります。Nice(良い子)にしていることが条件なので、自分達がどれだけNiceにしているかをアピールします。 一人の子供に関して尋ねる際は、単数形になるので、 What does your child...? What is your child asking...? What is your child getting...? となります。 Child/Childrenの代わりに、男の子であればSon(s)、女の子であればDaughter(s)でもOKです。もし、お子さんの名前を知っていれば、お子さんの名前を入れて尋ねると、よりフレンドリーなニュアンスになります。 例えば― What does Charlie want for Christmas? チャーリーはクリスマスに何が欲しいの? What are Charlie and Kate asking Santa for Christmas? チャーリーとケイトはサンタさんに何をお願いしているの? What is Kate getting for Christmas? ケイトはクリスマスに何をもらえるの? What is Santa getting Emily for Christmas? サンタさんはエミリーに何をあげるの? クリスマスは夢があって良いですよね。 大人になっても「サンタさん」を信じる気持ちを持ち続けたいですね! 少しでもお役に立てれば光栄です。
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • Have the children mentioned what they would like for Christmas?

  • What would the children like for Christmas this year?

  • What would the kids like for Christmas this year?

Have the children mentioned what they would like for Christmas? What would the children like for Christmas this year? What would the kids like for Christmas this year? What are you getting the kids for Christmas? Is there anything the kids would like for Christmas? Can I get the children something for Christmas? What kind of gifts for the kids like for Christmas?
Have the children mentioned what they would like for Christmas? (子どもたちはクリスマスに何が欲しいと言っていますか) What would the children like for Christmas this year? (子どもたちは今年はクリスマスに何を欲しがっていますか) What would the kids like for Christmas this year? (子どもたちは今年はクリスマスに何を欲しがっていますか) What are you getting the kids for Christmas? (子どもたちにはクリスマスに何を買ってやるの) Is there anything the kids would like for Christmas? (子どもたちはクリスマスに何を欲しがっていますか) Can I get the children something for Christmas? (子どもたちは何かクリスマスに欲しがっているものはありますか) What kind of gifts for the kids like for Christmas? (子どもたちはクリスマスに何を欲しがっていますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • What do your kids want for Christmas?

  • What have your children been asking for this Christmas season?

Season can either mean a season like Winter, Summer, Spring, and/or Fall, but it can also refer to a holiday. For example: The easter season is always filled with bright colours and bunny decorations. Both "What do your kids want for Christmas?" and "What have your children been asking for this Christmas season?" are ways to ask other parents what their children have been asking for Christmas.
"Season" は春夏秋冬の「季節」に加えて、「休暇」も指します。 例えば: The easter season is always filled with bright colours and bunny decorations.(復活節の間はカラフルなデコレーションやイースターバニーの装飾でいっぱいになります) ---- "What do your kids want for Christmas?" "What have your children been asking for this Christmas season?" (子どもたちはクリスマスに何が欲しいと言っていますか) どちらも、子どもはクリスマスに何を欲しがっているかと親に尋ねる言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • What do your children want for Christmas?

  • What do your children want for gifts?

  • What would your children like for Christmas?

1)What do your children want for Christmas? 「子供達はクリスマスに何が欲しいの?」 3)What would your children like for Christmas?   * “would”を使うと丁寧な言い方になります。
  • What would your kids like for Christmas

  • What is on your kids Christmas list?

  • What do your children want for Christmas?

"What would your kids like", 'Like' is used rather than 'want', often seems politer to ask "What would you like?" rather than "What do you want?" "Christmas list" is a term used around Christmas time, the list is written out by children and includes what they would like for Christmas.
"What would your kids like" 'Want' よりも 'Like' が使われます。しばしば "What do you want?" よりも "What would you like?" の方が丁寧な印象です。 "Christmas list" はクリスマスの時期になると使われる言葉です。"Christmas list" は、子どもたちがクリスマスに欲しいものを書いたリストをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What are your children wanting for Christmas?

  • Do your kids know what they want for Christmas?

  • What are your children getting for Christmas?

What are your kids hoping for for Christmas? What would your kids like for Christmas? Do your kids know what they want for Christmas? Do your kids know what they would like for Christmas?
What are your kids hoping for for Christmas?(子どもはクリスマスに何を欲しがっていますか) What would your kids like for Christmas?(子どもはクリスマスに何を欲しがっていますか) Do your kids know what they want for Christmas?(子どもはクリスマスに何か欲しがっていますか) Do your kids know what they would like for Christmas?(子どもはクリスマスに何か欲しがっていますか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • What do your children want for Christmas?

  • What have your children asked for this Christmas?

At Christmas parents generally ask their Children what they want for presents as they are not always sure what to get/buy them so if you want to know what your friend's children have asked for then you would say 'What do your children want for Christmas?' or 'What have your children asked for this Christmas?'
クリスマスになるとたいてい親は子どもに何のプレゼントが欲しいか尋ねます。何を買ってやればいいか分からないからです。 友達の子どもが何を欲しがっているか知りたいなら、次のように言えます。 'What do your children want for Christmas?'(あなたの子どもはクリスマスに何を欲しいと言っていますか) 'What have your children asked for this Christmas?'(あなたの子どもはクリスマスに何を欲しいと言っていますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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