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お父さんが子供の前で汚い言葉を発する時 (言った時点ですでに子供たちは真似をしていますが)
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2015/11/27 21:13
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  • Don't say things like that.

  • The kids will copy you.

  • Don't say things like that or the children will start imitating you.

Don't say things like that. そういうこと言わないで。 The kids will copy you. 子供たちが真似するでしょ。 Don't say things like that or the children will start imitating you. そういうこと言うのやめないと子供たちが真似し始めるよ。 「真似する」は copy や imitate という言い方ができますね。 同じような意味の表現で次のようなものがあります。 Children see, children do. 子供は見て、子供は真似する。 子供は親を見て育つんですねえ。
Erik 日英翻訳者
2016/08/27 10:01
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  • Can you not use the word? I don't want him/her/them to copy you.

Can you not use the word?と言うと、「その言葉を使わないってことはできないの?」「お願いだからやめてくれる?」という意味になります。 I don't want him/her/them to copy you.=(子供に)真似してほしくないから。 子供が一人であれば、him/her/themの代わりに名前を入れてもOKです。
  • Please don't use those bad words otherwise the kids will pick it up.

  • Please don't use that bad word otherwise the kids will pick it up.

You can use this phrases in the singular (one bad word) or the plural (more than one bad word) sense: Please don't use those bad words otherwise the kids will pick it up. Please don't use that bad word otherwise the kids will pick it up. To pick it up - This means to copy or imitate something. I hope that helps!
相手の言った悪い言葉が、単数(1つの悪い言葉)の場合でも複数(2つ以上の悪い言葉)の場合でも、このフレーズを使うことができます。 (複数)Please don't use those bad words otherwise the kids will pick it up. (単数)Please don't use that bad word otherwise the kids will pick it up. pick it up - これは真似する、模倣するという意味です。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Don't swear in front of the children

  • Mind your language, the children are listening.

Bad language is called swearing in English so you could tell him "Don't swear in front of the children". In front of the children means that the children are present. In English we also ask people to "Mind your language" which means do not use bad language.
汚い言葉の事を"swearing"(罵り言葉/下品な言葉)と英語では呼びます。 ですので、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "Don't swear in front of the children". (子供の前で汚い言葉を使わないで) "In front of the children"とは子供がそこにいる前、と言う意味になります。 また、英語では次のようにお願いすることもありす。 【例】 "Mind your language" (言葉に気を付けて) これは、汚い言葉を使わないでください、という意味になります。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Don't say things like that while the kids are listening they will start imitating you.

This means that you do not want him to speak like that in front of the kids will start copying him. To imitate means to follow. For example: "Tom imitated Mary".
これは、子供が真似をするので、子供の前でこのように話して欲しくないと思っています。 「To imitate」は従うという意味です。 例文 Tom imitated Mary. トムはメアリーを真似しました。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Don't swear in front of the children

  • Not in front of the children!

  • I don't want to hear bad language in this house!

If your husband swears, you could say immediately, "Not in front of the children!" which is a standardform of censure meaning that what is being said (or done) is not appropriate to be seen or heard by children. Similarly, "I don't want to hear bad language in this house!" is expressing that you want to keep the house profanity-free.
もしあなたの夫が罵倒してきたら、すぐに、 "Not in front of the children!" (子供の前ではやめて!) こういうことができます。 これは、教育上子どもが聞くような内容の話ではないと、相手に訴える言葉です。 同様に、 "I don't want to hear bad language in this house!" (この家では悪い言葉は聴きたくありません。) も家でそういう言動を禁止したい意図が伝わるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Swearing in front of the children is very bad because they will start imitating you.

  • Please do not use swear words in the presence of the children sweetheart because they will copy what you say.

The noun 'swear word' means a word that is offensive and is usually used when someone is angry and can't properly express his/her anger. Some people have loads of swear words and habitually utter them even if they are not angry. When children hear such words, they quickly pick them up without knowing that they are swear words that should be avoided at all costs. So, if your husband has a habit of using swear words, you may say to him: Swearing in front of the children is very bad because they will start imitating you. or Please do not use swear words in the presence of the children sweetheart because they will copy what you say.
swear word' とは、侮辱的な言葉をいいます。これは、怒っている人が怒りをうまく表現できないときに使います。 人によっては 'swear word' を習慣的に、怒っていなくても使う人もいます。これは子どもが聞くと、使ってはいけない言葉だと知らずに、覚えてしまいます。 ですから、もし旦那さんが 'swear word' を頻繁に使うなら、次のように言えます。 Swearing in front of the children is very bad because they will start imitating you. (まねをするから、子どもの前では汚い言葉は使わないで) Please do not use swear words in the presence of the children sweetheart because they will copy what you say. (まねをするから、子どもの前では汚い言葉は使わないで)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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