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2017/12/18 02:48
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  • I am not really involved in that matter.

"その件に関してはあまり深くかかわっていません" は be involved in~(~にかかわっている)を使い、 I am not really involved in that matter.(really は much としても可) などとするのが、適切と思います。 (matter 件) ☆be involved in~と、in を使うのは、このように物事が続く場合で、 be involved with~ の場合は、with 以下に人が来る場合です。 例 I am not really involved with them. (彼らとはあまりかかわっていない) ☆be involved in~とbe involved with~が両方使われる場合もあります。 例・No one was involved with the criminal in the crime.(その彼の犯罪には、だれもかかわっていなかった・・・criminal 犯人 crime 犯罪) 参考になりましたら幸いです。
  • I am sorry I ma not in the position to answer that because I wasn't involved in the matter.

*I am sorry I am not in the position to answer that because I wasn't involved in the matter.- Sometimes it is always good too be honest if you do not know the answer to something. This means that since you do not know much of the matter you are not able answer the question.
*I am sorry I am not in the position to answer that because I wasn't involved in the matter. 「申し訳ないのですが、私は関与していなかったので、私はそれに答えられる立場ではありません」 答えが分からなければ、時には正直であることがよいこともあります。 これは、あなたがその事柄の多くを知らないので、あなたはその質問に答えることができないことを意味します。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I can't answer your question. I was not fully involved in this matter.

  • I was not much involved in this matter and can't really answer your question.

▪ Sorry I can't answer your question. I was not fully involved in this matter. "not fully involved" indicates that you were not much involved in the matter. To say "sorry" is to apologies because you can't answer the question. ▪ I was not much involved in this matter and can't really answer your question. This sentence indicates that you are not in a position to answer the question because you were not involved in the matter.
▪ Sorry I can't answer your question. I was not fully involved in this matter. (申し訳ありませんが、その質問についてはお答えしかねます。私はその件には深く関わっていませんでした。) ”not fully involved" と言うことでその件についてはあまり関わっていなかったと伝えられます。 ”Sorry "では質問に答えられないことについての謝罪の意を表しています。 ▪ I was not much involved in this matter and can't really answer your question.  (その件にはほとんど関わっていないので質問に答えることができません。) ここではその件に関わっていなかったので質問に答える立場にないと伝えています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I don't know much about this topic!

  • I'm sorry, I won't be much help, I'm not in that field.

If you are in a business conversation and you don't have any knowledge about what they are talking about - the topic- you could say you don't know much about the topic. It s polite to apologise and it also allows you to exit the conversation. You can also say that you are not in that field, this means that you don't work in that area of expertise.
あなたがビジネスの会話に参加していて、話題が何の知識も持っていないトピックである場合、 I don't know much about the topic. (そのトピックについてあまり知りません) と言うことができます。 謝罪する方が丁寧ですし、その会話を終了することもできます。 またはあなたはnot in that field(その分野に携わってない)と言うこともできます。 これは、あなたがその専門分野で働いていないことを意味します。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • "i'm sorry, i'm not that involved with this area".

  • "this is not my department, so I cant answer your question"

You could say "I can't really help you there, it's not my department. But I can direct you to the person or department responsible" or "I'm not really involved with these operations, but can direct you to the right department"
"I can't really help you there, it's not my department. But I can direct you to the person or department responsible" 私の管轄ではありませんのでお答えできませんが、そちらの担当の者におつなぎできます。   "I'm not really involved with these operations, but can direct you to the right department" 私はこちらの運営には携わっていませんので、管轄の部署におつなぎできます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I am very sorry, but I was not involved in that matter

  • I am sorry as I was not really involved in the situation

The word matter can be used to describe a subject or situation under consideration. For example: "A great deal of work was done on this matter" As it is a business situation that involves networking and building business relationships, it shows respect to open with an apology.
この"matter"とは検討中の話題や状況を表現する時に使うことが出来ます。 【例】 "A great deal of work was done on this matter" (この件に関してのかなりの仕事が終わりました) これはビジネスの状況で人脈形成やビジネス関係を作ったりするので、敬意を払って謝罪から始めるといいでしょう。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • 1. That's not really my area of expertise

  • 2. That question would be better directed to someone who is more up to speed on this topic than I am

  • 3. Sorry but i am not sufficiently up to date with that subject to give an informed answer

Explanation: The three sentences above are suggestions which may be suitable for any given scenario. To be up to speed with a topic means to be totally familiar wuth all the key aspects Example sentence: "Sorry, i don't feel sufficiently informed to be able to answer that."
3つの文がこの場合ぴったりくるでしょう。To be up to speed with a topic とは、そのことに精通している、よく知っているという意味です。 例文: "Sorry, I don't feel sufficiently informed to be able to answer that." すみませんが、そのことにお答えできかねます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know much about this matter.

  • I don't know much about this situation.

  • I don't know much about this issue.

We can use all three of these words interchangeably to mean the same thing. The words, "matter," or, "situation," would be more general in terms of the topic whereas, "issue," would have to do with some kind of problem if it was something regarding a problem at work.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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