世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/01/13 10:35
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  • Do you have wifi at home?

  • Can I use wifi at your place?

家にWifiありますか? あなたの家でwifiつかってもいいですか?
Tomomi I 英語講師
  • Do you have wifi at home?

  • Do you have access to wifi at home?

  • At home, do you have wifi?

"Do you have access to wifi at home?" If you ask someone if they have "access" to wifi at their home, it means: "Are you able to connect/login to wifi at home?" or "Do you have wifi at home?"
"have access to wifi"は「Wi-Fiにアクセスできる」という意味です。 ですから、"Do you have access to wifi at home?"は、 "Are you able to connect/login to wifi at home?"(家でWi-Fiにアクセスできますか) または、 "Do you have wifi at home?"(家にWi-Fiはありますか) という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Have you got wi-fi?

  • Do you have wi-fi at home?

  • Can I use your internet?

If you want to find out if someone has internet at home, you can ask them, 'Do you have wi-fi at home?' If you want to ask if you can use their internet, you can ask them, 'Can I use your internet?'
相手の家にインターネットがあるか確認したいなら、次のように聞けます: 'Do you have wi-fi at home?'(あなたの家にWi-Fiありますか?) インターネットを使ってもいいか尋ねたいなら、 'Can I use your internet?'(インターネットを使ってもいいですか) と聞けます。
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have WiFi available at your home?

  • Does your home have WiFi?

The two questions you see provided above are excellent ways to ask your friend if they have WiFi at their home. In the first sentence you will see the word available. This means something is ready to be used. This word is commonly used in both formal and informal settings. It will make a very useful part of your vocabulary.
上記どちらの例を使っても、友達に、家にWiFiがあるかどうか尋ねることができます。 一つ目の例には'available'という単語が使われています。'available'は「使用できる」という意味です。これはフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でもよく使われる単語なので、ぜひボキャブラリーに加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Is there Wi-Fi at your house?

  • Does your home have Wi-Fi?

  • Do you have Wi-Fi?

あなたの=your 家=house/home ありますか=is there?/does...have? 「あなたの家にWi-Fiありますか?」って言う質問は英語で”Is there Wi-Fi at your house?”か”Does your home have Wi-Fi?”になります。 例1を例2と比べると、語順だけが違います。意味は完全に同じです。 もっと気軽にこの質問を聞きたかったら、"home"を取り除いて、”Do you have Wi-Fi?”を聞けます。
  • Do you have wi-fi?

  • Have you got wi-fi?

Do you have wi-fi? Do you have wi-fi at home? Do you have wi-fi in your house? Have you got wi-fi? Have you got wi-fi at home? Have you got wi-fi in your house?
例文 Do you have wi-fi? (Wi-Fiはありますか?) Do you have wi-fi at home? (家にWi-Fiはありますか?) Do you have wi-fi in your house? (あなたの家にWi-Fiはありますか?) Have you got wi-fi? (Wi-Fiはありますか?) Have you got wi-fi at home? (家にWi-Fiはありますか?) Have you got wi-fi in your house? (あなたの家にWi-Fiはありますか?)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have Wi-fi at home?

  • Is there Wi-fi at your house?

Native speakers will say like this: “Is there Wi-fi at your house?”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Hey, do you have Wi-fi at home? B: Yes, of course! A: Can I please have the password? B: Sure, it's abc123. A: Thank you!
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言うでしょう: “Is there Wi-fi at your house?” (あなたの家にWi-Fiありますか?) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 以下、会話例です: A: Hey, do you have Wi-fi at home?(あなたの家にWi-Fiありますか?) B: Yes, of course!(はい、もちろん) A: Can I please have the password?(パスワード教えてもらえますか) B: Sure, it's abc123.(はい、abc123です) A: Thank you!(ありがとう)
Ned DMM英会話講師
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