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食堂ではなくいつもコンビニのパンを食べる英国人の同僚がいます。 彼に「なぜ食堂で昼食を取らないの?」と聞きたいのですが、Why don't you---?で質問すると提案しているニュアンスになっていまいませんか?
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masataka itouさん
2018/01/18 20:02
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  • Will you tell me why you don't have lunch at the cafeteria?

  • I'm wondering why you don't have lunch at the cafeteria.

Why don't you~と言う時は、理由を聞く時と 勧誘する時の両方があります。 Why don't you have lunch at the cafeteria? だと確かに、理由、勧誘の両方の意味に取れます。 言う時にWhyを強調して言えば、 おそらく理由を聞いているのだと 言うことは理解してもらえます。 (ただ場合によっては詰問しているように 聞こえるので、注意が必要です。) それよりは理由を聞くようにして Will you tell me why you don't have lunch at the cafeteria? 食堂で昼食を食べない理由を教えてもらえますか? と聞くか、 I'm wondering why you don't have lunch at the cafeteria. どうして食堂で昼食を食べないのかなと思っています。 と言えば、おそらく理由を言ってくれると 思います。 個人的にはI'm wonderingで聞くのが 無難な気がします。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Why don't you like to eat in the cafeteria?

  • Would you like to eat in the cafeteria with me?

  • Why don't we eat in the cafeteria together today?

Why don't you like to eat in the cafeteria? The person you are asking might be embarrassed about your question. And there really isn't a really polite way to ask this question if they feel afraid to tell you. However, maybe if you pose the question like the following examples then you make them feel like you would join them and they may just tell you why they don't like to eat there. Don't you want to go to the cafeteria so we can sit down to eat? Would you like to eat in the cafeteria with me? Why don't we eat in the cafeteria together today?
Why don't you like to eat in the cafeteria?(何で食堂で食べたくないの) この質問をされた相手はばつの悪い思いをするかもしれません。相手が話したがらない場合、この丁寧な聞き方というのはありません。ただ、次のように相手を誘うような言い方をすれば、なぜ食堂で食べたくないのか話してくれるかもしれません。 Don't you want to go to the cafeteria so we can sit down to eat?(食堂に行って一緒に食べませんか) Would you like to eat in the cafeteria with me?(食堂に行って一緒に食べませんか) Why don't we eat in the cafeteria together today?(今日食堂で一緒に食べませんか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • How come you don't eat in the caf?

This phrase is VERY informal and it is used mainly in London, England. To start with we use "How come," this is commonly used instead of "Why don't you," or "Why is it that;" both of which are very formal. Caf is also a shortened word for café of cafeteria. Another phrase you may be confident using is: You don't eat in the caf? why? At the end of the word Caf one would raise their voice indicating to the listener that it is a question. One would ask the full phrase with out any pause.
このフレーズは非常にインフォーマルです、主にイングランドのロンドンで使われます。 まず、"How come"(どうして)は "Why don't you" や "Why is it that" の代わりとしてよく使われます。"Why don't you" と "Why is it that" は非常にフォーマルです。 "Caf" は "Café" あるいは "Cafeteria" の省略形です。 次のように言うこともできます。 You don't eat in the caf? why?(カフェで食べないの?どうして?) これは、質問と分かるように最後の "Caf" のところで声を上げます。このフレーズはポーズを入れずに言います。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Do you not like the cafeteria?

  • Why do you eat at other places and not the cafeteria?

  • Why do you not like eating at the cafeteria?

This is a way of asking someone why do they not go to a specific place to eat. It could be because they have had a bad experience or they do not like the atmosphere or the menu.
これは特定の場所で食事をしない理由を尋ねる言い方です。 理由は、そこで何か嫌な経験をした、あるいはそこの雰囲気やメニューが好きでないということもあるかもしれません。
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you never eat in the cafeteria?

  • Do you not like the cafeteria?

If someone does not go somewhere or do something you might wonder why so you might ask 'why do you never eat in the cafeteria? this would give you a more detailed answer from the person you can also simply ask 'do you not like the cafeteria?' but this might only get you a yes or no answer
人がどこかに行こうとしなかったり何かをしようとしないと、どうしてだろうと気になるかもしれませんね。 例えば、次のように聞けます。 'why do you never eat in the cafeteria?'(なぜ食堂で食べないの?) こちらの方がより詳しく説明してくれると思います。 シンプルに次のように聞くこともできます。 'do you not like the cafeteria?'(食堂は好きじゃないの?) ただ、これだと単に「Yes」か「No」の答えになるかもしれません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • What's the problem with eating in the cafeteria?

  • Why don't you ever eat in the cafeteria?

To someone who never eats lunch at the cafeteria, and you want to ask them why they don't eat at the cafeteria, try one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Why do you never eat in the cafeteria?

This question is asking why a particular person never eats their meals in the workplace cafeteria, which sells food for lunch and other meals depending on the work schedule. Be careful when asking this question because the person who never eats in the cafeteria may have a private reason for their decision. Perhaps this person is on a diet as prescribed by a doctor or to lose weight. The person makes their own lunch because it is difficult to find the correct food in the cafeteria. This means it is a health issue, which is usually private and personal. Or perhaps this person would like to save money. It is usually more cost efficient to prepare your own lunches at home and bring them to work. If this person cannot afford the lunches in the cafeteria, they could be embarrassed if you ask them "Why do you never eat in the cafeteria?".
この質問は、なぜある特定の人が職場の食堂(ランチやそのほかの食事)で食事をとらないのかを尋ねるものです。 その人が食堂で食事をとらないのには、個人的な理由があるかもしれないので、この質問をするときには気をつけてください。  おそらく、医者から勧められたダイエットをしていたり、減量をしているのかもしれません。もしくは、食堂でその人に合った食事がないので弁当を作ってきているのかもしれません。これは健康面での問題なので、ほとんどの場合プライベートなものになります。   もしくは、その人は節約したいのかもしれません。家で弁当を作って仕事に持ってきたほうがコストもかかりません。もしその人が食堂でランチを買う余裕がないのであれば、 "Why do you never eat in the cafeteria?"(どうして絶対食堂で食事しないの?)と聞かれれば、恥ずかしい思いをするかもしれません。
Deb W DMM英会話講師
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