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2017/12/16 22:59
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  • Lunch

  • Dinner

  • Luncheon

In the UK, 'dinner' is the main meal of the day. In schools across the country you will hear repeatedly the midday recess referred to as 'dinner time.' However, confusingly, people may also refer to the evening meal as 'dinner.' So you need to look closely at the context to understand exactly which meal we are referring to! Another, more traditional and formal word for lunch is 'luncheon.'
イギリスでは、夕食がその日のメインの食事になります。学校では、昼休みを'dinner time'と言うこともありますが、紛らわしいことに、夕食のこともdinnerと言います。 ですので、文脈をしっかり理解することが大事です。また、昼食の形式ばった、古い言い方は、'luncheon'です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We eat lunch around noon.

  • In some parts of the UK we call our afternoon meal dinner and our evening meal tea.

  • I'm in rush but I need to grab a bite to eat.

The most common way to describe the meal we have in the midday is 'lunch'. However, in some areas of the UK we commonly call the midday meal 'dinner' and our evening meal 'tea'. If we want to say that we are going to have a quick meal or something quick to eat; we can say 'grab a bite to eat' this can be used in relation to all meals but most commonly for lunch.
昼間の食事の最も一般的な表現は'lunch'です。しかし、イギリスの一部の地域では、一般に昼間の食事を'dinner' 、夜の食事を'tea'と呼びます。 軽食をとると言いたい場合は、'grab a bite to eat'と言うことができます。これはあらゆる食事に関連して使用できますが、最もよく昼食に使用されます。
Sian DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

  • Dinner

Southern Britain usually call this meal lunch. Northerners most commonly call this mean dinner. The north and south have many different words meaning the same thing. Following on from meal time. The meal you eat in the evening is called dinner in the south and in the north they call it tea.
Following on from meal time. The meal you eat in the evening is called dinner in the south and in the north they call it tea.南イギリスでは通常、この食事のlunchと呼びます。北部人は一般的にこの食事をdinnerと呼びます。北と南にも、meal timeに続いて、同じことを意味する異なる言葉がたくさんあります。夜に食べる食事は南ではdinnerと呼ばれ、北ではteaと呼ばれます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

こんにちは。 昼食であるランチのことは「lunch」と言います。 ・朝食;breakfast ・夕食;dinner 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Lunch

  • Brunch

Lunch is a meal usually had around noon. Brunch, on the other hand, is a meal usually had before noon - it is sort of a combination between lunch and breakfast. For example, these terms can be used in a sentence in the following ways: -I will have my lunch a bit late today because I have a lot of work to do. -My friends and I have brunch plans at 11am. We are not going to eat breakfast and will probably not have lunch, so we're having brunch later.
Lunch は、通常正午頃に取る食事です。一方Brunchは、通常正午前に取る食事で、朝食と昼食を組み合わせたようなものです。例えばこれらの語は以下の文で使うことが出来ます。 例文 -I will have my lunch a bit late today because I have a lot of work to do. しなければいけない仕事がたくさんあるので、今日は昼食を少し遅く食べるつもりだ -My friends and I have brunch plans at 11am. We are not going to eat breakfast and will probably not have lunch, so we're having brunch later. 友人と私は11時にブランチを食べる予定だ。朝食を食べないし、おそらく昼食も食べないから後でブランチを食べるつもりだ
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

こんにちは。 「ランチ」は英語でも lunch と言います。 「昼ごはん」という意味です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 Have you had lunch yet? 「もう昼ごはんは食べた?」 I want to eat ramen for lunch. 「ランチはラーメンが食べたい」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Lunch

Lunch is the meal that you usually eat in the middle of the day, typically a few hours after breakfast. The best time to eat lunch is between 11:30am and 13:00pm. Eg. - I had lunch at 12:00pm yesterday. - I packed a sandwich for lunch today. - I would like to go to my favorite restaurant for lunch tomorrow.
Rudi DMM英会話講師
  • Lunch

  • Lunch time

The meal that one eats in the afternoon is called "lunch." It is common to have lunch at around 12pm to about 3pm for workers, although children who have lunch at school may have their lunch at about 10:30 or 11 am. The time when one has lunch is called a lunch break. Example: ☻ I'm having lunch with my boss today. ☻ I can't wait for lunch time.
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

The meal before dinner and after breakfast is called lunch. You will see that some people will skip breakfast and have lunch and have lunch and breakfast together. When you have lunch ad breakfast together it will called a "brunch"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

  • I usually eat lunch around 12 or one o'clock.

"Lunch" is the meal that is eaten at mid-day (around noon).
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • lunch

「ランチ」は英語では「lunch」と言います。 「lunch」は「昼食、ランチ」という意味の名詞です。 発音は日本語の「ランチ」とは少し違います。確認してみてください。 〔例〕 What did you have for lunch? →お昼(ランチ)は何を食べた? What are you having for lunch? →お昼(ランチ)は何を食べるの? I skipped lunch. →お昼ご飯(ランチ)を抜きました。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM EIkaiwa G DMM英会話
  • lunch

  • dinner

「ランチ」は英語で「lunch」と言いますが、イギリスの北部の人は昼食を「dinner」と呼びます。イギリスの給食は「school dinner」と言います。 I had pizza for lunch today. (私は今日のランチにピザを食べました。) I don’t need lunch. I’m not hungry. (私はランチいらないよ。お腹空いていない。) When I was at school, I had school dinners every day. (私は学校の頃、毎日給食を食べました。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • lunch

ランチは英語でlunchと言います。 例) I eat lunch at noon 私は12:00にお昼を食べる Let's have lunch sometime 今度ランチしよう! ランチバイキング lunch buffet ランチセット lunch special ご参考になれば幸いです
  • Lunch

  • Brunch (if eaten slightly earlier)

  • Dinner (southern USA)

The most common expression for the noontime meal is "Lunch" in most of the English speaking world. Sometimes, lunch is eaten slightly earlier with an increase in breakfast items and thus it is called "brunch" (literally, a combination of "breakfast" and "lunch"). In the southern US, however, and especially in the Deep South (the states that border the Gulf of Mexico plus Georgia and the Carolinas) lunch is referred to as dinner. What would otherwise be commonly known as dinner in the English speaking world (the evening meal) is referred to in the southern USA as "Supper."
Brayan DMM英会話講師
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