*Did you fly from Haneda?-This question can mean two things:
A:Did you fly from Cape town?
B:Oh no, I drove to Johannesburg and took my flight there.
A:Did you fly from Haneda?
B:Yes I flew from Haneda airport.
*Which airport did you take your flight from? -This is a direct and clear question.
*Did you fly from Haneda?
A:Did you fly from Cape town?
B:Oh no, I drove to Johannesburg and took my flight there.
A:Did you fly from Haneda?
B:Yes I flew from Haneda airport.
*Which airport did you take your flight from?
Which airport did you fly out from? - a clarifying question to see where someone flew from.
Did you fly out from the Haneda airport? - I used out both in this question and the pervious as a way to indicate leaving from an airport, as in she flew out from Salt Lake, and landed in LA.
Which airport did you fly out from?(どの空港から飛行機に乗りましたか)
- どの空港から飛行機に乗ったのか確認する質問です。
Did you fly out from the Haneda airport?(羽田から乗ったのですか)
- この質問にも上の質問にも、出発したことを表すため "out" という言葉を使いました。
She flew out from Salt Lake, and landed in LA.
If you have in mind the departure airport and just wish to confirm that, then the third sentence is thr most appropriate. The first two sentences just seek information about the (unknown) airport.
Most simple and straightforward example. Did you use Haneda? A better version uses question word which allowing person being asked to elaborate and give full explanation
Did you use Haneda?
If you are talking about travelling to somewhere then the place you leave from is called your 'departure area' so if you are travelling from an airport it would be called your 'departure airport'
If you want to know if they flew from a aprticular airport then you can ask 'did you fly from Haneda?' or if you want to know the airport they flew from you can ask 'what airport did you fly from?'
空港の出発エリアのことは 'departure area' と呼ばれます。ですから、飛行機に乗る空港のことは 'departure airport' と言えます。
'did you fly from Haneda?'(羽田から乗ったの)
'what airport did you fly from?'(どの空港から乗ったの)
To "fly in" from somewhere means to arrive on a plane from somewhere else. For example:
I flew in from Tokyo last night.
If you "fly through" somewhere, it means your flight stopped somewhere on the way to your final destination. For example:
My flight took off in Tokyo and flew through Kobe.
To get a "flight from" somewhere means that your flight takes off from somewhere. For example:
Do you have any flights from Osaka on Monday?
"fly in from" は「~から飛行機で来る」という意味です。
I flew in from Tokyo last night.
"fly through" は、その便が目的地に向かう途中どこか別の地点に立ち寄ったことを表します。
My flight took off in Tokyo and flew through Kobe.
"flight from" は「~を出発する便」という意味です。
Do you have any flights from Osaka on Monday?
Asking the question first then stating the name of the airport is also allowed. It gives you a chance to ask but also say what you assumed to begin with so the person you are asking can confirm.