アメリカではあまり[カレー](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36838/)ライス食べてないですね。[海外](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/55352/)で食べているもののことに話している時だけカレーライスに言及するので、それに日本語で英語の言葉を使って、直訳して「curry rice」と言います。でも、時々「curry and rice」も見たことあります。
British people love to eat Indian curry! We often go out for curry at the weekend.
If we have eaten curry and rice for dinner, we usually don't even mention the rice.
For example: "I had a curry last night." Our friends will assume we ate it with rice.
もし「夕食にカレーライスを食べた」と言うなら、普通イギリスでは 'rice' は言いません。
例えば:"I had a curry last night." こう言われたら、カレーライスを食べたんだな、と解釈します。
カレーライス=curry and rice ですが、海外で頼んだ場合日本のような
アジア圏などでは日本のカレーチェーン店など出店してるかと思いますのでその場合はcurry and riceで十分だと思います。
There is a lot of sauce in the picture so Brits would be very offended if you served this as a curry. Curry implies it will have lots of meat or vegetables or a combination of both but not just masses of sauce.
Rice and Curry .
Waiter : What food would you like to order?
Customer: I would like some curry and rice.
Waiter:Anything to drink?
Customer : No thanks,just a glass of cold water.
Rice and Curry .
Waiter : What food would you like to order?
Customer: I would like some curry and rice.
Waiter:Anything to drink?
Customer : No thanks,just a glass of cold water.
Japanese (adjective) - refers to the origin of the dish
Curry rice
This is made by topping cooked rice with curry sauce.
The curry sauce contains meat and vegetables.
A: What are having for supper?
B: Japanese curry
A: What is your favorite Japanese dish?
B: Curry rice
A: What is that?
B: It is curry sauce and rice.
Japanese (形容詞) - その料理の起源を表す
Curry riceカレーライス
A: What are having for supper?晩御飯はなに?
B: Japanese curry日本のカレーよ
A: What is your favorite Japanese dish?日本料理で好きなものはなに?
B: Curry riceカレーライス
A: What is that?それは何?
B: It is curry sauce and rice.カレーソースとごはんだよ
Runny = liquidy
'A curry' would traditionally include rice and a curry sauce with pieces of meat included. This is usually eaten with one's hands in India - or with a fork in the UK.
If there is a lot of liquid, then the sauce would be described as 'runny'.
My favourite food is curry and rice.
My Mum makes the most fantastic curry.
Curry is a traditional Indian dish.
My favourite food is curry and rice.(私の好きな料理はカレーライスです)
My Mum makes the most fantastic curry.(私の母のカレーは絶品です)
Curry is a traditional Indian dish.(カレーは伝統的なインド料理です)
日本の「カレーライス」は curry rice や Japanese curry などと表現できます。
curry だけだとインドカレーなどに解釈されてしまう可能性もあります。
Do you have curry rice here?